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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #1

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5 minutes ago, iloner quarius said:

My fist ever post on CC.    I usually post at RLCF but come on here for pics and vids (when there were some in the olden days), Kitek's posts and BBsq69 posts.

We all like different things.   I find RLCF a generally calmer and kinder environment for my slow fingers and slower brain.

I guess eventually the two sites will merge, and meanwhile I'll scurry back to the safe-feeling RLCF.

I wanted to thank you BB for many funny posts about My Belle - I usually find myself agreeing with what you say.

And also thank you euromike69 for many astonishingly irascible posts about any and everything.   Its fun.



Welcome to our insanity, ,Iloner, i have been following your posts for a long time on RLCF, and you are always welcome here on CC, Please do feel free to come back and offer up your insight and perspective.

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23 minutes ago, iloner quarius said:

My fist ever post on CC.    I usually post at RLCF but come on here for pics and vids (when there were some in the olden days), Kitek's posts and BBsq69 posts.

We all like different things.   I find RLCF a generally calmer and kinder environment for my slow fingers and slower brain.

I guess eventually the two sites will merge, and meanwhile I'll scurry back to the safe-feeling RLCF.

I wanted to thank you BB for many funny posts about My Belle - I usually find myself agreeing with what you say.

And also thank you euromike69 for many astonishingly irascible posts about any and everything.   Its fun.



Welcome to cc it about time you said same thing pal 

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He estado leyendo vuestros comentarios y siempre pasa lo mismo...
Yo no tengo que defender a nadie, ni convertirme en portavoz de nadie, pero me repatea mucho la gente que me dice que tengo que decir y que tengo que hacer.
Muchos ya sabéis que soy de los que se quejan constantemente (si eso me dicen), y la mayoría de veces no los mando al infierno porque soy una persona respetuosa con las opiniones de los demás.
También me toca mucho las narices, la gente que me quiere hacer no ver lo que estoy presenciando, y muchas veces los mandaría a paseo, ni ellos me conocen a mí, ni yo quiero conocerlos a ellos, para que se meten donde no les llaman?
Ya tengo suficientes años, para que me digan que tengo o no tengo que hacer con mí dinero y con mí tiempo, y si es de RLC, que se guarde sus comentarios en donde le quepa. Yo soy un cliente como todo el mundo que está aquí y paga, y en estos chat "no-oficiales", se puede expresar uno libremente, que nadie venga diciendo que puedo o no decir, mientras no incumpla las normas.
Pero quiero romper una lanza por aquellos que unos cuantos siempre criticáis, porque quieren ver fiesta en las casas...
Si la gente quiere ver Porno todos los días en las casas ¿quien demonios es otro cliente para criticar los gustos de nadie?
Si no se lo dan, pues mala suerte, pero si se lo dan, espero que esos que no quieren ver porno... automáticamente se van a ver otras cámaras, o serán tan hipócritas que se quedarán.
Me pregunto que estaban ellos viendo cuando Anna le comía el rabo al chico...
O que hacían mientas hubo una orgía en la cama de Lola...
Espero que ni en directo ni los vídeos que se publicaron, los hayáis visto... Porque eso era porno.
Pero me pregunto, la orgía de Masha... la visteis en directo o en vídeo? O eso no era porno.
Quien no ha visto a alguna chica en sus casas masturbarse... es o no es porno.

Cada uno que vea lo que quiera, que se queje uno porque las casas son aburridas y los otros se quejen porque la gente no hace más que quejarse...
Todos pensamos de diferente forma, en algunas cosas conincidimos y en otras no, pero esa es la riqueza de la vida.
Por cierto, a RLC le da exactamente lo que digamos mientras nosotros sigamos pagando. Pero con eso no descubro America, es la filosofía de cualquier empresa, y hacer dinero, cuanto más mejor.
Ellos van a seguir haciendo lo que les de la gana. Van a seguir controlando a las chicas a través de los teléfonos, van a organizar fiestas cuando a ellos les de la real gana, van a poner y quitar parejas según su criterio, y eso ninguno de aquí lo va a evitar.

No lo traduzco para que no se me mal interprete, el que quiera y esté interesado en saber que digo que lo traduzca a su idioma.

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2 minutes ago, vortios said:

I've been reading your comments and always the same ...
I do not have to defend anyone, not become a spokesperson of anyone, but I really repatea people telling me I have to say and I have to do.
Many already know I am among those who constantly complain (if they tell me), and most times not send them to hell because I am a respectful person with the views of others.
I also touches noses, people who want me to do not see what I am witnessing, and often send to walk, and they know me, and I want to know them, so that they get where they call them?
I have enough years to tell me that I have or I have to do with my money and my time, and if RLC keep your comments where you fit. I am a customer like everyone is here and pay, and these "unofficial" chat, can express one freely anyone to come saying I can or not say, while not violate the rules.
But I want to break a spear few who always criticize, because they want to see holiday homes in ...
If people want to watch porn every day in homes who the hell is another client to criticize anyone's tastes?
If not give it , as bad luck, but if they give, I hope that those who do not want to watch porn ... automatically will see other cameras, or be so hypocritical that will stay.
I wonder what they were seeing when Anna was eating his tail to boy ...
or they did was lie in bed an orgy of Lola ...
I hope that neither live nor the videos that were released, those've ever seen ... Because that's porn.
But I wonder, the orgy of Masha ... you saw the live or video? Or it was not porn.
Who has not seen a girl masturbate in their homes ... it is or is not porn.

Everyone who sees what he wants, which one complains because the houses are boring and others complain because people does nothing to complain ... We
all think differently, conincidimos in some things and not others, but that it is the richness of life.
by the way, RLC gives you exactly what we say as we continue to pay. But that does not discover America, it is the philosophy of any company, and making money, the more the better.
They're going to keep doing what they please. They will continue to monitor the girls through the phone, they will organize parties when they would damn well , they will put on and take couples in their opinion, and that none of here is going to avoid.

I do not translate to not misunderstand me, who wants and is interested in knowing that say translate it into your language.


Ok can we get back on Topic now please,,,this has now gone on too far,,,I need to know what Belle is up to and when will Rebecca show that beautiful Kitty again.

You have a complaint please take it up with the people you are paying your $45/month to (RLC).

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