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Sina & Sky (2020) Part #1

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03.03 Sina got rough handled in the bathroom by pissed up Sky and that seems to have made her mind up to get out of there - mind you they made-up later after he went and then came backbut he was too pissed to realise that they had made up and the drink made him still angry. I guess it will be all loving-dovey tomorrow as she is hardly one to judge. lol 

Maybe they should name it real-life voyeur-house.tv as shit happens and no biggy.

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3 minutes ago, SWAKE said:

03.03 Sina got rough handled in the bathroom by pissed up Sky and that seems to have made her mind up to get out of there. I guess it will be all loving-dovey tomorrow as she is hardly one to judge. lol 

Maybe they should name it real-life voyeur-house.tv as shit happens and no biggy.

Yeah don't think sky is the gent he is made out to be but as you say, shit happens, the trouble is it happens all too often in this seedy world.

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1 hour ago, coolcucumber said:

Mill ?


1 hour ago, Robwin said:

Ok apartment then, just a uk saying for trouble at where ever it is happening.

The whole thing is just a sordid mess as many are.

trouble at t' mill

/ˌtrʌbl ət ˈmɪl/
/ˌtrʌbl ət ˈmɪl/
  1. a humorous phrase sometimes used by British people to refer to a problem, especially at home or at work. It is said in the accent of the people of northern England, especially Yorkshire or Lancashire, where there used to be many mills (= factories where cloth was made), and where the word 'the' is often not fully pronounced. The phrase suggests the idea that there were regular disputes between the workers in the mills and their owners.
Check pronunciation: trouble at t' mill
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