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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #1

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1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

You do realise that there is an afternoon when My Belle entertains and she might well do tonight if she so chooses. Surely Lola's entire time during which My Belle was a major star is well within the last 6 months?

Pretty sure Belle replaced Irma, and Lola came whilst Irma was still in the apartment. But it's not important

I like Belle a lot, she's fun and sexy and spends a lot of time naked. But I don't get the same enjoyment from her as BB does, because I'm not as besotted with her. But there's no denying she's a fantastic asset to RLC and it's great to have her here. 

I probably like Jasmin a little more, because my personal opinion is that she's more natural, more down-to-Earth and a whoooooole lot more sexy. But not many share the same opinion, and that's fine. I'd like to see her come out of her shell more, but I'd also like a million pounds and I've dealt with the realisation that neither are likely to come true

Complaining about the apartments doesn't get anyone anywhere. We all know that sooner or later both girls will be replaced and new girls will come. We also know that there are some months that are more exciting than others. And when new girls come there will be some who like them and some who don't. And the circle goes on and on

This post doesn't really have a point, I just wanted to write something non-inflammatory haha

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2 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Bastante seguro de Belle reemplazado Irma, y Lola vino mientras Irma todavía estaba en el apartamento. Pero no es importante

Me gusta mucho Belle, ella es divertida y atractiva y pasa mucho tiempo desnudo. Pero no me sale el mismo goce de ella como lo hace BB, porque no soy como atontado con ella. Pero no se puede negar que es un activo fantástico para RLC y es genial tenerla aquí. 

Probablemente como Jasmin un poco más, porque mi opinión personal es que es más natural, más los pies en la tierra y mucho más atractiva whoooooole. Pero no muchos comparten la misma opinión, y eso está bien. Me gustaría verla salir de su caparazón más, pero también me gustaría un millón de libras y he tratado con la comprensión de que no es probable que se hagan realidad

Quejándose de los apartamentos no consigue cualquiera en cualquier lugar. Todos sabemos que tarde o temprano las niñas serán reemplazados y las nuevas chicas vendrán. También sabemos que hay algunos meses que son más emocionantes que otros. Y cuando las nuevas chicas vienen habrá algunos que les gusta y algunos que no lo hacen. Y el círculo sigue y sigue

Este post no tiene realmente un punto, sólo quería escribir algo no inflamatorio jaja

I do not follow the cam, as I did before, as I have said in recent weeks, I have more fun Whatsapp talks about girls, and CC, because for me, they have become bland.
I know that here, there are still many followers of these girls, and that girls will be replaced ... but, and the damage done to the floors?
I'll explain.
When the girls have been replaced (one by one, the one who was coming in took the customs of those who were there, and imitated their practices, games, how to act and dress (or undress) as you look ... I go To be more explicit, bathrooms with candles in group, visits to the neighbors in their rooms, painting games, the Twister, time to talk in the dining room and some rubbing (never passed games), but that had his grace and even his Morbid (I remember the scene in Vika's room, when Danaya sat down behind her and put her hands on her tits, (Vika's face was all a poem, since she was not expecting it, nor do I think that before Past that, but she held her tug and did not get angry.
That's what I mean by the girls' misery, which makes you motivated to follow a flat, not to what happens in B1, three girls, three different worlds.

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No shit!  Seventeen Apartments and no one is nude on a Saturday night!  I believe some really do come here just to watch the apartments and think anything that happens (nudity, sex) is a bonus.  But I'd be willing to give 5-1 odds that 90% come because they are sexual voyeurs (like my wife and I) and are really disappointed with the current "crop", if you will, of occupants. Sex under the covers or in no cam areas.  Far less nudity, etc..  I know RLC is a leader in this field of voyeur cams but you can bet your socks if this trend of chastity continues, they will  suffer financially.  Then, and only  then, will they take steps to rectify the current boring occupants

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1 minute ago, vortios said:

I do not follow the cam, as I did before, as I have said in recent weeks, I have more fun Whatsapp talks about girls, and CC, because for me, they have become bland.
I know that here, there are still many followers of these girls, and that girls will be replaced ... but, and the damage done to the floors?
I'll explain.
When the girls have been replaced (one by one, the one who was coming in took the customs of those who were there, and imitated their practices, games, how to act and dress (or undress) as you look ... I go To be more explicit, bathrooms with candles in group, visits to the neighbors in their rooms, painting games, the Twister, time to talk in the dining room and some rubbing (never passed games), but that had his grace and even his Morbid (I remember the scene in Vika's room, when Danaya sat down behind her and put her hands on her tits, (Vika's face was all a poem, since she was not expecting it, nor do I think that before Past that, but she held her tug and did not get angry.
That's what I mean by the girls' misery, which makes you motivated to follow a flat, not to what happens in B1, three girls, three different worlds.

uhm? say what?

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Just now, arnetveita said:

uhm? ¿Que qué?

Yo ya no sigo las cam, tanto como lo hacía antes, ya lo he dicho en estas últimas semanas, me divierte más las conversaciones de Whatsapp hablando de las niñas, y las de CC, porque para mí, se han vuelto sosas.
Sé que aquí, todavía hay muchos seguidores de estas niñas, y que las niñas serán sustituidas... pero, y el daño que se hace a los pisos? 
Me explicaré.
Cuando se han ido reemplazando a las niñas (una a una, la que iba entrando iba cogiendo las costumbres de las que allí estaban, e imitaban sus prácticas, juegos, forma de actuar y vestirse (o desvestirse) según se mire... Voy a ser más explicito, baños con velas en grupo, visitas a las vecinas en sus habitaciones, juegos de pintura, el Twister, tiempo de hablar en el comedor y algún roce (nunca pasaron de juegos), pero eso tenía su gracia y hasta su morbo (recuerdo la escena en la habitación de Vika, cuando Danaya, se sentó tras ella y le metio las manos en las tetas, (la cara de Vika fue todo un poema, ya que no se lo esperaba, ni creo que antes le hubiese pasado eso, pero ella aguanto el tirón y no se enfadó.
A eso me refiero con el mirbo de las chicas, que hacen que estés motivado a seguir un piso, no a lo que por ejemplo pasa en B1, tres chicas, tres mundos distintos.

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3 minutes ago, vortios said:

Yo ya no sigo las cam, tanto como lo hacía antes, ya lo he dicho en estas últimas semanas, me divierte más las conversaciones de Whatsapp hablando de las niñas, y las de CC, porque para mí, se han vuelto sosas.
Sé que aquí, todavía hay muchos seguidores de estas niñas, y que las niñas serán sustituidas... pero, y el daño que se hace a los pisos? 
Me explicaré.
Cuando se han ido reemplazando a las niñas (una a una, la que iba entrando iba cogiendo las costumbres de las que allí estaban, e imitaban sus prácticas, juegos, forma de actuar y vestirse (o desvestirse) según se mire... Voy a ser más explicito, baños con velas en grupo, visitas a las vecinas en sus habitaciones, juegos de pintura, el Twister, tiempo de hablar en el comedor y algún roce (nunca pasaron de juegos), pero eso tenía su gracia y hasta su morbo (recuerdo la escena en la habitación de Vika, cuando Danaya, se sentó tras ella y le metio las manos en las tetas, (la cara de Vika fue todo un poema, ya que no se lo esperaba, ni creo que antes le hubiese pasado eso, pero ella aguanto el tirón y no se enfadó.
A eso me refiero con el mirbo de las chicas, que hacen que estés motivado a seguir un piso, no a lo que por ejemplo pasa en B1, tres chicas, tres mundos distintos.

Why quote the whole book when you just could say you love Vika?

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12 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Pretty sure Belle replaced Irma, and Lola came whilst Irma was still in the apartment. But it's not important

I like Belle a lot, she's fun and sexy and spends a lot of time naked. But I don't get the same enjoyment from her as BB does, because I'm not as besotted with her. But there's no denying she's a fantastic asset to RLC and it's great to have her here. 

I probably like Jasmin a little more, because my personal opinion is that she's more natural, more down-to-Earth and a whoooooole lot more sexy. But not many share the same opinion, and that's fine. I'd like to see her come out of her shell more, but I'd also like a million pounds and I've dealt with the realisation that neither are likely to come true

Complaining about the apartments doesn't get anyone anywhere. We all know that sooner or later both girls will be replaced and new girls will come. We also know that there are some months that are more exciting than others. And when new girls come there will be some who like them and some who don't. And the circle goes on and on

This post doesn't really have a point, I just wanted to write something non-inflammatory haha

I dont quite have BBs love for Belle but i fancy her like mad and when i can i try to catch her showers and her dancing. Ive not got into watching much of B1 much at all lately and have only brief viewings of K&K because i love watching Belle so much. Jasmin is a nice girl and i miss most of her showers as im usually watching Belle.

Now i was much more obsessed with Ilona i would watch her all the time. Love that crazy girl and its safe to say i am besoted with her just dont share it as much on here as BB does for Belle.


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12 minutes ago, mic351 said:

No shit!  Seventeen Apartments and no one is nude on a Saturday night!  I believe some really do come here just to watch the apartments and think anything that happens (nudity, sex) is a bonus.  But I'd be willing to give 5-1 odds that 90% come because they are sexual voyeurs (like my wife and I) and are really disappointed with the current "crop", if you will, of occupants. Sex under the covers or in no cam areas.  Far less nudity, etc..  I know RLC is a leader in this field of voyeur cams but you can bet your socks if this trend of chastity continues, they will  suffer financially.  Then, and only  then, will they take steps to rectify the current boring occupants

mic351, I totally get were you are coming from.
Dealing with Barca first the masturbation rate is really quite surprisingly low - this might be to do with bonus payments (since there has been much talk about that post conversation) in addition to everything I mentioned previously which might make the girls feel awkward. Any sex there nowadays is fairly rare and the lesbian stuff largely false.

For the couples I think to come to RLC and then deliberately cover up is taking the mickey a bit. Clearly you see couples almost spending more effort positioning the sheets than having sex. However you can always rely on Masha and Nelly and Leora's solo work as well as Zoya, Adriana and the lesbian couples. Nevertheless they are a few couples who just seem to go out of their way to stop people seeing that part of real life and with a lot of them the frequency of sex is very low which I would say is against the spirit of the site if nothing else.

I forgot to mention Elisa - I don't fancy her but fair dues she shows a lot.

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9 minutes ago, mic351 said:

No shit!  Seventeen Apartments and no one is nude on a Saturday night!  I believe some really do come here just to watch the apartments and think anything that happens (nudity, sex) is a bonus.  But I'd be willing to give 5-1 odds that 90% come because they are sexual voyeurs (like my wife and I) and are really disappointed with the current "crop", if you will, of occupants. Sex under the covers or in no cam areas.  Far less nudity, etc..  I know RLC is a leader in this field of voyeur cams but you can bet your socks if this trend of chastity continues, they will  suffer financially.  Then, and only  then, will they take steps to rectify the current boring occupants

Very true. It just won't happen over night. :dodgy: 

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