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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 29

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18 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Another night of Leora glued to the phone with Paul and Loverboy.

Mi domando cosa la trattiene dal NON ANDARE DA LUI... 

Ultimamente ci parla al telefono più spesso ma è sempre a casa. Questo ti fa capire che relazione sia... 

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16 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Another night of Malia away.

Another night of Leora glued to the phone with Paul and Loverboy.


Hmm. Starting to get slightly irritated with these regular, recurring situations.

For the very first time, i'll admit it. I never thought i'd say it.

I am now questioning my continuing subscription.

I understand completely slipper, I feel the same way. It's beginning to be a situation where Malia is away more than she is home, and Leora is on the phone all night. I don't see much of interest happening in this apartment anymore. These days I spend more time watching Radi than Leora as it's always the same thing day after day with her.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
7 hours ago, jetlag8 said:

I understand completely slipper, I feel the same way. It's beginning to be a situation where Malia is away more than she is home, and Leora is on the phone all night. I don't see much of interest happening in this apartment anymore. These days I spend more time watching Radi than Leora as it's always the same thing day after day with her.

I have always said the same thing Jet. I don't have, and never had any problem whatsoever, with the choices they made, and with them having nights away, no problem at all. Because it was always balanced - That word, Balance. They did it so well for months. But now, the overall feel is different. I can see the dip, the drift. Having time out is all well and good, and then being at home together - However, if i am seeing a situation, where one of them is out for the ELEVENTH night in the last eighteen, and the other one is now spending 90% of her day staring at her phone, from the moment she wakes to the moment she goes to sleep, then i think i DO have a right to say "You know what? This used to be great. Now, it isn't". And if i pay top dollar for premium, and they are my favourite girls and the ones i choose to watch, i can feel unhappy if things change for the worse, which in my opinion they have, quite quickly. I find it hard and sad, that i have to say all this - And it's not an overnight thing either. This has been building for weeks. There is a different atmos, no fall out, just a different vibe. And when one can't stay home (Which is actually her place of work when you think about it), and the other literally can't stay off her phone all day long (All the talk of what happened to the 'Old' artistic, dancing, regular Leora?), i don't think half an hour, here and there, of entertainment very pleasurable. Like last night - Great massage, yes. But take that 30 minutes out and......What? Both in silence, staring at those bloody machines, texting and texting and texting and texting and texting. And we all know who to. There can NOT be anything left to say whatsoever, when in constant contact, each and every day apart from sending juvenile emojis and LOLs - And both are nearly 30 years old. They used to cuddle up and watch the tablet. Now, the opening credits haven't finished and up come the phones. Everything else is background noise. Today, she bated again, but take away that 20 minutes? On the bed & on the couch....On the phone, from start till finish. Literally nothing else.

So, sorry if this offends anyone, i will probably get shit for this. I just am starting to lose a little patience with this Russian Soap Opera.  There are those who ONLY watch and are interested in the bates for example - I for one am not. So if that's the pick and choose, they're welcome. But that's not for me.


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Guest Slipper Guyquad
33 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

In all this, they haven't masturbated together for 3 weeks. 

They haven't gone near each other for three weeks.

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As predicted months earlier , this two way life had no future and the bubble was simply getting bigger and bigger . Choices and decisions that have both girls imprisoned in a reality that they created and they are now searching for escaping routes . 

Malia has found ways , maybe because she doesn’t have the same “ obligation pressure “ for RLC like Leora who owes the life she has due to the bidirectional relationship she has with RLC and her fans , she knows that she owes most of it to subscribers and to her employer for having this life and she’s searching ways to keep everyone happy . The fastest she realizes she can’t have all , the best will be for everyone involved . She sacrifices RLC , happy male friend in Prague and possibly Paul , unhappy subscribers .  She sacrifices the male friend , happy subscribers and RLC , unhappy / happy Leora , depending on her mood . 

Show and drama must go on . Happy for Malia finding slowly her way and not caring so much , you can see how the times with whoever she is seeing have changed her . She has lost weight , she cares for her body , relaxed and peaceful because she knows what she wants and she tries to have it day by day . The two “ wives” /“ twin sisters “ , one happy and the other completely in mess 

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