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B5 COV Claire & Carlos - Loraine & Anthony - General Topic 2021 #11 (April / May)

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30 minutes ago, Lurkker said:

Is that Megan in B5?

You've got to be shitting me?  On the other hand though, she is a showgirl and since Bogdan won't show his true colors on camera, she had to go somewhere and Anthony is about as good as it gets LMAO

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1 hour ago, Kingbanks said:

I wonder what rocco will think 😂😂

maybe he is no longer in her mind😂

We can say what we want about Loraine's BS shows but she keeps reeling them in.  Aside from the B2 crew, she's gotten Holly, Ariana and now Megan.

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16 minutes ago, Kingbanks said:

Chissà cosa penserà Rocco 😂 😂

forse lui non è più nella sua mente 😂

C’e’ solo un modo per scoprirlo, se inizieranno i massaggi con Anthony, e rimarra’ in mutande e solo di schiena, allora stanno ancora insieme, se invece sara’ nuda e andra’ oltre, allora si sono lasciati... ma credo che Anthony rimarra’ sul divano finche’ Megan e Lorain non finiranno il loro show😏

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8 minutes ago, Mauri said:

C’e’ solo un modo per scoprirlo, se inizieranno i massaggi con Anthony, e rimarra’ in mutande e solo di schiena, allora stanno ancora insieme, se invece sara’ nuda e andra’ oltre, allora si sono lasciati... ma credo che Anthony rimarra’ sul divano finche’ Megan e Lorain non finiranno il loro show😏

Megan isn't even going to get anywhere near another guy especially in her underwear. She will only do things with other women. 

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4 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Megan non si avvicinerà nemmeno a un altro ragazzo, specialmente in mutande. Farà cose solo con altre donne. 

Il massaggi con Bogdan erano in mutande e solo di schiena... ma sicuramente fa’ il solito spettacolo di massaggio e masturbazione finale con Loraine... Anthoni sara’ sul divano

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2 minutes ago, Mauri said:

The massages with Bogdan were in their underwear and back only ... but definitely do the usual final massage and masturbation show with Loraine ...

Those massages were different since everyone in the villa was in the room.

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