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US General Domestic Politics #4 Begins 02/02/21.

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

For all the people who oppose the use fossil fuels, what do you do for electricity when the windmills freeze up and the solar panels are covered with snow?:huh:

U mean like the guy in this video points out in Texas at 1:56 in this video?...lol

Texas officials scramble to administer 5,000 COVID vaccines after power loss (msn.com)

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On 2/4/2021 at 11:58 PM, golfer06 said:

no society ever thrived with a narcissist racist moron cult leader with a bunch of racist morons living in fantasyland.

Oh my God, when did you turn into a Conservative? Jesse, Al, and the rest of the racist business leaders will probably cancel you now. I support your bravery...


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On 2/4/2021 at 4:59 PM, van the man said:

Explain what each 'side' stands for? The UK democratically decided to leave a political organisation that they never ever ever voted for. Biden doesn't understand anything about Brexit and associates it in some deranged manner to the election of Trump!!! Brexit came first. Biden would only be against the UK because he supported the terrorist IRA. Biden supported armed insurrection against a democratic government. He should be 'impeached'!!!! 

Biden is a 20th century man in a 21st century world. When he started China was a backward wrecked Communist country with no economic power, Japan and the rest of the Eastern economies were tiny and irrelevant. Look at them now. Biden doesn't know how to deal with China who are now destroying democracy in Hong Kong. Will he join the UK in actually doing something to help the Hong Kong people? Maybe trade sanctions??? 

Anyway I await your explanation of Brexit 'Ridgerunner' and why the EU 'side' is better than the UK 'side'

It's funny that every War the US have chosen to fight in the Middle East they could never do alone. Allies were needed for legitimacy. And who was the first Ally to sign up - the UK. 

Biden betrays democracy if he betrays the UK. 


The Almighty Obama told you to stay subjects of the EU, so Biden must follow his leadership. President Harris and Xi would demand the same.

Personally, I don't like these oafs running my life or yours, but they have even LESS rights when telling the people of the UK what to do about fuckin' anything!

Geeze...and now please pass the fish and chips...😋

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