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Kitty and Smith - 2022 #2

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On 3/30/2022 at 5:02 AM, ddhm said:

We are just commenting on what we think according to the things we see  , it is always their decision to live as they want and the posts made are simply personal  opinions . Kitty failed 3 times so far , the posts made and the opinions expressed show possibilities in a different way that a tenant chose , who says that they should listen to any of us ? But where’s the mistake to express an opinion of what maybe it is better ? Kitty’s life and the way she was / is living it proved to be a complete failure , you don’t have a bigger image and I can only tell you that it was a sad image to watch. .In the end , i believe the coincidence with the incident causing  her been removed one more time will be the best thing that happened to her .


The same with Leora , I think it comes the time that a person should know when she should move on . I only express a personal opinion and it is never a suggestion of what a tenant should do , I don’t understand where’s the meaning of discussing if we don’t put our thoughts in public exposure of what we think about a tenant .In my opinion , Leora’s life is in a complete mess and the posts and opinions expressed by me have to do exactly with that .There are others that believe differently , that Leora’s life is wonderful and ideal , why should I agree with these opinions when i have mine and a different one ? And when it is wrong saying what I personally believe it is better BUT IN AN ABSOLUTE NO WAY what Leora should do ? These are two completely different things .It is the famous “ were I Leora , I would ….” , obviously I am not and I post about her and her actions according to what I see and the things that I see on cameras happening and simply not agreeing . If this is a mistake doing , then I don’t know what the purpose of the forum is and what does it serve if we can’t express a personal opinion ..An opinion is NEVER an indication for someone’s else life and how to live it .But the results sometimes are the better judge of actions..

I have trouble understanding what it is you do here. Are you telling all the participants on RLC to move on and have better lives? What do you want them to do, live in their grandma's basement and become a pundit like you? Please tell me your 70-hour a week job is starting soon. I think everyone has had enough of your nonsense.

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2 hours ago, jugghead said:

I have trouble understanding what it is you do here. Are you telling all the participants on RLC to move on and have better lives? What do you want them to do, live in their grandma's basement and become a pundit like you? Please tell me your 70-hour a week job is starting soon. I think everyone has had enough of your nonsense.

No, just you 🤣

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On 3/30/2022 at 10:02 AM, ddhm said:

We are just commenting on what we think according to the things we see  , it is always their decision to live as they want and the posts made are simply personal  opinions . Kitty failed 3 times so far , the posts made and the opinions expressed show possibilities in a different way that a tenant chose , who says that they should listen to any of us ? But where’s the mistake to express an opinion of what maybe it is better ? Kitty’s life and the way she was / is living it proved to be a complete failure , you don’t have a bigger image and I can only tell you that it was a sad image to watch. .In the end , i believe the coincidence with the incident causing  her been removed one more time will be the best thing that happened to her .


The same with Leora , I think it comes the time that a person should know when she should move on . I only express a personal opinion and it is never a suggestion of what a tenant should do , I don’t understand where’s the meaning of discussing if we don’t put our thoughts in public exposure of what we think about a tenant .In my opinion , Leora’s life is in a complete mess and the posts and opinions expressed by me have to do exactly with that .There are others that believe differently , that Leora’s life is wonderful and ideal , why should I agree with these opinions when i have mine and a different one ? And when it is wrong saying what I personally believe it is better BUT IN AN ABSOLUTE NO WAY what Leora should do ? These are two completely different things .It is the famous “ were I Leora , I would ….” ,obviously I am not and I post about her and her actions according to what I see and the things that I see on cameras happening and simply not agreeing . If this is a mistake doing , then I don’t know what the purpose of the forum is and what does it serve if we can’t express a personal opinion ..An opinion is NEVER an indication for someone’s else life and how to live it .But the results sometimes are the better judge of actions..

Maybe you should act on your own words too.

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On 4/2/2022 at 11:43 AM, ddhothot said:

Maybe you should act on your own words too.

I think everyone forgets that this is a forum which purpose made is to post opinions . My comments here are EXACTLY everything I would discuss with everyone here if we were sitting in a bar , at the beach , having a beer , a drink or a coffee or whatever . I would have a back and forth dialogue with everyone who posts here and I would SAY exactly the same things that I write . Where’s the mistake to chat , comment and sharing your thoughts in a place that it is made for this reason ?  I honestly can’t understand where the problem is , except if the issue is that people don’t agree with the way I express myself , but , is this a problem ? Is it a place that we need to agree or simply post our thoughts ? I think is getting really confused of what people expect to read or in general understand the meaning of this little corner here at the internet . 

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On 4/2/2022 at 7:32 AM, jugghead said:

I have trouble understanding what it is you do here. Are you telling all the participants on RLC to move on and have better lives? What do you want them to do, live in their grandma's basement and become a pundit like you? Please tell me your 70-hour a week job is starting soon. I think everyone has had enough of your nonsense.

You have trouble understanding the meaning of a forum ? 

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a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

"we hope these pages act as a forum for debate"


What am I doing here different than what this place’s officially meaning is ? What are you doing  here different than me ? Not having the guts to criticize publicly things that are wrong for 9 out of 10 people , things that we ALL watch and we know they shouldn’t be happening but you , due to your personal connection to this person you are unwilling to admit and understand , maybe because you think that if you state the obvious you might jeopardize your direct contact and “ friendship “ with this girl ? 

When you go out and sit on a table with friends , are you discussing  politics , sports , women , movies , the up to date news and enjoying your time or are you with  your mobile on hand and you are all there “ unspoken people “ ? What is the difference than being on a table face to face with people discussing about a subject and how we see it than what we do here ? 

I AM SAYING NOONE what they should do, it is just an opinion . If you don’t like it for 1,000 reasons , it isn’t my problem and the meaning of this place is exactly this , anyone having his/her opinion. Unfortunately for many as it seems , it isn’t the ones they wish to read , otherwise the debate wouldn’t exist  at all . 

As I sit down with my friends and I say that Lionel Messi , Christiano Ronaldo and Roger Federer should quit because their time is up , it is exactly the same I think about these people . Do I tell them what to do ? Hell no , I am not them , they have their own personalities to think what it is better , but where’s my mistake expressing my own personal belief ? Honestly I don’t get it . 

The funny thing and what in the end makes me laugh , it is that an 80-85% of the people would love to have the life I have here , finishing their job and being able to grab their car or scooter or whatever , be at the beach in 15-20 minutes , take a sunbed , order a beer and sit 1-2 meters of the sea , surrounded by dozens of people ( many amazing girls with their swimsuits which leave so much to the fantasy 😂🤣 ) when I know how it is to actually paying to enjoy one week , 10 days or more to enjoy this for millions traveling and choosing the place I live here .. so , if my life living like this is considered living in a basement , you and me we don’t speak the same language. You are always welcome here and give you hundreds of hints how to enjoy the place and real life and if we sit down and share a beer you will understand that our differences are only our disagreements about something we watch and not how life should be . 

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On 4/3/2022 at 9:10 AM, ddhm said:

You have trouble understanding the meaning of a forum ? 

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a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

"we hope these pages act as a forum for debate"


What am I doing here different than what this place’s officially meaning is ? What are you doing  here different than me ? Not having the guts to criticize publicly things that are wrong for 9 out of 10 people , things that we ALL watch and we know they shouldn’t be happening but you , due to your personal connection to this person you are unwilling to admit and understand , maybe because you think that if you state the obvious you might jeopardize your direct contact and “ friendship “ with this girl ? 

When you go out and sit on a table with friends , are you discussing  politics , sports , women , movies , the up to date news and enjoying your time or are you with  your mobile on hand and you are all there “ unspoken people “ ? What is the difference than being on a table face to face with people discussing about a subject and how we see it than what we do here ? 

I AM SAYING NOONE what they should do, it is just an opinion . If you don’t like it for 1,000 reasons , it isn’t my problem and the meaning of this place is exactly this , anyone having his/her opinion. Unfortunately for many as it seems , it isn’t the ones they wish to read , otherwise the debate wouldn’t exist  at all . 

As I sit down with my friends and I say that Lionel Messi , Christiano Ronaldo and Roger Federer should quit because their time is up , it is exactly the same I think about these people . Do I tell them what to do ? Hell no , I am not them , they have their own personalities to think what it is better , but where’s my mistake expressing my own personal belief ? Honestly I don’t get it . 

The funny thing and what in the end makes me laugh , it is that an 80-85% of the people would love to have the life I have here , finishing their job and being able to grab their car or scooter or whatever , be at the beach in 15-20 minutes , take a sunbed , order a beer and sit 1-2 meters of the sea , surrounded by dozens of people ( many amazing girls with their swimsuits which leave so much to the fantasy 😂🤣 ) when I know how it is to actually paying to enjoy one week , 10 days or more to enjoy this for millions traveling and choosing the place I live here .. so , if my life living like this is considered living in a basement , you and me we don’t speak the same language. You are always welcome here and give you hundreds of hints how to enjoy the place and real life and if we sit down and share a beer you will understand that our differences are only our disagreements about something we watch and not how life should be . 

Well, I apologize for being snarky. I was in a mood.

I'm actually glad you have that life. It sounds great. Enjoy.

It's nothing to do with Kitty, honestly. But I notice your posts always seem like you think these people should find a different life other than working for RLC (and trust me, they call it a job). So, to me it makes no sense. Why be here if you think the idea of a voyeur site is a bad idea? You can't reach any of the tenants. They will not listen to you. And especially Kitty won't. She doesn't even listen to me and she knows her life is a bit fucked up.

This logic reminds me of people that post in one of the tenants' forums and say they dislike the person the forum is about. What is the point of that? All it does is piss people off. There are plenty of other women to watch on the site, and plenty of other sites. I have never gone to the Holly or whomever's forum and said "that bitch needs to go". What do I care? Somebody must like her even if I don't. Cheerios pissing is something I never do, yet I see a hell of a lot of it here. The only thing logical about going to a thread and being negative is some people just wanting to be noticed by causing chaos. It is a trick young boys do in 4th grade to get a girl's attention. Sad. And the idea that if you say enough bad things about a tenant you will get them fired or make them act differently is ridiculous. It's never worked, and in my experience, it has the opposite effect.

And with that I say now I am no longer a subscriber after being a long term user for many years. RLC is not compelling to me anymore. Unless Leora changes her routine, Kitty comes back, or Jasmin returns, I'm out. But I won't go to forums and whine about it or piss in someone's Fruit Loops. I do it one better.

I don't pay.



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1 hour ago, jugghead said:

Well, I apologize for being snarky. I was in a mood.

I'm actually glad you have that life. It sounds great. Enjoy.

It's nothing to do with Kitty, honestly. But I notice your posts always seem like you think these people should find a different life other than working for RLC (and trust me, they call it a job). So, to me it makes no sense. Why be here if you think the idea of a voyeur site is a bad idea? You can't reach any of the tenants. They will not listen to you. And especially Kitty won't. She doesn't even listen to me and she knows her life is a bit fucked up.

This logic reminds me of people that post in one of the tenants' forums and say they dislike the person the forum is about. What is the point of that? All it does is piss people off. There are plenty of other women to watch on the site, and plenty of other sites. I have never gone to the Holly or whomever's forum and said "that bitch needs to go". What do I care? Somebody must like her even if I don't. Cheerios pissing is something I never do, yet I see a hell of a lot of it here. The only thing logical about going to a thread and being negative is some people just wanting to be noticed by causing chaos. It is a trick young boys do in 4th grade to get a girl's attention. Sad. And the idea that if you say enough bad things about a tenant you will get them fired or make them act differently is ridiculous. It's never worked, and in my experience, it has the opposite effect.

And with that I say now I am no longer a subscriber after being a long term user for many years. RLC is not compelling to me anymore. Unless Leora changes her routine, Kitty comes back, or Jasmin returns, I'm out. But I won't go to forums and whine about it or piss in someone's Fruit Loops. I do it one better.

I don't pay.



I guess we found our difference after lots of debating 😇 I will criticize in the way that I see things and don’t satisfy my preferences by expressing myself in a way that isn’t pleased to the members of this forum , especially the ones who never stop supporting a tenant even if they don’t agree with his/ her actions  , while when you aren’t pleased you stop the subscription rather than express any negative thoughts you many have for a tenant of your absolute preference . I will massively negatively criticize Ulyana and Masha , two of my favorites if I see them joining with my IQ and common sense rather than quitting watching them  .I believe then that  both options are fair and right . 

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On 3/28/2022 at 9:36 AM, Milkshake1999 said:

Omg 😄 you really don't want peace! they should block you here. you're lame!! nobody cares about your long stories, everyone here loves kitty, not smith 😄 you don't like leora you don't like kitty, you don't like coming back kitty, you don't like staying smith with kitty, you don't like when someone likes kitty ....... you are like a broken machine 😄 take break maybe 

They should block me because I have an opinion that isn’t pleased for your preferences ? I should only come here and say “  Kitty , BRAVO “ , “ Smith , FUCK OFF “ , “ Leora , bow down to the Queen “ so I am liked and get the heart emojis or the upvote ones .This a place so as opinions are posted , whether you like them or not , long posts , small posts , books , pages , there’s re no rules about that . I can start now and finish in the morning writing if I want , what is your problem with that ? You will simply  ignore the post I guess .The problem is that you seem to bother yourself with me while you can’t simply ignore me here , which you don’t do as I see that you notice what I write . We are here to comment , everyone has its own way , since you aren’t pleased with my expressed opinions and don’t  satisfy your preferences , why are you negative referring as “ bloke you “ or “ broken machine “ ..My life , my rules , I live it the way I wish , do I disturb  or affect your life with me expressing and putting my thoughts in an order ? Do I harm you ? Do I insult you ? Do I make you feel bad ? 

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2 hours ago, ddhm said:

They should block me because I have an opinion that isn’t pleased for your preferences ? I should only come here and say “  Kitty , BRAVO “ , “ Smith , FUCK OFF “ , “ Leora , bow down to the Queen “ so I am liked and get the heart emojis or the upvote ones .This a place so as opinions are posted , whether you like them or not , long posts , small posts , books , pages , there’s re no rules about that . I can start now and finish in the morning writing if I want , what is your problem with that ? You will simply  ignore the post I guess .The problem is that you seem to bother yourself with me while you can’t simply ignore me here , which you don’t do as I see that you notice what I write . We are here to comment , everyone has its own way , since you aren’t pleased with my expressed opinions and don’t  satisfy your preferences , why are you negative referring as “ bloke you “ or “ broken machine “ ..My life , my rules , I live it the way I wish , do I disturb  or affect your life with me expressing and putting my thoughts in an order ? Do I harm you ? Do I insult you ? Do I make you feel bad ? 

You can't make her feel bad. She is gal gadot by brian GIF It would take a lot more than you can  muster do bring her down.

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8 minutes ago, jugghead said:

You can't make her feel bad. She is gal gadot by brian GIF It would take a lot more than you can  muster do bring her down.

You still don’t get it …Why I want to make someone feel bad or put her down ? What nonsense are you talking about ? Pff.. You take all personal .. End of talking , it doesn’t worth it , it is always anytime by anyone the belief that expressing an opinion about a tenant it is a personal attack to them for whatever reason ..Wake up all and don’t see it personal, we are just talking here ..Pfff…

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14 minutes ago, ddhm said:

You still don’t get it …Why I want to make someone feel bad or put her down ? What nonsense are you talking about ? Pff.. You take all personal .. End of talking , it doesn’t worth it , it is always anytime by anyone the belief that expressing an opinion about a tenant it is a personal attack to them for whatever reason ..Wake up all and don’t see it personal, we are just talking here ..Pfff…

This conversation is not personal to me. I could give a shit. If you have something to say to the person you intend to reach, you have done so.

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8 hours ago, jugghead said:

This conversation is not personal to me. I could give a shit. If you have something to say to the person you intend to reach, you have done so.

What a load of crap, of course it's personal to you, you are besotted, you are biased, as I've said before (and many others).
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