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US General Domestic Politics #12 Begin 12/12/20


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Today the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court admitted the reason they refused to hear the Trump election lawsuit is because he was afraid the thugs on the left would riot in the streets if the Court took up the case. So if the Democrats want the Supreme Court to rule in their favor all they need to do is threaten riots by ANTIFA and BLM if the Court doesn't do what they want.

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"Sleepy Joe" when he was vice president was able to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating the business that Hunter Biden worked for in the Ukraine, so he shouldn't have any problem getting the U.S. prosecutor investigating Hunter fired when Joe becomes president. Plus, the news media will help Joe cover up his obstruction of justice.

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I love it when lefty celebrities demonstrate how fucking ignorant they are. Whoopie Goldberg said that Dr.Jill Biden is so brilliant that she should be appointed U.S. Surgeon General. Whoopie is so fucking dumb that she didn't know that Jill Biden was not even an M.D. :tongue:

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On 12/17/2020 at 11:15 AM, O_U812 said:

You don't know where I live or what I see.  Are you so pompous that you honestly think you have the inside track to my life.  Fuck dude, you don't even know my fucking name.  

Uh golfer06--you are his alter ego 😏

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I love it when lefty celebrities demonstrate how fucking ignorant they are. Whoopie Goldberg said that Dr.Jill Biden is so brilliant that she should be appointed U.S. Surgeon General. Whoopie is so fucking dumb that she didn't know that Jill Biden was not even an M.D. :tongue:

Hate to tell you this, Ridge, but Dr. Jill Biden DOES hold a Doctorate degree. You don't have to be an M.D. to hold a Doctorate. She holds hers in Education. 

Bashing Biden's wife is like bashing Trumps wife. Just because certain sectors of the population hate an individual, doesn't mean their wives are of the same caliber.  Jill Biden is an extremely intelligent woman. It's her husband that is beginning his early stages of dementia.

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24 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

Hate to tell you this, Ridge, but Dr. Jill Biden DOES hold a Doctorate degree. You don't have to be an M.D. to hold a Doctorate. She holds hers in Education. 

Bashing Biden's wife is like bashing Trumps wife. Just because certain sectors of the population hate an individual, doesn't mean their wives are of the same caliber.  Jill Biden is an extremely intelligent woman. It's her husband that is beginning his early stages of dementia.

That was not his point. He was bashing Whoopie, not Jill Biden.  His point was that Whoopie Goldberg thought that because Jill Biden had a Dr. in front of her name, she was qualified to become the Surgeon General.

Read his quote again

I love it when lefty celebrities demonstrate how fucking ignorant they are. Whoopie Goldberg said that Dr.Jill Biden is so brilliant that she should be appointed U.S. Surgeon General. Whoopie is so fucking dumb that she didn't know that Jill Biden was not even an M.D.

She cannot because she was/is not a M.D. (medical doctor) or a physician.


In order to become the Surgeon General, an individual must first become a licensed physician.

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