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B4 Girls & Couples On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #35 (December)

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3 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Fammi capire una cosa adesso perché il mio cervello brucia carbone come diciamo nel mio paese. Non paghi ma ci sono (ci sono) persone che ti forniscono informazioni, foto, video o qualsiasi altra cosa e tu ottieni conclusioni a causa di tutto ciò per nessuno degli inquilini .. senza avere alcuna visione personale .. dici che non Mi piace guardare i ragazzi eppure, ora stiamo parlando delle ragazze che erano quasi nude e anche tu lo critichi in modo negativo .. perché lo stavano facendo di fronte ai ragazzi .. scusami ora, se tu sei in una spiaggia d'estate, ti offendi nel vedere donne quasi mezze nude, in topless o con i loro bikini brasiliani e vai da loro chiamandole troie o indossando qualcosa che si avvicina perché pregiudicano l'esposizione del pubblico? 


Se fossero nude in piscina come tante volte d'estate, avresti detto che sono troie perché prendono il sole accanto a uomini seminudi? 

Una ragazza tipo Ginger che al suo compleanno si e’ scopata, a turno ogni ragazzo che era li, e stava cercando anche di farlo con piu’ di un ragazzo insieme, quale nome vuoi associare a questo tipo di comportamenti? 🤔

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34 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I say it like it is and I don't sugar coat anything

No you don't you liar because if you REALLY said it how it really was, you'd tell everyone how overly obsessed you are with these girls instead of having to try to fool yourself and making yourself look like a fool saying how much you don't care about watching them. The REALITY is you needed to make a special thread just so you could have conversations with yourself about the girls after telling everyone that you was done posting here. Remember that? Remember when Noldus, who arguably is the most meticulous person here when it comes to following the women had to tell you that you should probably seek help due to your ridiculous obsession? Go ahead and tell THAT how it was.

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7 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Una ragazza tipo Ginger che al suo compleanno si e’ scopata, a turno ogni ragazzo che era li, e stava cercando anche di farlo con piu’ di un ragazzo insieme, quale nome vuoi associare a questo tipo di comportamenti? 🤔

Nobody is perfect .. I also didn't like ginger but at least she wasn’t shy at all to do whatever she wants whenever she wanted .. and because of trying to live her life in a house full of cameras she was characterized with so many adjectives .. but i forgot , she should be on her birthday with a nunny’s robe , reading the Bible and praying to Virgin Mary and the saints ... 


she exaggerated and that wasn’t the best ...but she didn’t care about anyone and she did whatever she wanted just for herself without caring for the comments .. I didn’t like it because  it was Ginger and I wasn’t attracted  by her ... if it was Amalia or Amira or Monica or Ariana or Serafima or Gina or Holly or Megan , I would simply say , “ can I have more please “ .. straight and sincere .. but look again , not for the cameras and the extra money but just  for themselves and whatever they were feeling to do for their birthday . 

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7 minutes ago, AmyAmyAmy said:

thread is 🔥 see how that works.

This is because we were accused by the guys who are ruling the Leora and Malia thread that we have nothing to comment there if it isn’t for the favor of the girls and unless it is praising them .. at least here , opinions vary and can be for the favor of the forum without getting confused or ironic laughs 😊☺️😌😇

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39 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

With some people it's like arguing with a brick wall, they will never change their mind or say you're right, you have it in your head that no matter what anyone says, you are not going to change your mind.  So really there is no point in beating this dead horse!!!

Said the dead horse!! You are perfectly describing yourself.

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39 minutes ago, AmyAmyAmy said:

why not fix them by teaming up with others and reporting the posts in waves then and when that isn't good enough, try creating a club and then you don't have to see it anymore. problem solved, right? if only you had something to offer other members here, i bet you could do it and then everything would be wonderful. problem solved! 

Oh Yo should stay in safe zone.Or do you just miss your the shadow land.☺️ I need you to be here and to being more  than past here. Not know what the reporting tool doing is right this moment? Ton of reports has been sent in just few minutes.😌


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44 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

With some people it's like arguing with a brick wall, they will never change their mind or say you're right, you have it in your head that no matter what anyone says, you are not going to change your mind.  So really there is no point in beating this dead horse!!!

I have not heard an argument yet. the best excuse that you came up with was that " you say it as it is ". and as we all know that's never a good excuse for being rude. 

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16 minutes ago, ddhm said:

This is because we were accused by the guys who are ruling the Leora and Malia thread that we have nothing to comment there if it isn’t for the favor of the girls and unless it is praising them .. at least here , opinions vary and can be for the favor of the forum without getting confused or ironic laughs 😊☺️😌😇

the point remains. it's the friction that makes threads hot. what cools them is when people, who think they are better then others hit the ignore button or the shun button or the let's run and create a secret club button. safety yields boredom for all and ruins a forum more then badspeak. it's all good! respect for people who can live in the real world and handle it.

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27 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Nessuno è perfetto .. Anche a me non piaceva lo zenzero ma almeno non era affatto timida di fare quello che voleva quando voleva .. e per aver cercato di vivere la sua vita in una casa piena di telecamere con cui era caratterizzata tanti aggettivi .. ma dimenticavo, dovrebbe essere il giorno del suo compleanno con una veste da nunny, leggere la Bibbia e pregare la Vergine Maria e i santi ... 


lei esagerava e non era il massimo ... ma non le importava di nessuno e faceva quello che voleva solo per se stessa senza curarsi dei commenti .. Non mi piaceva perché era Ginger e io no ' Non sono attratto da lei ... se fosse Amalia o Amira o Monica o Ariana o Serafima o Gina o Holly o Megan, direi semplicemente "posso averne di più per favore" .. diretto e sincero .. ma guarda ancora, no per le telecamere e il denaro extra, ma solo per se stessi e qualunque cosa si sentissero di fare per il loro compleanno. 

Non hai risposto alla mia domanda

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3 minutes ago, ooopel said:

Oh Yo should stay in safe zone.Or do you just miss your the shadow land.☺️ I need you to be here and to being more  than past here. Not know what the reporting tool doing is right this moment? Ton of reports has been sent in just few minutes.😌


hi ooopel! good point as always. 💋 no, i don't want to be there. 

Sneaking Out Daffy Duck GIF by Looney Tunes

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