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Leora - Home Activities #71

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il y a 7 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

LB appelez le 07.41.

Merci Et maintenant même le matin de bonheur que fait Paul il y a une rupture entre elle et lui et elle se consacre plus avec loverboy

Elle vient de se lever elle doit aller quelque part surtout que loverboy vient de l’appeler

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22 minutes ago, patou said:

Thank you And now even the morning of happiness that makes Paul there is a rupture between her and him and she devotes herself more with loverboy

She just got up she has to go somewhere especially that loverboy just called her

It could be unrelated, he gets up at this time anyway, so she may not be meeting him, she may be working herself. But the calls last night and certainly just now could suggest she is going out for the day with him, it's very possible. At this point, i can't say which one it is. But it is rare for such an early call now.

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il y a 8 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Cela pourraitêtre sans rapport, il se lève de toute façon à cette heure, donc elle ne le rencontrera peut-être pas. Mais les appels d’hier soir et certainement maintenant pourraient suggérer qu’elle sort pour la journée avec lui, cela semble très possible. À ce stade, je ne peux pas dire lequel c’est. Mais ilest rare qu’un tel appel tôt maintena nt.

Au telephone aves ecouteur

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Another amazing day for Leora begins outside of the apartment by leaving her prison ☺️😇 Good girl , at least she found out about her feelings in this apartment and now the hours and moments outside of it are getting increased and even more unpredictable ☺️😌 Life is outside and away of the “ invisible “ bars of this prisoned apartment . 

Ahh , sorry , she will return some time to masturbate .. yes , yes 👍 

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Last i heard she was still in ukraine,  in fact malia and her partner  have been celebrating in the last week the reason she went there.  (information from a good source).


I will give it 6 months !

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  • StnCld316Advanced Member
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If that's what it is then she needs to go be with her family.  They're more important than flashing yourself on camera everyday.


She was very vocal and quick to condemn to others when she stated that Malia should go straight home to see her mother who is ill instead of going to her then boyfriend.

I wonder if she will heed her own advice!! Perhaps plan a trip ?

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Morning leora today.

No big preparations once again so I guess she came out for other reasons. I guess she had to get up early already but between yesterday's and today's phone calls they sped things up and didn't make her sleep.

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