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B4 Girls & Couples On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #35 (December)

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6 minuti fa, HarleyFatboy ha detto:

Sì, so perché quando si tratta di Megan, ma tutto ciò che non va in tutti gli appartamenti di Barcellona oggi è a causa di N&B, quindi il primo a partire prima di Natale dovrebbe essere N&B & L&A!

Credo che se rimanessero soltanto N&B e L&A, almeno non avremmo piu’ spettacoli

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9 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Sì, so perché quando si tratta di Megan, ma tutto ciò che non va in tutti gli appartamenti di Barcellona oggi è a causa di N&B, quindi il primo a partire prima di Natale dovrebbe essere N&B & L&A!

Per quanto riguarda gli altri appartamenti, non credo sia colpa di N&B, andava male anche prima, gli spettacolo li hanno sempre fatti

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

I think if only N&B and L&A remained, at least we wouldn't have more shows

Unfortunately Mauri, N&B are all about the shows and I would think by you being a viewer you would have come to this conclusion by now.  Even in their old apartment back in goofy looking hat land Russia, they were all about the shows and that's why they had so many parties because all of their friends were probably just as much into the drug scene and they new they would end up putting on a show......just my .02 so take it for what it's worth!!

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3 minutes ago, LUCKY2962 said:

for me, couples must leave without exception, you have to bring in 2 F and 2 G singles, to have a quality program, it would be enjoyable

how are you going to determine what guys are to be brought in?  Are they going to go through a casting process where all the girls are going to see them and then ask them to strip and in the in the two with the best looks and biggest dicks get to come aboard the island?  I just think it's funny when anyone keeps saying that there needs to be guys living there!!

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4 minuti fa, HarleyFatboy ha detto:

Sfortunatamente Mauri, N&B sono tutti incentrati sugli spettacoli e penso che sono uno spettatore saresti giunto a questa conclusione ormai. Anche nel loro vecchio appartamento in Russia, in Russia, erano tutti incentrati sugli spettacoli ed è per questo che hanno fatto così tante feste perché probabilmente tutti i loro amici erano altrettanto coinvolti nella scena della droga e quelli nuovi che sono finiti per fare uno spettacolo. ..... solo il mio .02 quindi prendilo per quello che vale !!

Beh, ma non hanno mai avuto feste porno o nudiste come quelli di Barcellona, e 'solo Nelly ora che viene coinvolta in alcune situazioni di nudita', ma non e 'mai andata oltre, quindi se portassero ragazze “normali” non da soettacolo, non succederebbe  niente del genere,

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3 minutes ago, Mauri said:

As for the other apartments, I don't think it's N&B's fault, it was bad even before, the shows have always done them

Are N&B associated with RLC and I don't mean from a tenant standpoint?  If you answer yes, then they are the problem and the reason why is simple, if they have girls filling in the bedroom's keeping them from being empty, and girls that can all come from different apartments when they want to entertain, then that is all they care about and nothing else!!

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

Well, but they've never had porn or nudist parties like the ones in Barcelona, it's only Nelly now that she gets involved in some nudity situations, but she never went any further, so if they brought "normal" girls it wouldn't be a surprise, nothing like that would happen,

OK....it's your money, I'm just saying what I think and personally I don't think you are being critical enough.

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