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Martina and Alberto - home activities #10


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5 hours ago, chuck206 said:

Waarom zijn er veel negatieve opmerkingen over Alberto? In de afgelopen 4 jaar bij RLC is hij een zorgzame, liefdevolle en ondersteunende echtgenoot voor Martina geweest. Geen van de ruziënde en explosieve gevechten zoals Kitty + Smith. Hij is geen horndog die iets met tieten probeert te bulten. Hoeveel andere echtgenoten zouden tolereren dat hun vrouw in de vroege ochtenduren thuiskwam ... dronken. Wat betreft het hebben van een baan, ..... hoeveel andere mannen in de geschiedenis van de appartementen van RLC hadden een baan? Slaapkamerprestaties, .... daar kan een probleem zijn, maar moet een relatie daardoor eindigen? Momenteel zorgt hij nog steeds voor en ondersteunt hij Martina's "interesses", en toont hij tolerantie voor haar "avonturen" met Nelly. Misschien is Martina's ontrouw een nieuwe gebeurtenis in hun huwelijk en hij weet niet goed hoe hij ermee om moet gaan. 

Geef de man wat speling.

Goed gezegd, het is Martina die over de schreef gaat.

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53 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

House husband, man card, idiot.

So, how would you real men handle this situation? 

As all men , we believe that we do all perfect and there’s nothing to worry 😂🤣 


Alberto is giving all the freedom he feels that Martina wants , at an “exclusive “ relationships where you see it as very serious and that maybe this woman one day could be the mother of your children , while it is too much complicated , usually you set barriers and limits concerning the relationship . 

For sure each couple has its own rules , especially with these two , they have their own things and it isn’t a coincidence that they are almost 9 years together . The first thing I believe you need to do if anything is happening that shows that there are bad signs in a relationship , you try to remain calm , don’t take fast decisions , show understanding and respect to the person you love and have been trusting for years .


Despite whatever it is written here , we have not once , since N&M started doing whatever they do , seen any quarrels , bad feelings , vulgar language used , there has been absolutely no sign that Alberto is offended or something like “ I will take this no more “ . He is evaluating I think what this new thing is and he isn’t rushed with decisions or actions .


In the moral world of pure normal relationships and the things we have established in our mind of how couples and people should be , any 3rd person involvement between two , it could be a separation reason . Obviously these two they know what they are doing , if it is right or wrong and what affection it is going to have in the next months , remains to be seen . If it was me , as my GF would have been sad and disappointed if I had slept with another , I would have also been if she had slept as well . The “ letting know “ on everything and the trust they have , it makes things easier in a way for them . For me , it would be just a fair talk that I am not willing to share my GF with another and she would need to make a choice . The problem that can’t be understood , it is that a person can at the same time suddenly love the two people  sexually involved . And even if she decides to abandon the one , sometimes if not most of the times , the person ends up losing both .. that’s why patience is needed , but as I said , if it was me , I would ask for a decision within a standard time frame , knowing that either being the one the GF chooses or not , it won’t mean anything of her love feelings towards anyone . 

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House husband, man card, idiot.

So, how would you real men handle this situation? 

Whooh.  Should have given this question more thought. 

 If my wife had suddenly fallen in love with a women, I'm not exactly, nor faintly sure what I would do. 

Somebody mentioned "Train Wreck".

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Alberto said to Carlos at the New Year's Eve party "they criticise us because they are jealous"... you can say whatever you want and insult whatever you want but the only reality is that we are in front of a screen and a keyboard and Alberto is with Martina... who is laughing at who...?

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Se o papo de vocês fosse que o Alberto não nos proporcionava um show de verdade transando com a Martina eu até daria crédito, mas essa história que ele não é homem porque fica o dia inteiro em casa jogando PS4 é idiota. É como o Smith e Kitty. Minha única crítica a ele é que tem uma mulher linda como a Kitty e desperdiça transando daquele jeito mediocre. 

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Alberto non ha le palle per dire BASTA ad una bambina capricciosa come Martina questa è la verità . Non la vuole perdere e non si oppone ...la verità è che  non la soddisfa sessualmente per mancanza di quantità e qualità del  sesso e Lei lo va a cercare extra perché è di natura cosi . se ne faccia una ragione tanto alla fine la perderà , lei è un clone di Ulyana che a differenza sua non gli bastava mai pur avendo altra qualità da   Marat .....la deviazione sessuale è una brutta bestia e fa naufragare le coppie .....parere personale

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8 hours ago, chuck206 said:

House husband, man card, idiot.

So, how would you real men handle this situation? 

It's 5:00 PM local time and this is what the house husband has been doing...almost daily.  It's tough playing video games until 4:00 AM!  Have some sympathy, people!!

What situation???  That he doesn't work and appears to be leeching off Martina's RLC gig?  Or that Martina is getting attention elsewhere and finding woman as much (or more so) attractive then the lazy house husband?

The situation actually appears to be a problem.  That problem is that lazy-ass stump on the couch. That 'problem' needs to do some self-reflection or he and his bike may eventually hitch up to an outdoor bike rack...permanently.


Image House-Husband hosted in ImgBB


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6 hours ago, omedo said:

Alberto said to Carlos at the New Year's Eve party "they criticise us because they are jealous"... you can say whatever you want and insult whatever you want but the only reality is that we are in front of a screen and a keyboard and Alberto is with Martina... who is laughing at who...?

Come on, man! You make it sound like we all desire to be w/ Martina.  Sorry to burst your bubble, but my g/f is more attractive then her.  She also doesn't drink to excess, smoke, or feel the need to bate in front me while I hold my schlong. Martina - many times she would rather get herself off (with the house husband standing by looking like a lamp post w/ a dick in hand), then rely on him for her to get her cookie.

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8 hours ago, chuck206 said:

House husband, man card, idiot.

So, how would you real men handle this situation? 

Whooh.  Should have given this question more thought. 

 If my wife had suddenly fallen in love with a women, I'm not exactly, nor faintly sure what I would do. 

Somebody mentioned "Train Wreck".

In that situation, you would have to ask yourself why?

Have you been less attentive to her?  That would be my primary guess.  But as I mentioned a few days ago, it could be she has matured *for the lack of a better word) to where she wants to explore - which has nothing to do with how well your relationship is going.

That's my guess.  Martina wants to explore her sexuality. On the flip side, house husband's lack of attention to her may have pushed her to explore other opportunities.  In a relationship, its when you do something for someone else that is an inconvenience to you is a sure sign how deep your love is.  I rarely have seen that from house husband.

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On 3/14/2021 at 4:13 PM, EMMETT111 said:

anyone else ever think what the hell is Martina doing here she could easily be some trophy wife for some rich guy or at least be with a guy with a real job she should not have to be making a living here and carrying Alburto as he would not be making money here if it was not for her after all 

Makes you think what the hell is any of them doing here, all must have no morals of any kind, self obsessed individuals with ego's the size of the apartments they live in.


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