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US General Domestic Politics #10 Begin 10/29/20

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8 minutes ago, SierraTM said:

Strange that we are now in a middle of a global pandemic and there is this 'strange requirement' (Note: THERE IS NO SUCH REQUIREMENT, IT IS JUST TRUMP & TRUMP FOLLOWERS SAYIN TRUMP'S THINGS) that requires all votes to be counted on election day when it is simply not possible!

So lets say for example if your vote is not counted on election day, is it fair then? Are you better off not voting at all?

All votes must be given time, especially when we are fighting a global pandemic, to be accounted for & counted. This is actually part of the whole democratic voting process!

The longer the counting process is drawn out the greater is the opportunity is for corruption.

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il y a 54 minutes, Ridgerunner a dit :

The longer the counting process is drawn out the greater is the opportunity is for corruption.

And this applies to both candidates, not just Biden. It does not mean if the votes counted after election day for Biden is rigged but if they are for Trump, they are not. And for fuck sake, you know that.

We or rather the American voters simply have to trust the process and let the vote count continue until all the votes are accounted for.

This is democracy, where every vote counts and thus every vote should be counted.

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6 minutes ago, stayaway said:

But you must adimt dear StnCld.he is also so tall and handsome. And Any woman can fall in love with him Oh so  ☺️charming😋

If killing someone ever becomes Legal in Canada he'd be the first to get the bullet.

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10 hours ago, Stormshaedow said:

You do realize that the US is not ruled by a single government? Each State has it's on government, with the Federal government governing the Federation of States. The people of each State gets to vote for who represents them with their State's (notice the possessive here...) electoral college representative. How each State's electoral college representative votes (whether based on over all popular vote, a collection of counties, etc...) is up to those States to decide. But they don't get to decide for each other State. I.E. Texas doesn't get to decide for Ohio, California doesn't get to decide for Wisconsin, etc...

If it went by popular vote, the States with the most people would get to decide everything for the States with the least. The electoral college was put in place to avoid exactly that.

Also, the US is not exactly a democracy... we're a Constitutional Democratic Republic. Kind of a Republic hybrid. We have democratic processes (i.e. each person gets to vote for their representative), but the representative's vote are who decide who gets to be President.

We have democratic processes (i.e. each person gets to vote for their representative), but the representative's vote are who decide who gets to be President.

Is it democratic, when all representatives of the state have to vote for the candidate that won the state? How can they accept that??

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13 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

If killing someone ever becomes Legal in Canada he'd be the first to get the bullet.

Oh i can't blame you if you do that as the canadian citizen. Even if that against law! but wish the second bullet should the next one would be get to SaintTrump's😋

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Once they wake up in DeKalb County, GA they can finish their tally and Biden will have his 6 Electoral College Votes to give him his required 270. They'll be doing a Recount in Wisconsin but for 20,000 Votes I highly doubt they'll find much discrepancy from the recount.

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