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Katya & Ruslan Pictures - Split #1

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Meh Katya got old really quick for me...but hot girl 2 is nice

Dommage car elle est bien foutue mais ne sait pas s'en servir. De toutes façons, l'autre crasseux dégénéré du bulbe l'étouffe complètement.

Too bad because she is damn good but doesn't know to use her body. Anyway, the other filthy decerebrated completely suffocating her... >:(

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La pauvre, ils ne baisent jamais !!!!

Je ne sais pas s'il faut la plaindre. C'est elle qui l'a choisi, ce taré. Elle n'a qu'à en trouver un mieux. Certes, elle ne concurrencera pas Einstein demain et ce sera donc plus difficile pour elle que pour d'autres mais gaulée comme elle est, elle peut quand même faire illusion et en attirer plus d'un, à condition qu'elle ne pue pas la sueur et qu'elle change de fringues à chaque fois qu'elle prend une douche.

D'accord, ça fait déjà beaucoup pour son petit cerveau de blonde, j'en conviens...  :-\

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Katya can never have been fucked by anyone else. If she thinks what Ruslan does to her is fucking then she can't possibly have had sex before.

At least he doesn't expect her to touch his dick. This would mean her hands would have to do more than look good!

Katya takes more time looking after her hands than Leora does combing her hair! I have to admit that like the rest of her body Katya has a beautiful pair of long delicate hands. I would go so far as to say she could be a 'hand model' in addition to being a normal model. She is absolutely beautiful. This makes her lifestyle all the more tragic.

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well what the fuck. this site used to be cool but now rlc deletes everything. what the hell is the point of this site then . greedy fucks can't even share the highlights with photos. it won't affect there memberships. all that its doing is making people not want to join . what is this world coming to.

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