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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Sept. 2016) #1


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Comme à Barcelone1, il faut absolument demander une cam sur le balcon!! Les filles y vont souvent, ce serait sympa de les voir... Donc, j'essaye de mobiliser tout le monde pour cela, et j'espère que RLC voudra nous écouter à ce sujet.. C'est important!

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Just now, Billybob said:

Why do you guys want Beardy to leave so bad. You guys should be thanking him for accomplishing in one day what many of us have been waiting for for years.

Have to agree that all ten bad this dude brings,the good ones are starting to justifie him in barca2..remember barca2 was an bored bored place before him arrived.

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2 minutes ago, Billybob said:

Perché voi ragazzi desidera Beardy di lasciare così male. Voi ragazzi dovreste essere lui ringraziandolo per realizzare in un giorno quello che molti di noi sono stati in attesa per anni.

It has a magic wand

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2 minutes ago, Billybob said:

Why do you guys want Beardy to leave so bad. You guys should be thanking him for accomplishing in one day what many of us have been waiting for for years.

its called jealousy dude,plus they think these girls are virginal and he is corrupting them and taking advantage of them lol

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3 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

Well all you guys that think this guy has been drugging them,dont you think after 2 nights of it the girls would have figured it out and thrown him out by now I think its pretty obvious these girls are willing participants and all you guys who think these girls are snow white are just fooling yourselves and should really think twice before crying to RLC that the girls are being raped by this guy

Absolutely! It's very irresponsible to be throwing those accusations around lightly. Especially when all evidence points to the contrary. 

Imagine you had just found camcaps/RLC and you read what some were saying while he was in bed with Anna last night. Everything you were seeing would be taken completely out of context and could be quite traumatic. 

People need to think carefully before making such allegations.  Envy is not a valid reason to label someone a rapist. 

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i think its impossible to have wild parties on consecutive days using the same ppl...probably thats why RLC held back polya and she seems most active today...

to be honest my only excitement is to see if the bearded guy can finish what he started with anna ,...

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2 minutes ago, djoko00 said:

rebecca seems uncomfortable with the presence of polya and spend a lot of time in her room infront of the laptop

She has been crying a couple of times today. Most likely the boyfriend found out what happened last night, and are not to happy.



Lola making bathtime.

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