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B4 Girls & Couples On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #1-a (January)

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Just now, Mauri said:

You're a broken record, you always say the same thing, if they don't have sex you say it's boring, cut the crap

Bullshit. I think exactly the opposite and have already written it many times and even looked up an example for you.

You want to twist my opinion and put words in my mouth. That is unacceptable.

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1 minute ago, Alladino said:

Cazzate. Penso esattamente il contrario e l'ho già scritto molte volte e ho anche cercato un esempio per te.

Vuoi distorcere la mia opinione e mettermi le parole in bocca. Questo è inaccettabile.

Dopo che holly ha scopato, hai detto che lei e’ perfetta perche’ si adatta al progetto e porta la vita privata in casa, lo hai detto anche con Gina, queste sono le tue parole, non le mie, quindi la vita privata per te e’ solo portare a casa qualcuno e scoparlo, se non lo fanno, allora sono tutti spettacoli falsi e non si adattano al progetto perche’ lasciano la vita privata fuori dalle telecamere, dimmi tu se non sei incoerente!?!

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5 hours ago, coolcucumber said:

Holly Noooo, why you had to do sex with the least person i like in RLC in boytoy ?? You were better than that FFS

LMAO you are surprised by the slutty side of Holly...WTF!!!  It doesn't surprise me at all to read where the drug pushing parasite had sex with an easy drugged up target in Holly.  Holly is a waste IMO and her true slutty side showed up!!

5 hours ago, ddhm said:

I don’t like this guy and actually  don’t know why , maybe because in my mind he isn’t for sure any better than many of us here but still he manages to be around these hot women ( I just spoke about jealousy then , hmm 🤨🧐 ) .. when he was first at B2 with Amira , Amalia , Milena and Monica , I made a comment already since Day 1 , that since he is around , he will for sure have another one .. they all laughed and named him toyboy and whatever negative adjectives .. but it is so obvious that this guy has a way with women .. he makes them laugh easily , it doesn’t matter to them and also to him if he is presented as goofy .. With this stupid 2020 that we had , laughter can bring a tone of optimism and fun , and automatically he earns the right to be on the company as he brings good vibes . The cause justifies the means 😉😉 there he is , having sex with one of the most gorgeous ever participants , the participant that a good friend recently said “ who doesn’t like Holly ? Everyone loves and likes Holly “ .. so , mister Daniel the Floppy put the glasses to all of us today but also through him , everyone here can easily believe that can have anyone as long as he has the right approach to the respective flirts ☺️😌😇😉

You are by far the most delusional person I think I've ever known.  Even your virgin ass could get laid is you packed all the drugs into these girls that he has.  There is nothing about him that these girls like but the drugs and with that and a little time for the drug to take affect, you have a girl that I liked until tonight after reading that she gave in to that idiot!!

5 hours ago, wooders78 said:

he does have a way with women, its called cocaine

Exactly and that's all he's got as far as women are concerned!!

5 hours ago, bluewinner said:

Holly & Daniel's sex was hot. they make a good couple. good thing is that he decided to attend B4's new year party instead of B2. 😋 

I'm sure it was earth shattering...........NOT!!


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Just now, Mauri said:

After holly got laid, you said she is perfect because she fits the bill and brings her private life into the house, you said that with Gina too, those are your words, not mine, so private life for you is just bringing someone home and fucking them, if they don't, then they are all fake shows and don't fit the bill because they leave their private life off camera, you tell me if you are not inconsistent!?!!

The difference between the party yesterday and the bullshit shows is very obvious. People had real fun that didn't end shortly after prime time was over.

There was no half naked dancing, no pseudo lesbian events and the only sex was in a bedroom away from the others.

BTW, I also liked to watch the party in Masha place, even though there was no sexual event there at all. 

If you want to discuss B4 or RLC in general, you' re welcome. Just stop putting words in my mouth. Your way of twisting my words to make it into wrong opinions is really sickening

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2 hours ago, coolcucumber said:

Holly's expression is giving me vibes that deep inside she regrets it ??

LOL as she should!  I no longer care about Holly as she has shown me that she is just another party favor!!

2 hours ago, Alladino said:

At a normal party with more people, he would not have had a chance with Holly.

RLC should have just had some better alternatives in the cast. for Holly to find someone in her league. 

LMAO how many people need to attend a party for him not to have a chance with a coked out slutty girl??

2 hours ago, bluewinner said:

He is not a bad guy, he is rather good looking and as far as I remember he was always nice to Olivia when he was with her. The only weakness that he had was letting B2 girls Humiliating him for their shows.  

but you are not into guys I thought, in bold tells me differently!!


2 hours ago, Alladino said:

I have nothing against the guy. On the contrary, I find it good that yesterday at least a few male visitors were there. 

At the same time, however, it has to be said that Holly simply plays two leagues higher than he does. RLC need guys with the qualities of guys like Bodgan but still single.  

Please explain to me where you think Holly is all that!  Guys like that fake ass Bogdan....gimme a fucking break.

2 hours ago, moreau said:

Holly slept with Daniel to get revenge on Bogdan (who doesn't want to) and Curly (to show him that she doesn't give a fuck about him) .... I don't believe for a moment what I'm saying but I will do anything to make her look like a saint .... do like me  

No thanks

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