golfer06 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Which will only happen in your sick demented mind. i'm surprised that you mirror hasn't broken yet. instead of projecting your feelings you should try arguing about things that are actually happening once in a while as you will never be taken seriously with your usual nonsense.
Ridgerunner Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 7 hours ago, golfer06 said: a return to reality & away from violent bigoted beliefs would be preferred. or you could keep up your current behavior & wind up in jail or mental hospitals. So now Biden's people are going to put me in jail or a mental institution for living in my home and expressing my opinions in CC?
StarLight28 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 18 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: This photo is a vivid illustration of the sick, perverted mindset of the German people which allowed a lunatic like Adolf Hitler to become Chancellor. In the 1930s they roasted Jews like pigs, now they want to roast a former U.S. president. Deine Verwandten stammen aus Deutschland, gut, warum und vor wem sie 1890 in die USA "fliehen" mussten, ist unklar. Du bist eine absolute Spaß-Bremse, ich weiß nicht wer seit 1890 in Deinem Blut alles mitgemischt hat. Von alemannischer Tradition des Karneval oder Fasching oder Fasnet seit dem frühen Mittelalter hat du null Ahnung - von bildhafter Sprache auch nicht, sonst würdest Du und andere US-Trump-Ficker nicht immer mit Dingen ab 1930 kommen. Üble Abschlachtung der Indianer und Vernichtung ihrer Lebensgrundlagen und Zuweisung in menschenunwürdige Reservate in Wüstennähe sind nicht besser. Schnellfeuergewehre und Kanonen gegen Menschen mit Pfeil und Bogen ist genauso widerlich wie Konzentrationslager und Tötungsstrategie. Alles hat seine Zeit. Hätten die USA in den 1880er Jahren die gleichen technischen Mittel der Nazis gehabt, hätten sie gleich gehandelt. Nach dem Motto: "Ein toter Indianer ist ein guter Indianer". Dazu ist die USA, das als einziges Land der Welt, das 2 mal Atombomben als Massenvernichtungswaffe gegen Zivilisten eingesetzt hat, das mörderisches Napalm gegen Zivilisten eingesetzt hat - noch mehr ???? Hört endlich auf die USA als Friedensengel zu preisen, übelste Verbrechen zeigen die nur kurze Geschichte der USA. Ein Land ohne Freunde in der Welt. Denke darüber nach. 😁 1
golfer06 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 omg! the evidence of election fraud must be hidden in 1 of mike's pillows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A voting machine company sues a pillow CEO for $1.3 billion? Sounds absurd, but it's deadly serious WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Like many things about the Trump era and its lingering remnants, the news that a voting machine maker is suing a pillow executive for $1.3 billion sounds faintly ridiculous—but is part of a very serious effort to... 1 1
golfer06 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: So now Biden's people are going to put me in jail or a mental institution for living in my home and expressing my opinions in CC? although that would benefit us all you are still allowed to live in fantasyland. but you will remain a joke. 2
Ridgerunner Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 6 hours ago, golfer06 said: Oath Keepers LEADER Jessica Watkins Requests Release! Fears Her GENDER IDENTITY Makes Her A Target!! WWW.DAILYKOS.COM My previous diaries referencing Ms. Watkins and her role in the insurrection can be found here, here, here, and here. BuzzFeed News Jessica Watkins, an Oath Keeper charged with conspiring to storm the... 99% of the 74 million people who voted for President Trump have no idea who the stupid Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, or Boogaloos are. Members of those groups are just as wacko as are the members of BLM and ANTIFA.
Ridgerunner Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 3 hours ago, O_U812 said: So you would then agree that Antifa was not the main Capital invaders, as is clearly stated in the poll? Don't know. Need a thorough honest investigation to find out who they were. There still has not been an official report released explaining the cause of death for the police officer who died. Also, we need the results of the investigation to determine whether or not the shooting of an unarmed woman in the Capitol Building was justified.
golfer06 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said: 99% of the 74 million people who voted for President Trump have no idea who the stupid Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, or Boogaloos are. Members of those groups are just as wacko as are the members of BLM and ANTIFA. but your leader know about them & easily drew them into his cult where they reside right next to you. if you read the article (instead of your usual ignoring things not originating in trump's ass) you will see that the real question should be why does a trans person not only follow dear leader but commit sedition in his name after the way that he has continually violated the rights of trans people & other minorities? especially when jessica watkins was kicked out of the service for exactly that reason? but it simply shows that there are very few traitor trump followers with any functioning brains left. and even though you qualify as one of the braindead you still have a chance to change. simply denounce the traitor & face reality! it's as simple as that! 1 1
golfer06 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 Ted Cruz attempts to photo-op his way out of hot water WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Or maybe I should say “no water,” which is what too many Texans are currently dealing with. After desperately attempting to flee the free-market dystopia he helped create, Sen. Ted Cruz drove his... 1 1
Ridgerunner Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 25 minutes ago, golfer06 said: but you have absolved the ringleader. Trump did not tell people to invade the Capitol Building. In his own words from the Jan. 6 speech he told people to 'peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard'.
golfer06 Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 the snowball is starting to roll! SCOTUS Greenlights Release Of Trump Tax Returns To NYC Prosecutor WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday paved the way for a New York City prosecutor to obtain former President Donald Trump’s tax returns and other financial records as... 1
Ridgerunner Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 7 hours ago, golfer06 said: but when the ex traitor in chief calls on his buddies to raid the capital you will be backing him up & making more excuses as usual. Anyone who believes that Trump is going to call on "his buddies" to raid the Capitol is a raving lunatic.
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