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US General Domestic Politics #2 Begins 01/14/21.

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Ok it's time to break Ridgerunner's claims.

400,000 Covid dead

Increased the unemployment rate from 4.8 to 6.7%

Contined the myth of "trickle down economics" by giving tax cuts to the rich

Increased national debt by over 7 trillon

Budget deficit of $3.1 trillon

Trade war cost over 300,000 jobs

Lost the trade war with China, with trade deficit up over 25%

Foregin investment fell because of the trade war

Dow rose 57% under Trump. It rose 73% in Obamas first term and 108% in Clintons first term

No popular vote victories

Biggest popular vote loss in history

Lost the White House, Congress and Senate

Two impeachments

Zero health care plans

Over 300 days on the golf course

yeh, he was great.....

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You do realize, of course, that before repetitive sound bites there existed longer, worthwhile discussions, well engineered essays, and yes, even novels that could last for days. I think the way that Internet hits are counted is an indication that higher technology is trying to shape people's concept of reality, and therefore control it. That's OK -- CC needed higher Google statistics.

Hit point counts are now everything. Sites that mimic and copy other successful sites will then develop. Just like movies in Hollywood are made. Nobody will take a chance of doing what is new and innovative -- all sites will follow the general persuasion of the Internet.

Anything different will be destroyed. "Can you say Parler, Timmy? Can you say freedom of speech? Sure, I knew you could. But I have something I knitted for you! It's called re-education camp! And we'll have fun there. President Bill will be our neighbor since Jeff is gone. Won't that be fun, Timmy?

I killed my FB account obviously. And Amazon Prime.

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19 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Sorry, many words no concrete correct information.

1. The usa and little England are militant predatory states in history.

2. England cannot survive on its own without the EU or the help of the USA. 51st State of the USA?

3. Due to its unsuccessful colonial policy, England is responsible for conflicts in the Middle East due to arbitrarily drawn borders.

4. The criminal USA alone is responsible for millions of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. The criminal USA takes no responsibility for the refugees and leaves them to the EU and Germany.

6. This makes the criminal USA an anti-social and inhumane rogue state - with denial of its own climate criminals.

7. 2% of GDP for armaments is a joke. This includes costs for consequential damage caused by the US aggression in Iraq. As a humane state, Germany pays billions of euros for the US-initiated refugees, which the irresponsible USA saves. Each euro can only be spent once. So we can't buy lousy US weapons anymore.

8. A lie. 99% of the refugees want to go to Germany and stay here. Nobody wants to go to stinking medieval England.

9. The Nordstream 2 gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea, past Poland and Ukraine, is good for Europe and Germany. That means no dependence on Russia, a European state. The US only wants to sell its environmentally harmful fracking gas to Europe. You can blow it up your ass - and set it on fire. Alleluia. 😁  😁

10. I haven't read a word from you about how you want to deal with the US-generated refugees. The people are there now. Do you want to let them die like the idiots from the PISS party in Poland or the fool from Hungary? This is inhuman and perverse. Are you really that asshole ??? 😒 😒 😁

I guess it depends how far back you wish to go in history to define a predatory state or whether doing so is of any use. Unfortunately Germany has a history draped in violence and war that caused virtually the whole of Europe to reach refugee status. It's estimated 75-80 million people died as a result of World War 1 & 2. 3% of the entire worlds population!!! A predatory state on a scale never seen before or since!!!!

Time will tell whether the UK can prosper without the EU. I think with our leadership in Science, Finance, the rule of Law, our timezone and freedom to make decisions without negotiating with 27 states who all want different things will mean we will be fine. The UK finally paid its war debt to the USA on 31 December 2006 after amassing a war debt of £21 billion!!!! We honour our commitments and pay our debts. We have trade agreements with a huge number of countries already and do not sell our souls or turn a blind eye to the lawless genocide occurring around the world to simply gain economic advantage. We even have a deal with the EU!!!! Those generous people of Brussels tried to screw us as usual but in the end Germany quite likes selling their cars to us!!!! During our 45 years in the EU the UK paid in over £500 billion. Only Germany and the UK paid anything!!!! As for the 51st State I personally would welcome such a move. Maybe we could bring some sanity to the other 50 States!!!!!

I would agree the Middle East was badly handled following the war years. However I do recall that the Middle East has been in conflict with itself for Thousands of Years. Jesus Christ had a bit of a tough time I hear!!! Judaism, Christianity and Islam have conflicted throughout their history. If you have the answer to that problem I would love to hear it!!!!!

2% of GDP was a commitment by Nato allies. An agreement freely signed which should be honoured. A simple commitment. The EU could always buy military equipment from France who sell arms? Perhaps the EU could support the US in trying to prevent Iran and North Korea obtaining nuclear bombs? As good citizens of the world the EU surely benefits from avoiding nuclear war!!! 

As for solving the refugee crisis I made the point that the UK spends Billions in Syria itself in an effort to prevent people leaving their own countries. This is the only way to solve the crisis. Rebuild their economy and they can stay at home!!!! Simply inviting them to enter a new country is not the best way. By the way the UK is and always has been hugely generous with spending on aid. Only the US and Germany spend more but as a percentage of GDP the UK is first alongside Germany with the US being the lowest of the wealthy world.

Stinking medieval England???? Really? Have you ever been to the UK? I love visiting Germany which is a great country but I live in God's chosen country. The birthplace of the modern world, modern democracy where healthcare is free to everyone (including anyone from anywhere in the world as I know the UK health system has no system of payment collection from foreigners), plus Free education!!! It's diverse landscape and deep history makes it one of the most visited nations on earth. Even refugees (economic migrants) risk their lives crossing the Channel to reach medieval England!!!!!!

As for Climate change the UK is leading the way with renewable energy now dominating our supplies. The UK only contributed 2% to global warming before all international agreements to lower carbon use. It is trying to reduce that to zero as quickly as possible. That's despite the fact we are an Island of Coal, Oil and Gas!!!!! Siemens is doing a great job supplying thousands of Wind Turbines for UK use. A great German company by the way.

If we chose to ignore Climate change we would never need to import any fuel or depend on rogue states for gas!!! Maybe Germany should try Nuclear Power again. With France full of Nuclear energy plants Germany is still vulnerable to nuclear fallout if another Fukushima were to happen. Don't Panic!!!!!








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22 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Ok it's time to break Ridgerunner's claims.


I remember there was a time when China, Taiwan, Indochina and Australia faced occupation and threats. It was because of their mineral wealth and because their people could become useful slaves.

What's the Mandarin translation for "You are now owned, mofo's."

(Better make friends with Hunter really damn quick.)

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13 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

You do realize, of course, that before repetitive sound bites there existed longer, worthwhile discussions, well engineered essays, and yes, even novels that could last for days. I think the way that Internet hits are counted is an indication that higher technology is trying to shape people's concept of reality, and therefore control it. That's OK -- CC needed higher Google statistics.

Hit point counts are now everything. Sites that mimic and copy other successful sites will then develop. Just like movies in Hollywood are made. Nobody will take a chance of doing what is new and innovative -- all sites will follow the general persuasion of the Internet.

Anything different will be destroyed. "Can you say Parler, Timmy? Can you say freedom of speech? Sure, I knew you could. But I have something I knitted for you! It's called re-education camp! And we'll have fun there. President Bill will be our neighbor since Jeff is gone. Won't that be fun, Timmy?

I killed my FB account obviously. And Amazon Prime.

Und was will uns der "Künstler" mit diesen vielen gesalbten Worten sagen ???

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Just wondering: anybody know if Iran has a missile capable of delivering any large presents to Western Europe? Just wondering. I like to know where my tax dollars are going now that Biden -- or maybe Harris -- are president. Of course, I think Xi's really been inaugurated already.


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1 minute ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I remember there was a time when China, Taiwan, Indochina and Australia faced occupation and threats. It was because of their mineral wealth and because their people could become useful slaves.

What's the Mandarin translation for "You are now owned, mofo's."

(Better make friends with Hunter really damn quick.)

Due to Trump breaking the the US / Australia trade agreement and all the countries i.e. New Zealand he forced us into trading with China and not the US. Again and Again it's bloody Trump that fucked it up. Facts Matter not Trump dull dust. Hopefully Biden will fix the mess that Trump caused in Asia.

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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Und was will uns der "Künstler" mit diesen vielen gesalbten Worten sagen ???

Quote in English: "And what does the "artist" want to tell us with these many anointed words ???"

As the U.S. gets weaker, Eastern Civilization will get stronger. I'm telling you there's another Cold War going on; the US is losing; and the US cannot be depended upon to save Europe. And after that I suspect there will be a war between the Russia and China.

Pretty simple. And little squirrel is not an artist. Little squirrel is an observer and prophet.

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6 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Due to Trump breaking the the US / Australia trade agreement and all the countries i.e. New Zealand he forced us into trading with China and not the US. Again and Again it's bloody Trump that fucked it up. Facts Matter not Trump dull dust. Hopefully Biden will fix the mess that Trump caused in Asia.

Well, as Australia gets politically and strategically important, and the US needs to continue to pay excess tariffs, then the US will be useless. It's bankrupt anyway, especially since the US is not only dependent upon China for every fucking product, but that even include medicine and ultimately arms. China has much more interest in luring Australia into its grasp with the promise of lucrative trade agreements. And then they will gobble up Australia along with Taiwan, and Biden will maybe write a nasty letter and that will be all. The Chinese control both the currrent cyberwar, they own many of our high-ranking politicians, and if they aren't conducting biowarfare, then it's obviously apparent that they're damn good at taking advantage of it.

Every artificial island that China builds in the South China Sea removes jurisdiction of International Waters agreements. Stepping stones. "These are now OUR coastal waters..."

Got the picture?




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2 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Well, as Australia gets politically and strategically important, and the US needs to continue to pay excess tariffs, then the US will be useless. It's bankrupt anyway, especially since the US is not only dependent upon China for every fucking product, but that even include medicine and ultimately arms. China has much more interest in luring Australia into its grasp with the promise of lucrative trade agreements. And then they will gobble up Australia along with Taiwan, and Biden will maybe write a nasty letter and that will be all. The Chinese control both the currrent cyberwar, they own many of our high-ranking politicians, and if they aren't conducting biowarfare, then it's obviously apparent that they're damn good at taking advantage of it.

Every artificial island that China builds in the South China Sea removes jurisdiction of International Waters agreements. Stepping stones. "These are now OUR coastal waters..."

Got the picture?




Clear Trump fucked it up again.

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Worry not, kids. I'll be cleansed from the Internet soon as I can get my fluffy tail cancelled.

And for those of you who don't know, I have never been a Trump supporter. I support his policies. I particularly prefer free-enterprise capitalism under a republic to state-capitalism under group-think. I don't think if one is a citizen, that they should be taxed more or have less rights and benefits than illegal non-citizens. I think that you cannot have free trade unless both sides benefit. I think half-and-half is better in coffee than non-fat milk. And if you are rich as all hell, and your daughter wants a pony, buy her the damn pony and teach her how to care for it properly. 

I will continue, unlike Pelosi, to use gender specific pronouns of the English language. If you find these horribly offensive to you, feel free to file a Mod Report.  😁

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