StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Wrong. "Absention" was just a way for China to not let the world know that they support Russia's actions. If China was in agreement with the rest of the world they would have voted in favor of the resolution. Das war klar, als "Nicht-Politiker" hast Du keine Ahnung was "Enthaltung" bei der Stimmabgabe bedeutet. Stimmenthaltung ist keine Zustimmung und keine Ablehnung - also neutral. Hier also keine Hilfe für Russland. Russland ist im Weltsicherheitsrat also total isoliert - keine Stimme für Russland, außer die eigene. Deine Interpretations-Versuche sind grober Unfug und am Thema vorbei.
StnCld316 Posted March 2, 2022 Author Posted March 2, 2022 13 hours ago, SPYING 1 said: Russia tries to stop Western companies fleeing the country WWW.CNN.COM Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to stem the flow of Western businesses fleeing the... Freeze their assets like they did yours Putin.
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: You sorry ignorant son of a bitch, I committed no crimes when I was in Vietnam and neither did any of the other American soldiers I was with. I hope you die in your sleep tonight, you sorry stupid ignorant fucking lazy ass German politician son of a bitch. Dein frommer Wunsch, ich soll heute Nacht sterben ist nicht in Erfüllung gegangen - hier bin ich wieder! Diesen Wunsch hast Du ja bereits oft geäußert, der Wunsch ist dumm und primitiv. Es ging darum das Du einzelne Soldaten und Anführer mit Strafe bedrohst wenn sie Waffen gegen Zivilisten einsetzen und international verpönte Waffen einsetzen. Das ist Unfug, Soldaten sind Befehlsempfänger und haben das zu tun was ihnen befohlen wird. Bei Weigerung droht die Hinrichtung wegen "Befehlsverweigerung". Falls Du je Soldat warst solltest Du das wissen. Langes diskutieren über einen Befehl mit jeden einzelnen Soldaten ist in einer Armee und im Krieg nicht möglich. Punkt. Du prahlst hier immer damit Du bist angeblich Soldat in Vietnam gewesen, das glaube ich Dir nicht, sonst würdest Du das wissen. Du bist offenbar ein Lügner. Die USA hat im Vietnam-Krieg flächendeckend Napalm auch gegen Menschen eingesetzt - ein Entlaubungsmittel mit dramatischen Folgen. Nach Deiner Forderung müssten alle US-Soldaten die damit zu tun hatten persönlich haftbar und angeklagt werden? Mir ist kein Prozeß gegen US-Verbrecher bekannt. Hilf mir und nenne Quellen. Sogar der US-TOP-Kriegsverbrecher von George W. Bush, der bewusst einen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg gegen den souveränen Staat Irak befohlen hat, der die USA nicht bedroht hat, wurde weder intern noch international angeklagt und läuft noch heute frei herum. Eine Schande !!!! Das Dein hirnloser Adlatus mit Stroh im Kopf und "Trump-Kappe" darauf Dir voll zustimmt, mich am liebsten tot zu sehen, war mir klar. Vermutlich Dein Bruder oder Dein Sohn - alleine kann man doch so dumm sein. Gute Nacht ! Du wirst noch viel Freude an mir haben !
Ridgerunner Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: That was clear, as a "non-politician" you have no idea what "abstaining" means when voting. Abstaining from voting is not approval and not rejection - ie neutral . So no help for Russia here. So Russia is totally isolated in the UN Security Council - no vote for Russia except its own. Your attempts at interpretation are gross nonsense and off topic. As a non-politician I know that abstaining means you don't have enough courage to vote your convictions, so you do nothing. And thank God I'm not a politician. A career politician is just another name for loser.
Ridgerunner Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: Your pious wish that I should die tonight didn't come true - here I am again! You have expressed this wish many times before, the wish is stupid and primitive. It was about you threatening individual soldiers and leaders with punishment if they use weapons against civilians and use internationally frowned upon weapons. That's nonsense, soldiers are under orders and have to do what they're told. Failure to do so could result in execution for "disobeying orders". If you've ever been a soldier, you should know that. Long discussions about an order with every single soldier is not possible in an army and in a war. Period. You always brag about it here. You are said to have been a soldier in Vietnam, I don't believe you, otherwise you would know it. You are obviously a liar. During the Vietnam War, the USA used napalm across the board against people - a defoliant with dramatic consequences. According to your request, all US soldiers who had to do with it should be personally liable and charged? I am not aware of any lawsuits against US criminals. Help me and name sources. Even George W. Bush's top US war criminal, who deliberately ordered a war of aggression against the sovereign state of Iraq that violated international law and did not threaten the USA, was not prosecuted internally or internationally and is still walking around freely today. A shame !!!! It was clear to me that your brainless adlatus with straw in his head and a "Trump cap" on it fully agrees with you that you would prefer to see me dead. Probably your brother or your son - one can be so stupid alone. Good night ! You will still have a lot of fun with me! Wrong! All soldiers are instructed on the Geneva Convention rules of war. They know that they are not obligated to commit acts of war that are in violation of the Geneva Convention. As far as any U.S. soldiers being prosecuted for crimes in Vietnam, have you ever heard of Lt. William Calley? He was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to life in prison for his part in the My Lai massacre. President Richard Nixon reduced his sentence. 1
StnCld316 Posted March 2, 2022 Author Posted March 2, 2022 20 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Wrong! All soldiers are instructed on the Geneva Convention rules of war. They know that they are not obligated to commit acts of war that are in violation of the Geneva Convention. As far as any U.S. soldiers being prosecuted for crimes in Vietnam, have you ever heard of Lt. William Calley? He was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to life in prison for his part in the My Lai massacre. President Richard Nixon reduced his sentence. Russia never signed onto the Geneva Convention. 2
Ridgerunner Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 Any Ukrainians who survive Putin's invasion and subsequent occupation of Ukraine should spend the rest of their lives trying to kill Vladimir Putin. 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Your pious wish that I should die tonight didn't come true - here I am again! You have expressed this wish many times before, the wish is stupid and primitive. It was about you threatening individual soldiers and leaders with punishment if they use weapons against civilians and use internationally frowned upon weapons. That's nonsense, soldiers are under orders and have to do what they're told. Failure to do so could result in execution for "disobeying orders". If you've ever been a soldier, you should know that. Long discussions about an order with each individual soldier is not possible in an army and in a war. Period. You always brag about it here. You are said to have been a soldier in Vietnam, I don't believe you, otherwise you would know it. You are obviously a liar. During the Vietnam War, the USA used napalm across the board against people - a defoliant with dramatic consequences. According to your request, all US soldiers who had to do with it should be personally liable and charged? I am not aware of any lawsuits against US criminals. Help me and name sources. Even George W. Bush's top US war criminal, who deliberately ordered a war of aggression against the sovereign state of Iraq that violated international law and did not threaten the USA, was not prosecuted internally or internationally and is still walking around freely today. A shame !!!! It was clear to me that your brainless adlatus with straw in his head and a "Trump cap" on it fully agrees with you that you would prefer to see me dead. Probably your brother or your son - one can be so stupid alone. Good night ! You will still have a lot of fun with me! Pilot's know which targets are military and which are civilian. General's know which weapons are legal and illegal weapons of war. Those are the people who I said should be prosecuted for war crimes.
SPYING 1 Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 Anonymous Offers Russian Soldiers Over $50K Worth of Bitcoin for Each Surrendered Tank (Report) CRYPTOPOTATO.COM The intercontinental hacker collective – Anonymous - will reportedly pay $52,000 in BTC...
SPYING 1 Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 Many Ukrainian Nuclear Power Reactors No Longer Produce Electricity - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM Six of the 15 reactors in the country appear to be offline at the moment, with one site close...
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: As a non-politician I know that abstaining means you don't have enough courage to vote your convictions, so you do nothing. And thank God I'm not a politician. A career politician is just another name for loser. Du zeigst mit den Worten erneut das Du keine Ahnung hast. Setze Dich besser vor den Ofen, schließe die Augen und träume von Deinem (angeblich) großen braunen Führer - anstatt öffentlich Unsinn zu verbreiten.
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2022 Posted March 2, 2022 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Wrong! All soldiers are instructed on the Geneva Convention rules of war. They know that they are not obligated to commit acts of war that are in violation of the Geneva Convention. As far as any U.S. soldiers being prosecuted for crimes in Vietnam, have you ever heard of Lt. William Calley? He was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to life in prison for his part in the My Lai massacre. President Richard Nixon reduced his sentence. 1 Amerikaner wurde angeklagt und verurteilt - tausende haben Kriegsverbrechen begangen - unerkannt und ohne Anklage. Du und tausende andere haben Glück gehabt. Krieg ist kein Sonntags-Spaziergang, das weiß jeder. Entweder Du stirbst oder ein anderer armer Mensch, der auch nur für "Seine" Werte kämpft.
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