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US General Domestic Politics #12 Begin 12/12/20


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President Donald Trump has continued to hold out false hope that the 2020 presidential election could be overturned — and has an enemies list of Fox News personalities who didn’t go along with his conspiracy...


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President Donald Trump has lost the popular vote by more than 7 million votes, lost the electoral college by 74 votes, and lost 59 of 60 election-related court cases filed on his behalf. Despite this, reports the New...


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The German magazine Der Spiegel published a 3,300-word piece which assessed Trump's eventful 2020. It wasn't complimentary.

Please allow me to put this up again.


"... nothing is normal under Trump. Instead, he speaks of massive electoral fraud, although there is no evidence for it.

Trump's presidency ends as it began. Without decency and without dignity."

This fucking clown can't even graciously concede defeat & get the fuck out of the mess he created.

Instead, he chose to speak about fraud so that he can continue to raise money from those dumb asses who still believe in his lies.

If you have money to give to his scandalous scam, why don't you donate to America's Charities Coronavirus Response Fund or Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses instead?

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After Joe Biden is sworn in the truth of his corrupt overseas business dealings will start being revealed by the news media when Barack Obama gives the okay to toss Joe under the bus to make way for Obama's puppet Kamala Harris. Notice how the vast majority of Biden's appointments to his administration are Obama administration retreads? That's because the decision about who will be in Biden's Admin. are not being made by Biden. The decisions are being made by Obama people in Biden's transition team. Joe is just a temporary placeholder for Kamala Harris. 

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16 hours ago, Thestarider said:

He is an American Stone, through and through, New York born arrogant asshole, but he will do what all Presidents do, he will have the Bidens to white house and make the normal transition of power. He lost the election whether it was rigged or not. It was a different election with well over 25 million more votes than the last election, and he too received almost 11 million more votes more than he received last time. Probably will not see that kind of voter turnout again in my lifetime. I guess what gets me is that President Elect Biden received 12 million votes more than the silver tonged devil himself President Obama.

Trump has in practice conceded the election, he started the transition team with the Biden staff a few days after the result was clear. People have to stop taking too seriously what this guy is saying (or should I say spewing), and look at what he is actually doing instead. That goes for his whole presidency.

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9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Any Republican is better than a liberal progressive socialist Democrat.

He is a Democrat, you are right about that. But there is nothing progressive nor socialist about Joe Biden.

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il y a 12 minutes, ed2 a dit :

Trump has in practice concided the election, he started the transition team with the Biden staff a few days after the result was clear. People have to stop need taking too seriously what this guy is saying (or should I say spewing), and look at what he is actually doing instead. That goes for his whole presidency.

Is it a typo? Do you mean conceded?

If you are trying to say he has conceded the election, then nope he has not.


President Donald Trump said he’ll relinquish power if the Electoral College affirms Joe Biden’s win, but he signaled he may never formally...

President Donald Trump said he’ll relinquish power if the Electoral College affirms Joe Biden’s win, but he signaled he may never formally concede defeat, and may skip the Democrat’s inauguration.

In his exchange with reporters on Thanksgiving, Trump was pressed on whether he would ever acknowledge defeat, and said it would “be a very hard thing to concede” -- even if the Electoral College confirms Biden’s victory.

“If they do, they’ve made a mistake,” he said. “This election was a fraud.”

A true loser would never admit to losing.

If he had graciously concede defeat & sent his congratulations to Joe Biden, then I believe at least 20% of those who voted against him would think better of him as a person.

Unfortunately, you and I know what happened.

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