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Masha - Home activities #10

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Just now, costa049 said:

Why? It seems just a meet

OK, let me try to explain....imagine for one moment that you actually had a girlfriend, not a girl friend, do you honestly think she would appreciate you spending time with two single females?  Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question!!

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16 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

OK, let me try to explain....imagine for one moment that you actually had a girlfriend, not a girl friend, do you honestly think she would appreciate you spending time with two single females?  Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question!!

It depends. That scenario has lots of conditioning. It depends on what he wants from the meeting and what he does with the girls. He can just spend a nice time with a nice dinner and a nice conversation with two friends as he's doing. And he may have talked with her GF before coming. I wouldn't take him that stupid to do something crazy out of his GF's eyes. He seems too gentle to do such thing and he shurely knows he has a GF and that he has to keep his posture. But, I can also be wrong

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7 minutes ago, costa049 said:

It depends. That scenario has lots of conditioning. It depends on what he wants from the meeting and what he does with the girls. He can just spend a nice time with a nice dinner and a nice conversation with two friends as he's doing. And he may have talked with her GF before coming. I wouldn't see him that stupid to do something crazy out of his GF's eyes. He seems too gentle to do such thing. But, I also may be wrong

Wasn't he all cuddled up with Baby a few nights ago?  I was told at one point he even groped her, hmmm...wonder what his girlfriend would think of that.  Just sayin!

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Looking forward to have Masha’s friend coming back from Barcelona and see what will be happening with him , Babi and Tanya in the apartment 😋😋😁

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15 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Non era tutto coccolato con Baby qualche sera fa? Mi è stato detto a un certo punto che l'ha persino tentata, hmmm ... mi chiedo cosa ne penserebbe la sua ragazza. Sto solo dicendo!

Nulla, il loro rapporto e’ che lui puo’ scopare con chiunque, tranne con Masha. Ma non fara’ nulla davanti le telecamere

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2 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Nothing, their relationship is that he can fuck anyone, except Masha. But he won't do anything in front of the cameras

What is wrong with the youth today!!  I will never understand nor agree with open relationships!!!!

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4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Cosa c'è che non va nei giovani oggi !! Non capirò mai né accetto le relazioni aperte !!!!

Le relazioni aperte le hanno anche coppie sposate da 30/40 che hanno sesso a tre, vanno nei club di scambisti, o ci suono uomini a cui piace guardare la propria donna scopare con altri uomini, le perversioni variano da persona a persona a qualunque eta’... tutto dipende da come si vive la sessualita’ e la gelosia😏

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Open relationships also have 30/40 married couples who have threesomes, go to swinger clubs, or play men who like to watch their woman fuck with other men, perversions vary from person to person at any age '... it all depends on how you experience sexuality and jealousy 😏

Good points but I still don't believe in it and I will never condone it!

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