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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 6

Guest Slipper Guyquad

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il y un 7 minutes, jimbo4 un dit:

Une question ..... demande-t-il à visiter les filles, ou les filles lui pose-elles?

La bonne réponse pourrait être intéressante.

Je ne peux pas répondre mais peut être lui de passage à Prague mais elle pensait pas  qui resterait 2 jours une supposition 

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44 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

A question.....does he ask to visit the girls, or do the girls ask him?

The correct answer could be interesting.

He usually tells them  what day or days he will be in town and the girls chat to make sure that's ok before leora gets back to him. 

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

A question..... does he ask to visit the girls, or do the girls ask him?

The correct answer could be interesting.

Both of course! She was wanting him to visit this time, for sure.

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I'm pretty sure the dude has a thing for Leora, both girls know this as the bed incident wasn't the only time he got caught looking at Leoras arse (Malia caught him the night before when she was cleaning up the glass). He's not a bad looking dude so he probably thought there may be a chance he could get a sniff but after last night he seemed to have got the message that he's not gonna get any from either of the girls.

The way I see it, Leora is very good at stringing men along but is still infatuated with Paul so won't do anything until they're broken off completely which he doesn't seem to want to despite allegedly having another girlfriend(?) or he'd tell her to stop phoning/texting him (yes I know he has the dog but I believe that's more of an excuse to talk to him).

There is a reason the term 'friend zone' exists and this guy has wandered into it and also the alleged 'boyfriend' that Leora has is in as well, she should be named 'queen of blue balls'.

All in all, I don't think we'll see him again.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad

So for some bizarre reason, Leora decided that HE is the solution to a problem that didn't even exist!

Big presentation for the first night! OOH, who could it be!! And it turned out as predicted to be Douchebag, the usual Dickhead. And she was pissing her sides laughing at us.

Last night, the next stage of the idea - Get on the bed instead of the couch! Bingo! And she was definitely laughing at us all here, that's fact.

But guess what? It didn't work. The viewcount went down, not up!!. Because nowhere near as many want to see a gormless cretin sandwiched in between our girls. And to create a situation where even if they wanted, the girls can't do anything either themselves or together - The guy is one big chastity belt! But this is what SHE wants!

But expect this to keep happening......From all your real fans, thanks for giving us this massive F.U! Cheers Leora! 🤬

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5 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

So for some bizarre reason, Leora decided that HE is the solution to a problem that didn't even exist!

Big presentation for the first night! OOH, who could it be!! And it turned out as predicted to be Douchebag, the usual Dickhead. And she was pissing her sides laughing at us.

Last night, the next stage of the idea - Get on the bed instead of the couch! Bingo! And she was definitely laughing at us here, that's fact.

But guess what? It didn't work. The viewcount went down, not up. Because nowhere near as many want to see a gormless cretin sandwiched in between out girls.

But expect this to keep happening......From all your real fans, thanks for giving us this massive F.U! Cheers Leora! 🤬

I personally had a great night with my needles and paint...wasn't disappointed at all, all went as planned. Perfect Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.....😂😂

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 mais elle est toujours amoureuse de Paul, donc ne fera rien tant qu’ils ne sera pas complètement rompus, ce qu’il ne semble pas vouloir faire malgré avoir prétendument une autre petite amie (?) ou il lui dirait d’arrêter de lui téléphoner / lui envoyer des SMS (oui je sais qu’il a le chien mais je crois que c’est plus une excuse pour lui

Elle a reçu deux appel sur skype un ce matin et un vers 16.h 30 mais elle etait pas la ce matin et ce après midi c’est peut etre Paul elle verra les appels au retour peut être

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