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US General Domestic Politics #10 Begin 10/29/20

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The Democrat Attorney General of Pennsylvania is overseeing the counting of ballots in that state even though he is on the ballot running for reelection. Is that not a conflict of interest?  Why did the Governor of Pennsylvania not require the AG to recuse himself?:huh:

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31 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Legal voting has been stopped. But in Pennsylvania they are allowed to accept mail-in ballots through Friday if they are postmarked by Nov.3. But if the postmark is ineligible those ballots will be counted. Also, if the signature on the certification envelope of a mail-in ballot does not match the signature on the voter's registration records that ballot must also be counted.  

But when they have postmarks from Nov03 the vote took place on or before that date. So the voting stopped. Just sending and counting may take longer. Most likely because of Covid-19. 

About the matching signatures I am no expert there but I heard each state has own laws for that?

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1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said:

It's certainly our business when we have a moron running our country who listens to everything his pal Donald says...That, frankly, scares the shit out of me...as if there hasn't been enough shit in 2020!...😧

We have a PM who is the complete opposite of Trump and yet has the exact same narcistic personality as him...and we are a basket case of a country right now.  Oh ...but our guy will jerk you off while speaking nicely, has nice hair, a hipster beard, is woke and rich... so my bad.  Oh yeah...and on Friday lectured the country by saying that standing up for free speech is not acceptable when other groups are offended and that we must consider others feelings ...in reference to the attacks in France.  So basically justification for beheading someone.  Marcon was horrified...Trudeau was forced to clarify yesterday.  

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27 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The Democrat Attorney General of Pennsylvania is overseeing the counting of ballots in that state even though he is on the ballot running for reelection. Is that not a conflict of interest?  Why did the Governor of Pennsylvania not require the AG to recuse himself?:huh:

I heard he oversees it together with a republican woman. Pretty sure there would be already complaining by lawyers when it was only a democratic person supervising it. 

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2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

We have a PM who is the complete opposite of Trump and yet has the exact same narcistic personality as him...and we are a basket case of a country right now.  Oh ...but our guy will jerk you off while speaking nicely, has nice hair, a hipster beard, is woke and rich... so my bad.

PM with hipster beard? What country you mean?

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3 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

We have a PM who is the complete opposite of Trump and yet has the exact same narcistic personality as him...and we are a basket case of a country right now.  Oh ...but our guy will jerk you off while speaking nicely, has nice hair, a hipster beard, is woke and rich... so my bad.

Our PM hasn't nice hair...

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