Aussie_oi_oi Posted December 6, 2021 Author Posted December 6, 2021 12 hours ago, pulo filipe said: Aren't I cute 1
SPYING 1 Posted December 6, 2021 Posted December 6, 2021 9 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said: Aren't I cute Crisis In Australia: AdBlue Chemical Shortage Might Render Diesel Trucks Inoperable CLEANTECHNICA.COM There’s a shortage of urea, a chemical used in the making of AdBlue, which is used to make... Will this affect you 🤔 1
Aussie_oi_oi Posted December 6, 2021 Author Posted December 6, 2021 By life is never boring. Last week my father had heart issues and was hospitalized. On Friday he had a $20,000 pacemaker fitted. He's home now doing well. On Saturday I had a Christmas drinks at the Warrandyte Grand Hotel. We have been having these catchups for 26 years and I love catching up with all by old friends. But at 6:20pm Monday night we received a text message we had been in contact with an ACTIVE COVID person. We are just back from being tested and have to isolate until we get our results back. Bloody hell we're not boring. Here's the website of the Warrandyte Grand Hotel if you wanted to check it out. The Grand Hotel – Warrandyte – Raising Glasses Since 1895 GRANDHOTELWARRANDYTE.COM.AU
nagachilli2 Posted December 6, 2021 Posted December 6, 2021 12 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said: By life is never boring. Last week my father had heart issues and was hospitalized. On Friday he had a $20,000 pacemaker fitted. He's home now doing well. On Saturday I had a Christmas drinks at the Warrandyte Grand Hotel. We have been having these catchups for 26 years and I love catching up with all by old friends. But at 6:20pm Monday night we received a text message we had been in contact with an ACTIVE COVID person. We are just back from being tested and have to isolate until we get our results back. Bloody hell we're not boring. Here's the website of the Warrandyte Grand Hotel if you wanted to check it out. The Grand Hotel – Warrandyte – Raising Glasses Since 1895 GRANDHOTELWARRANDYTE.COM.AU You're getting dealt some pretty shit hands right now my Aussie friend. But I hope the leg's mending well and you're coping with your moon boot! Also hope your dads ok 👌 The hotel looks like a cool place. Needless to say, I went straight to the menu lol! It's making me hungry...I'm suppose to be giving up my late night snacks 🥴. Wonder how the hell is the Lentil Dhal more expensive that the Wagu burger!! Crazy 🤪 I made lentil Dhal on Saturday, and it cost less than £2...for 4 people! 1
Aussie_oi_oi Posted December 6, 2021 Author Posted December 6, 2021 3 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said: You're getting dealt some pretty shit hands right now my Aussie friend. But I hope the leg's mending well and you're coping with your moon boot! Also hope your dads ok 👌 The hotel looks like a cool place. Needless to say, I went straight to the menu lol! It's making me hungry...I'm suppose to be giving up my late night snacks 🥴. Wonder how the hell is the Lentil Dhal more expensive that the Wagu burger!! Crazy 🤪 I made lentil Dhal on Saturday, and it cost less than £2...for 4 people! hehe I did have the Waqu burger 😀 My wife said last night that nothing else can go wrong. Then fuck me we had been in contact with a COVID active person. NEVER TEMP FATE....😁 1
Aussie_oi_oi Posted December 6, 2021 Author Posted December 6, 2021 9 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said: You're getting dealt some pretty shit hands right now my Aussie friend. But I hope the leg's mending well and you're coping with your moon boot! Also hope your dads ok 👌 The hotel looks like a cool place. Needless to say, I went straight to the menu lol! It's making me hungry...I'm suppose to be giving up my late night snacks 🥴. Wonder how the hell is the Lentil Dhal more expensive that the Wagu burger!! Crazy 🤪 I made lentil Dhal on Saturday, and it cost less than £2...for 4 people! Forgot to say the Hotel is pretty awesome and Warrandyte is a pretty Greenie area so the place is beautiful to visit. The Grand Hotel – Warrandyte – Raising Glasses Since 1895 GRANDHOTELWARRANDYTE.COM.AU 1
Aussie_oi_oi Posted December 28, 2021 Author Posted December 28, 2021 I know it's a little late my friends. But we do what we can. 1 2
Max Ragnar Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 7 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said: I know it's a little late my friends. But we do what we can. Awright. Now heal up and stay away from trees and ladders 1
Aussie_oi_oi Posted December 28, 2021 Author Posted December 28, 2021 Hey Guys I'm alive.... Please forgive me for not being around here. Believe me I've missed Leora and my friends here. It's all started on the 11th Dec, I started to see in me right eye thousands on little black dots. I liken it to looking at the night sky and seeing all the stars. On the 11th I had a Christmas lunch with all be family. How these days nearly impossible to do as we all live miles/km apart. Basically 6 to 8 hours driving so I wasn't going to miss seeing all my brothers and sister and all my nieces and nephews. We are one of the those lucky families where everyone is a beautiful and kind person. As the days went on the dots and seeing out of the right was becoming harder so the Sunday the 19th I finally told my long suffering wife she needed to take me the the doctors to get checked out. The took one look and ordered me to go the the Eye and Ear Hospital Melbourne straight away and I'm only hours from going blind in the right eye. After a 5 hour wait in emergency the Eye doctor confirmed I had a tear of 2.5mm and was a very lucky man that chose to go to doctors. I had emergency surgery on Monday the 20th at 6pm to save my sight. Those of you that have had eye surgery understand how scared I was. The surgery went well and the surgeon was quite pleased with himself. I say my my life has been an living hell at the moment isn't over stating it. How I can't walk and see and my poor face looks like I've ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Writing is almost impossible with one eye. Now if I catch the black cat that crossed my path or the witch that has put an evil spell on me they're in trouble.... Hahaha I was thinking hell maybe you can go blind wanking..... but no the doctor said it's an age thing and put it this way as paint on an old fence gets old the paint peels off this also happens to the retina of your eyes. Please forgive my friends for not personally wishing you a Merry Christmas but I've been in hell and back. BRING ON 2022 it's going to be my best year ever!!! 4 2
pulo filipe Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 Aussie 🐨 Fast recovery A happy New Year With the family May the new year be better 2022 1 1
patou Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 Bonjour Aussie Je te souhaite une très bonne récupération Une meilleur Année 2022 pour toi et pour toute ta famille Et que se sacré virus disparait et qu’on peut vivre normalement 2 1 1 1
daerjohn2015 Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 2 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said: Hey jongens ik leef nog.... Vergeef me alsjeblieft dat ik hier niet ben. Geloof me, ik heb Leora en mijn vrienden hier gemist. Het is allemaal begonnen op 11 december, ik begon in mijn rechteroog duizenden kleine zwarte stippen te zien. Ik vergelijk het met naar de nachtelijke hemel kijken en alle sterren zien. Op de 11e had ik een kerstlunch met all be family. Hoe het tegenwoordig bijna onmogelijk is om te doen, aangezien we allemaal mijlen/km van elkaar verwijderd wonen. In feite 6 tot 8 uur rijden, dus ik zou het zien van al mijn broers en zus en al mijn nichtjes en neefjes niet missen. Wij zijn een van die gelukkige families waar iedereen een mooi en aardig persoon is. Naarmate de dagen vorderden en naar rechts kijken steeds moeilijker werd, vertelde ik op zondag de 19e eindelijk aan mijn lang lijdende vrouw dat ze me naar de dokter moest brengen voor controle. Ze wierpen een blik en beval me om naar het Eye and Ear Hospital Melbourne te gaan meteen en ik ben slechts enkele uren van blind worden in het rechteroog. Na 5 uur wachten in noodgeval bevestigde de oogarts dat ik een traan van 2,5 mm had en was een zeer gelukkige man die ervoor koos om naar de dokter te gaan. Ik moest maandag de 20e om 18.00 uur een spoedoperatie ondergaan om mijn zicht te redden. Degenen onder u die een oogoperatie hebben ondergaan, begrijpen hoe bang ik was. De operatie is goed verlopen en de chirurg was best tevreden met zichzelf. Ik zeg dat mijn leven een levende hel is geweest op dit moment, het is nog niet voorbij om het te zeggen. Hoe ik niet kan lopen en zien en mijn arme gezicht ziet eruit alsof ik tien rondes heb met Mike Tyson. Schrijven is bijna onmogelijk met één oog. Als ik nu de zwarte kat vang die mijn pad kruiste of de heks die me een kwade spreuk heeft uitgesproken, dan zitten ze in de problemen.... Hahaha ik zat te denken verdorie misschien kun je blind aftrekken..... maar nee de dokter zei dat het een leeftijdsding is en zei het zo als verf op een oud hek oud wordt de verf schilfert af dit gebeurt ook met het netvlies van je ogen. Vergeef mijn vrienden alsjeblieft dat ze je niet persoonlijk een vrolijk kerstfeest hebben gewenst, maar ik ben in de hel en terug geweest. BRENG OP 2022 het wordt mijn beste jaar ooit!!! Veel sterkte en een goed 2022. 1
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