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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (August 2016) #2

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2 hours ago, isidore57 said:

Je ne crois pas,  ce sont des conneries que ces séances de massage au chocolat enveloppe de film étirable......Je crois que mon abonnement n'est plus très loin à se terminer.

je crois avoir d'autres choses à faire avec mes 45 dollars + 42.00 euros en France

Isi......I've only been a paying member again for the past 2 days and I'm already regretting it.  I understand you completely!

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Yury has been so friendly to translated a bit from some recording: Thanks to Yury!!

2016-08-27 21-32 (Arrived home with Megan) 

Girls check things of Megan in her purse. Everything in place. She has not lost anything.

Girls undress Megan and stack her in the bed. Megan covers his face with his hands. She is ashamed. She says, "shame" and something else, seems to be in Ukrainian.

Anna says, that her girlfriends many times rescued her from such situations (when she got drunk so, that could not stand upright). She advises Megan forget everything.


2016-08-27 22-09 

Lola rummages in her purse. She and Anna talk about some kind of a pack of cigarettes. They use the word "стыренная" (stolen). I do not understand why.


2016-08-28 09-58  

The conversation in the kitchen. Anna says, that she does not have a hangover. She drank wine. Lola said, that she drank wine, champagne and various cocktails (vodka mixed with something). Then they talk about proper nutrition and diet.

Anna asks why Lola left bracelet from the club on the arm. Answer of Lola I did not catch.

Anna says, that is necessary to upload the photos (probably in the social network).

Again they talk about nutrition.

Anna says that she likes to run around on the beach (she jogging).

Lola says, that she went to Barcelona in a good mood. She fell in love.

Girls discuss some guy. They say, that ihe is interesting (apparently they're talking about a guy, whom they met at a party).

Lola says she has a feature. She can not fuck with the guys just like that. Apparently she implies sex without feelings of love (just out physiological needs).

Lola tells something about her relationship with a guy (probably in Ukraine), but I can not grasp the essence of the conversation because of poor sound.

Lola says that today overcast, but apparently, the weather will be better. She asked Anna what her plans today. Anna says that she does not have any plans for today. She says, that she wants to read something and take a walk. Lola says, that she wants to the beach.


2016-08-28 10-14 

Continued of the conversation in the kitchen.

Anna shows to Lola record of the moment of yesterday party. Girls comment the record, but the words are not understood.

Lola tells something about a guy with a sports car (not decipher the words). Anna says, that by that time was already drunk.

2016-08-28 10-47 

Anna tells to Megan, that she many times strongly get drunk. Once after working Anna with the girls went to another club and drank the beer by small glasses. She went home in a taxi. In the taxi her seasick. When she arrived, she was not able to get out of the taxi. She tumbled to the pavement. Then she fell into the lobby of the building in front of people. She was so bad, that she thought, that would die.

Anna says, that when she was in Barcelona in the previous time, they went with the girls (four of them) in the club. Ilona got drunk and Anna dragged her to the home. (I think the old-timers of our forum remember that moment).

Megan says something, but I can not make out the words.

Anna shows to Megan photo of drunken Ilona.

Apparently Megan ashamed of yesterdays. Anna says, that everything well, that ends well.

Anna says, that they are good booze yesterday. Megan says quietly and covers his face with his hands. I can not understand her words. Apparently she drank different drinks and therefore she feels so bad.

Anna says that she was invited for supper yesterday. She dressed, lay on the bed and realized that will not go.

Then Anna and Megan discuss the girls who were at the club yesterday. Anna says that here (in Barcelona) a little of beautiful girls and need to use the moment. She says that they have a great opportunity to not sit at home, and to meet interesting people and to gather contacts.

Anna says, that they eat before going to the club. Apparently Megan had not eaten yesterday and therefore intoxication occurred so quickly.

Megan asks what makes Lola. Lola says, that she is exploring the diets.

Anna again shows to Megan photo of drunk Ilona and said, that she had slept in this position. (The girls loudly laugh). Anna shows photo of drunk Ilona to Lola.

Anna asks Lola, will they do massage today? Lola says. "Yes. Can we play a little today? Otherwise we have a massage every day." (As I understand it, Lola offers to play today (organize a show). Massage they do every day and need to diversify the program that we did not get bored.) :biggrin:


And here is the old recording from Jan 10th, when Ilona retur home drunk


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8 hours ago, clivebb said:

y-a longtemps que j'ai compris que ces appartements de filles sont des attrappes-pigeons pour appater le client et helas çà fontionne avec beaucoup de gens ici,

ces filles sont là juste pour teaser encore et encore pour faire parler ici ou ailleurs et ainsi insciter les gens à s'abonner,si y-a pas de camera gratuite pour cet appart y-a bien une raison ! rlc marche sur le buzz c'est tout mais les plus anciens savent pertinament que rien ne ce passera exeptés peut-être une fois tout les 3 mois et si tu n'es pas là au bon moment et bien tu auras payé 45 $ pour rien,pas prêt de repayé pour rlc y-a beaucoup trop de choses qui vont pas sur ce site et rlc traite leur membres comme de la merde alors il peuve se torcher le cul avec l'argent que je leur ai donné ces dernières années,j'ai bien compris leur manège,rlc me reverra pas en tant que membre et j'espere que d'autres membres suivront mon chemin,rester avec les cams gratuites c'est suffisant pour ce site tant que rlc changera pas de methode de casting,de comportement avec leur membres et de direction,plus çà va et plus rlc est ininteressant,y-a que les plus accros et addict qui continue à payer pour cette merde et c'est pas ce qui manque sur ce forum helas !

Tu as été abonné pendant des années et maintenant tu te plains à en vouloir la faillite de RLC  juste parce que 2 appartements sur 17 ne te conviennent pas. Il  en reste 15 de "normaux"?. Pourquoi ne consacres-tu pas ton temps au 15 (ou 14) autres appartements avec des couples et tu n'as qu à ignorer les appartements des filles ?

Evidemment tu as le droit d'exprimer ton opinion. J'essaye de comprendre ta logique et celle de la demi douzaine d'autre forumeurs qui réagissent comme toi

You have been a susbscriber for years et now you complain and want RLC bankruptcy just because 2 of the 17 appartments does not fit your requirements. Why don't you spend time on the other 15 (or 14) appartments with guenine couples and just ignore the all girls appartments ?.

Of course you can express your opinion. I just try to understand the logic under  your reaction. You are not alone. At least an hal dozen of people in this forum act as you.

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8 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Tu as été abonné pendant des années et maintenant tu te plains à en vouloir la faillite de RLC  juste parce que 2 appartements sur 17 ne te conviennent pas. Il  en reste 15 de "normaux"?. Pourquoi ne consacres-tu pas ton temps au 15 (ou 14) autres appartements avec des couples et tu n'as qu à ignorer les appartements des filles ?

Evidemment tu as le droit d'exprimer ton opinion. J'essaye de comprendre ta logique et celle de la demi douzaine d'autre forumeurs qui réagissent comme toi

You have been a susbscriber for years et now you complain and want RLC bankruptcy just because 2 of the 17 appartments does not fit your requirements. Why don't you spend time on the other 15 (or 14) appartments with guenine couples and just ignore the all girls appartments ?.

Of course you can express your opinion. I just try to understand the logic under  your reaction. You are not alone. At least an hal dozen of people in this forum act as you.

moi j'ai arrêté d'essayer de les comprendre ^^ a part ce plaindre de ne pas avoir leur dose quotidienne de sexe il n'y a rien d'intéressant dans leurs divers propos

je crois qu'ils n'ont pas compris le contexte précis de ce genre de site, le voyeurisme, et le voyeurisme ne se contente pas que du sexe heureusement, et j'adore quand ils mettent le tarif dépenser car ça en deviens ridicule, certe ont payent une certaine somme mais cette somme nous permet justement de voir 17 appartements, soit moins de 2.50 dollars par appartements, je pense que ce n'est pas si chère payer pour 30 jours ou l'ont peut tout voir, que ce soit des participants au projets rlc comme les divers invités que peuvent recevoir ces 17 appartements   

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