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Kitty and Smith - home activities #2

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7 hours ago, vanillajohn said:

If that last time was enough of a reason for Kitty & Smith to be evicted when he slapped her hard in the tub, then they should be kicked out again because that was way worse.

You're right though mate, who even knows anymore...

Contact RLC Support and report it.   Maybe they'll close the final chapter of Kitty & Smith.

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Cela ne m'étonne pas rlc ne peut plus se permettre le luxe de virer les participants car ils ont visiblement du mal à recruter je m'en suis aperçu quand ils n'ont rien dit pour la drogue que les participants consomment ouvertement devant les caméras .

This does not surprise me rlc can no longer afford the luxury of firing the participants because they obviously have trouble recruiting I noticed this when they did not say anything about the drugs that the participants consume openly in front of the cameras .

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8 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Smith is an Asshole!

He is SC, but still usually does well to keep his cool when Kitty loses hers. I've never seen him react like that before...It was totally out of order, way worse than Cesar the other night...imo

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44 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

He is SC, but still usually does well to keep his cool when Kitty loses hers. I've never seen him react like that before...It was totally out of order, way worse than Cesar the other night...imo

Smith ,during  the last fight sessions they have the last weeks , seems not being able to remain calm as he is usually doing , accepting and suffering Kitty’s verbal abuse as he mostly does without answering back , on the contrary , he will respond and not anymore accept keeping his mouth shut . I think , no matter whatever and how much wrong he does ,  he can’t take it anymore . And if also Kitty can’t stand him anymore , as I have said , even if they love eachother as I believe , this is a toxic relation for them both that will simply stop working at a certain point in everything in the future . 

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20 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

It's really kicked off big style...which isn't unusual. but I haven't seen Smith shouting like that...He's usually calm on his phone, which pisses her off even more...

She was even involving the guest. Tbh, if it was me there, I'd be making a fast exit, but he's just sitting there calmly watching the fucking telly. Maybe he thinks he's got a chance of being the comforting shoulder she needs tonight...baring in mind that he has groped her before...🥴

ya I've seen that a couple times before ... he is creepy to me the way he is leering after her .... sort of like me  but he is an invited friend .... I am not 

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