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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #15 (June)

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1 minute ago, Noldus said:

Se did it a lot today, 1437 with Kim in the shower 3.20
And in the shower 1717 with all the gils, and a lot under the bedroom show later on as you mention 

Yeah I thought so, I didn't even bother to watch the shower.  She can take those shitty tats and fake tits with her as well.

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1 minute ago, HappyChappie said:

For we know rlc is making more money these days than they did a few years ago. And I'd suggest that they get more subscribers from the shows all the girls do in all the apartments. Otherwise when all the Russian apartments where lost they'd have openned more apartments else where by now.

The assumption is that RLC make less money: Less viewers (the page view numbers go down almost constantly), lower Price (if they lose even more apartments, at some point they' re gonna have to give a Discount again). 

These shows are a bad joke. 

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33 minutes ago, rosey 1 said:

Since everyone seems to be focused on the camera this evening , maybe there will be more fun & games after dinner. That is if the guys don't object. They're the only 7 in the house....🤗

Does anyone really think that Osama Bin Rama and his sidekick are going to allow these girls to have any fun at all?  They have proven to everyone that fun is all about them...they fuck and get blown without reciprocation.  End of story. 

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8 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

They have proven to everyone that fun is all about them...they fuck and get blown without reciprocation.

This comment would make at least a shred of sense IF the guys were getting fucked and blown by other women and wouldn't allow their partners to do the same. That's not the case, so as with the majority of bullshit you post, this entire opinion is embarrassingly stupid.

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35 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

This comment would make at least a shred of sense IF the guys were getting fucked and blown by other women and wouldn't allow their partners to do the same. That's not the case, so as with the majority of bullshit you post, this entire opinion is embarrassingly stupid.

Diane is delightfully wasted...

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