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Leora & Malia - Home Activities #43


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1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

      I do believe that you started your previous comments off with, 'These are the facts', and then shortly afterwards proceeded to mention what might be occasionally mentioned in regards to why she may have decided to relocate from where she is from to continue having an income, like you know for certain that it is highly unlikely or no way it could be true, when such a possibility does exist and could very well be why she did decide to do so, and to also insinuate that you may know how much she may have made while she was there, when in all actuality you do not know of or have any proof of either for certain. So actually they were not facts, but only more speculation and conjecture. When someone says something is factual, they should be willing to back it up with proof. If you can do that, by all means do. Otherwise, as I mentioned, it was nothing more than further speculation and conjecture.

3-5,000€ in Prague per month guarantee , have no idea about the money in Russia .. if you think that she abandoned her ( ex ) BF and her beloved dog because she wasn’t making much money there and she had to relocate in Prague for financial reasons or it is a coworker different think , excuse me , but you are also trying to give an excuse ( speculation ) … other than that , we don’t  speak the same language and i don’t understand what you need to say … I have no proof about anything ( except the money in Prague ) but believing that she abandoned her life in Russia except for the money , even being the biggest speculation , it would have been the biggest deny of truth for the way I see the way of life and the years of Leora in the project .. at the end , we don’t agree , that’s totally fine and as you can’t persuade me with your sayings , I can’t  obviously make you think that what I am saying might be true . 

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