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US General Domestic Politics #21 Begins 06/18/21.

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55 minutes ago, happyone said:

And the reason for the centrist decisions, contrary to the lefts fearmongering that this court would be only vote to uphold conservative views,is that Trump appointed judges what would uphold the Constitution--not rewrite laws as has been the past with the liberal bench.

The fearmongering left?  You have everything backwards.  And the conservative court is under hardcore pressure to render fair decisions, not partisan bullshit.

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57 minutes ago, happyone said:

And the reason for the centrist decisions, contrary to the lefts fearmongering that this court would be only vote to uphold conservative views,is that Trump appointed judges what would uphold the Constitution--not rewrite laws as has been the past with the liberal bench.

Trump also got Judges to supposedly help him out if he ever got into a political bind but as he found out they never bent and kissed his ass about his big lie that the election was stolen from him.  He actually thinks he's still the legitimate president when he is now a nobody.

Trump has a sickness and should seek Psychiatric help.  :biggrin:

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LOL.  Wait until midterms.


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19 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

The fearmongering left?  You have everything backwards.  And the conservative court is under hardcore pressure to render fair decisions, not partisan bullshit.

The partisan bullshit, as you mention-had previous decisions rendered in all the liberal courts around the US

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