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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #19


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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

For those who didn't understand my reason for terminating my RLC membership after more than eight years, perhaps today's well documented behavior will help explain.

Leora's total disinterest and lack of empathy and imagination toward her viewers has turned her into an extremely unattractive human being;

She doesn't deserve loyalty, as she has abused it.

I give you credit for having the balls to admit you spent at least $1,600 (probably more) on RLC membership the past 8 years.  You're also a dumbass for spending $1,600+ the past eight years on RLC membership. 😀

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2 hours ago, GAG-HER said:

So last night  all the old fogeys started abusing leora saying she taking the piss etc and that she was with LB and wouldn't be home until saturday morning.  She then arrives at 8pm and you all hid behind your wank desks saying nothing.  If you knew where she actually went you would be all ashamed of yourselves.

Now for tonight as mentioned leora has been downstairs in the foyer as some shit translators are giving the wrong information out, and her friend has had a shit day and has had trouble with her boyfriend.

Leora said she would of invited her to stay with her , but doesnt want the 'whole world'  to see and hear this girls problems, so leora told her she had already ordered food and will go to her and try to calm her down , also sort out a few problems while there.  She also said she is not sure if she will stay overnight  or come home later tonight. 


This " old fogey " doesn't give a shit what she was doing last night or tonight for that matter. My remarks are directed toward her general ongoing attitude, not isolated incidents.

It might not suit some people to hear the truth sometimes and I'm sad it alarms and horrifies their sensitive woke outlook on life, but sometimes I get alarmed at the smoke some people blow up her arse.

I don't include you in the above unless you feel you should be there, I have always respected and appreciated your contribution to the forum.

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11 minutes ago, Howard said:

I give you credit for having the balls to admit you spent at least $1,600 (probably more) on RLC membership the past 8 years.  You're also a dumbass for spending $1,600+ the past eight years on RLC membership. 😀

Was it coming out of your pocket !! .........Then don't fret about it, it's only money....😉

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52 minutes ago, GAG-HER said:

her friend has had a shit day and has had trouble with her boyfriend.

If this friend of hers is the same one we call Zena I would say that we can also forget that something will ever happen between Leora and her, since you say she is engaged to a man. And as you say, Leora was also tempted to invite her there (I don't think she would have invited another friend over there).

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2 hours ago, Howard said:

I give you credit for having the balls to admit you spent at least $1,600 (probably more) on RLC membership the past 8 years.  You're also a dumbass for spending $1,600+ the past eight years on RLC membership. 😀

I never spent a cent for an RLC subscription. Ever. I don't judge people who have the money to do so. Since I don't pay, I really cannot criticise RLC too much, either. I'd like them better if they hadn't fucked over CC and RLCF so much. We really helped them gain subscribers.

I have no problems with the tenants. I wish them well in life, although that means they should leave RLC and get "real" professions before their bodies get ravaged by old age. In which case, they'll be stuck with crappy jobs on Xhamster.

Leora is worth so much more. I'm sorry her medical/law enforcement/doll creation/painting seem to be useless in Prague.

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2 hours ago, GAG-HER said:

So last night  all the old fogeys started abusing leora saying she taking the piss etc and that she was with LB and wouldn't be home until saturday morning.  She then arrives at 8pm and you all hid behind your wank desks saying nothing.  If you knew where she actually went you would be all ashamed of yourselves.


I don't believe that Leora is capable of being an unkind person. It's not in her nature. I am, of course, an old fogey here, but I think everyone on this board would agree that "Leora" is kind to humans and rescue pets.

I can say this even though she hasn't painted my portait yet...dammit.

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good Morning  

great thursday everyone

Sunday is the day to be with the family, to take the opportunity to cultivate bonds and live unforgettable moments with those we love

06/02/2022        06/February/2022

Good morning Beautiful girls 

Leora and sexy girl


🐨👯 🌟🐈 😉🐎🦝🐿️🦍🗼💀🐊😁 😈🐶 🦨 🔭 ✈️ 🕵️👨‍🍳🌶️🏍️ patou gag-her brokk! nenemoh7 hard on chris gregg nic marco 6742 howard taxio miraguy spying1 Pete1960 max ste

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Il y a 7 heures, GAG-HER a dit :

Donc, hier soir, tous les vieux brouillards ont commencé à abuser de Leora en disant qu’elle comprenait la pisse, etc. et qu’elle était avec LB et qu’elle ne serait pas à la maison avant samedi matin. Elle arrive ensuite à 20 heures et vous êtes tous cachés derrière vos bureaux en ne disant rien. Si vous saviez où elle est allée réellement, vous auriez honte de vous-mêmes.

Maintenant, pour ce soir, comme mentionné, Leora a été en bas dans le hall car des traducteurs de merde donne les mauvaises informations, et son amie a eu une journée de merde et a eu des problèmes avec son petit ami.

Leora a dit qu’elle l’inviterait à rester avec elle, mais ne veut pas que le « monde entier » voie et entende ces problèmes de filles, alors Leora lui a dit qu’elle avait déjà commandé de la nourriture et qu’elle irait la voir et essaierait de la calmer, aussi régler quelques problèmes pendant son séjour. Elle a également dit qu’elle ne savait pas si elle resterait la nuit ou si elle rentrerait à la maison plus tard ce soir.



Merci GAG-HER pour c’est renseignements précieux

Leora est une très bonne fille aide les gens en détresse et essaye de les réconforter

Et je crois sincèrement quelle a passé la nuit avec sa copine pour qu’elle ne soit pas seul

Merci encore pour ces bonnes paroles

Bon dimanche

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il y a 15 minutes, pulo filipe a dit :

bonjour patou 

Passe un bon dimanche avec ta femme et ta famille 


Bonjour Pulo


Mais je passerais la majeure partie de la journée avec les infirmieres coupés d’une visite de ma fille et ma femme dans l’après midi

Mais je trouve le temps long trois semaines déjà mais j’ai vos commentaires et les JO pour me passer le temps

Bon dimanche et préservé votre santé elle est précieuse


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