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US General Domestic Politics #1 Begins 01/01/21.

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3 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Actually Ridge, Trump made Canada and Mexico public enemy numbers one and two.  Pretty much the only factory jobs Trump actively fought for were auto, steel and aluminum. He threw Canada and Mexico under the bus by doing it.  True, he was after higher wages in Mexico and got them... a good thing, but making Canada the scapegoat like he did, pales in comparison to anything he said or did about China.  Canada even arrested a key Hawaui executive at the request of the state department (Trump) and severely pissed of China.  Trump did nothing to help or "have our backs".  So Trump can go fuck himself and hopefully live the lonely isolated life he deserves.

Having said that, the Democrats will be just as bad, but at least they will jerk Trudeau and the Liberal elites off, while sticking a knife into their backs. 

since you admit what an asshole trump is why do you keep sticking up for him?

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9 hours ago, golfer06 said:

most of that is not true. you have heard what you wanted to hear while ignoring reality.

You are blind to seeing reality, deaf to hearing other points of view, and too dumb to understand. 

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5 hours ago, golfer06 said:

In the wake of Wednesday's violent attack on the U.S. Capitol incited by President Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers who opposed the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, a...


If they impeach Trump again does he get a trial where he is allowed to defend himself or are Nancy Pelosi and and Chuck Schumer just planning on conducting an impeachment lynching where there is no hearing and no trial. What they are really trying to do is make sure Trump is ineligible to run for president again in 2024. Sane people can see that this is a joke. There are 12 days left in Trump's presidency. Does any sane person actually believe that the House can hold an impeachment hearing, vote to impeach, hold a trial in the Senate and then vote to remove Trump from office all within 12 days?

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51 minutes ago, happyone said:

You are blind to seeing reality, deaf to hearing other points of view, and too dumb to understand. 

Und Du ? Wichser, gehe in den Keller und weine. 😁 Nie eine sachliche Info von Dir - nur boshafte Hetze - nach Ami-Art. 😒

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What Nancy Pelosi and a bunch of other swamp dwellers in Washington, D.C. really fear is that President Trump will declassify documents before he leaves office that will reveal all the corruption that has been taking place in Washington D.C. for years. They also fear that Trump will pardon someone like Julian Assange who then would be free to reveal more information about people like Hilary Clinton and other members of the swamp.

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14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

If they impeach Trump again does he get a trial where he is allowed to defend himself or are Nancy Pelosi and and Chuck Schumer just planning on conducting an impeachment lynching where there is no hearing and no trial. What they are really trying to do is make sure Trump is ineligible to run for president again in 2024. Sane people can see that this is a joke. There are 12 days left in Trump's presidency. Does any sane person actually believe that the House can hold an impeachment hearing, vote to impeach, hold a trial in the Senate and then vote to remove Trump from office all within 12 days?

Guten Morgen Bubi. Du hast wieder schlecht geschlafen ?? Deine Phantasien um den Dummkopf von Trump zu schützen lassen Dich nicht los. Vergesse diesen Idioten - oder Du wirst noch mehr krank, als Du ohnehin schon bist. Fuck the Trump ! 😁

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12 hours ago, golfer06 said:

I have yet to see this brought up, but let’s be clear about what Trump very likely hoped these insurrectionists would do. Reports of two explosive devices being found show that the rioters planned (they...


A photo of a bunch of ANTIFA members.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

If they impeach Trump again does he get a trial where he is allowed to defend himself or are Nancy Pelosi and and Chuck Schumer just planning on conducting an impeachment lynching where there is no hearing and no trial. What they are really trying to do is make sure Trump is ineligible to run for president again in 2024. Sane people can see that this is a joke. There are 12 days left in Trump's presidency. Does any sane person actually believe that the House can hold an impeachment hearing, vote to impeach, hold a trial in the Senate and then vote to remove Trump from office all within 12 days?

Impeaching now would be senseless. By the time they get things lined up Trump will be out of office.

All they need is to have Mike Pence grow a set and invoke the 25th Amendment and declare Trump is no longer fit to hold office.  Pence always wanted to be a President so here's his chance to be #46 even though it would be very short lived.  I highly doubt Trump would ever resign from office.

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