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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Oct. 2016) #2

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1 minute ago, DES7469 said:

He tratado de ver B1, pero estoy teniendo un tiempo difícil con Lara y Melissa. Lima no creo que es una mala persona cuando no está pegado. Y ella no tiene ningún problema en estar desnudo. 

Creo que todos estaremos conteniendo la respiración esta semana.:cry:

May God hear you.

And you always have good intuition, hopefully have you to thank your words.

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4 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

I've tried to watch B1 but am having a hard time with Lara and Melissa. Lima I don't think is a bad sort when she's not plastered. And she has no problem with being naked. 

I guess we'll all be holding our breath this week.:cry:

I like Lima a lot, I really respect how she just does not give a fuck about making a fool out of herself, or looking presentable all the time. She is who she is without any apologies. She didn't get involved in the petty silliness between Belle and Milena and she seems to get on well enough with Melissa and Lara. But I don't care about watching her that much. Whenever Rebecca or Belle are in their apartment I want to watch them. Lima just doesn't excite me as a viewer

That's my problem I guess, but I think I'm not the only one who feels the same

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No dancing yet it seems - I don't understand why this wait every time it happens apart from the obvious presence of a certain girl but evn then they don't start straight away. Maybe it's a tease but probably trying to maximise their audience.

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15 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

No danza eppure sembra - non capisco perché questa attesa ogni volta che accade a parte l'ovvia presenza di una certa ragazza, ma EVN poi non iniziare subito. Forse è una presa in giro, ma probabilmente cercando di massimizzare il loro pubblico.

I think it's for the public
the best time to show in my opinion is about 01.00am forward to barcelona
Maximum would be public and would rlc many subscription renewals

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18 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Lima me gusta mucho, yo realmente respeto la forma en que ella simplemente no le importa un pepino de hacer un tonto de sí misma, o en busca presentable todo el tiempo. Ella es quien es y sin ninguna disculpa. Ella no se involucró en la pequeña torpeza entre Belle y Milena y parece llegar en bastante bien con Melissa y Lara. Pero no me importa acerca de ver su tanto. Siempre que Rebecca o Belle están en su apartamento quiero verlas. Lima simplemente no me excita como un visor

Ese es mi problema, supongo, pero yo creo que no soy el único que se siente de la misma

That happens to me with Jasmine, and do not deny that Jasmin has a beautiful body to behold, but a girl has to have more than just that, to be worthy of occupying a site in RLC. We could discuss whether then get or not the goal of eventually create good entertainment, but Jasmin, even, she tries.

To teach her body, she is taken for content.

Selfishly I think, that should not be enough.

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1 minute ago, Mikelima1970 said:

chicos mañana BC1 segura gran fiesta con lara y Milena de alto atractivos de los talones

Whenever the neighbors do not bother and when the party is this getting interesting, start banging on the door.

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Well that was interesting My Belle collected her tablet from her room and put it down. I hope that doesn't mean she's going to sleep on the couch again - I thought she'd got over that phase once she had bought her puppy duvet cover so she kept warm. 

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Is Hallowe'en that big for Ukrainians? It's really the US that made it big and other American countries. For us it was just all to do with apples for some reason, bobbing and ducking. The big night was November 5th when the Catholics tried to blow up Parliament so the English burned them. Of course I am descended from the west coast of Wales so I'm half witch by birth.

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