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Leora & Malia - Home Activities #29

Guest Slipper Guyquad

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      One of the two might ought to take into consideration about petting a certain kitten a little more than usual there, especially if considering that one of the two knows and realizes how much someone else as well as themself enjoys petting a certain kitten as well. 😸

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1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

     Right mate. Used to be CH....then started changing from CH to DH....from DH to Gregg....from Gregg to HOC....someone who must have to resort to using multiple devices to change their identities here for whatever reason. Someone who she wouldn't give the time of day much less anything else. 🤣

I'd give you a run for your money you don't know,who I really am  all this is a cover for the real me  you can bow down now,and kiss my arse 😈

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6 minutes ago, Hard on chris said:

I'd give you a run for your money you don't know,who I really am  all this is a cover for the real me  you can bow down now,and kiss my arse 😈

     You are nobody but someone who resorts to multiple identities here for some ridiculous reason so piss off. 

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2 minutes ago, Newark52 said:

Out of the three apartments with all premium camera's two are delivering roughly a premium service for subscribers one isn't, no prizes for guess which apartment that is.

Salirei a due appartamenti, anche tutti e tre ad essere cattivi.

Ma per rlc non sarebbe meglio lasciare tutti gli appartamenti con un paio di telecamere free come su VH invece di avere 3 appartamenti visibili solo per gli abbonati e tutti gli altri free?

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35 minutes ago, Hard on chris said:

I,thought this was a leora malia topic not who is the biggest cunt just block me

     Once upon a time, you didn't seem to post as much of the ridiculous comments that you eventually started doing as often in these threads for whatever your reasoning was to start doing so. I believe I mentioned before that if I ever notice any such comments that often from you or anyone else, that I might just be inclined to let it be known what my opinion is on such comments whether to the poster themselves, or to others in these threads or on this site, which earlier happened to be any others who happened to be visiting these threads. 

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6 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

It's all part of the arrogant attitude she now displays towards her viewers.

She mistakenly believes that we are fortunate to have her, when in actual fact the opposite is true, she is fortunate to have us.

She throws a few crumbs to the peasants and smugly enjoys the power she believes she still has. She is living on her past glory and not the present.

She could get a hundred negative remarks and one positive, and her vanity would allow her to think she is still " Miss Wonderful "

She has become repetitive, disinterested, arrogant, smug and boring.

I will be waiting for the statutory " sad, laughing, and confused " emojis from the "kiss you all over " fanatics and self appointed guardians of her rapidly diminishing once glorious reputation.

Bring it on!! 😁

WOW...I don't follow every post but I do sense that things with Leora are just not the same towards her loyal fans.  Either way, it's only a matter of time before others feel the same way and move on from her.  Once RLC tells her that her numbers are declining at a significant rate, she then might rethink her choices over the past year or so or finally decide to move on with her life.

P.S.  Good post Jimbo

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