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Instead of allowing both these two  people to find a bit of peace away for cameras exposure , I read that Kitty is thinking to rejoin and get an apartment ..Excuse me , an apartment to do what ? Watch a Leora number two , no friends , isolation and 4-5 hours per day portable devices using ? What life is expected with Kitty returning ? Another financial support that she actually she isn’t in such a big need according to her real life job things ? 

As per the comments about how kitty feels and what’s going and what happened , moos54 post at the previous thread said it all . In case anyone wants to listen to Smith’s story , as contact  was established  with Kitty , it is very easy to contact  him also and since I read here about friendships and so on , a “ hello Smith “ could maybe start a chat ..But I guess since Smith is all to be blamed , nobody will ever listen to his story , nobody will ever know what he thinks that his girlfriend was insanely calling him sociopath and psychopath , nobody will ever know how he was feeling any time she was videocalling “ sugar daddies “ telling them thst they can visit her anytime and that the boyfriend isn’t a problem ..Smith might have been whatever and although his actions  made him lose any right he might had , imagine any of us being in his situation , knowing that he is responsible losing the apartment during the previous stay and trying to keep himself calm and not break into violent actions .. ok , the guy broke , he didn’t manage , but honestly , how much anyone can take into similar continuous Kitty’s behaviors ? 

It is a pity as a final comment to think that people want to see Kitty back , sometimes it is time to let these people go and finally face the real life and the challenges / difficulties rather than the RLC cameras world covering all of their personal fears and insecurities . I think Leora’s example who has lost her life isn’t becoming a lesson , I find it sad that we see these people only as sexual workers and not giving them the chance to be back again  in the real world ( which of course it is their own fault that they don’t believe in themselves that they can make it resulting on keep on hoping for RLC’s support ) . RLC bringing Kitty back would show that they don’t learn of their mistake having back on screen an amazing beautiful woman but at the same time a woman that this world has made her being without real life friends , continuing a toxic relationship and ultimately without real life aims in such a young and productive age ..Of course in the end , for everyone , money rules , so , it won’t be surprising a return .. 


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11 hours ago, Andyhryc said:

I have the current info from Kitty, I would like to return to the RC project, but I just have to come back with a man or a woman !!! I'm not alone 😴

she should pic a woman, then she could do shows like Leora & Malia did

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Last info from Kitty: she loves her work as a hairdresser but missesd also RLC and she could come back,so RLC says,when she will in a couple of month....so let us see what happends in next time...should RLC give her a shared Apartment in her City with other girls,like the Apartment in Barcelona 😉

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On 21. 3. 2022 at 0:32, ddhm said:

Namísto toho, abych oběma těmto dvěma lidem dovolil najít si trochu klidu pro expozici fotoaparátů, četl jsem, že Kitty uvažuje o tom, že by se znovu připojila a získala byt..Promiňte, byt, co dělat? Sledujte Leora číslo dvě, bez přátel, izolace a 4-5 hodin denně používání přenosných zařízení? Jaký život se očekává, když se Kitty vrátí? Další finanční podpora, kterou vlastně podle svých reálných pracovních věcí tak moc nepotřebuje? 

Podle komentářů o tom, jak se kočka cítí a co se děje a co se stalo, příspěvek moos54 v předchozím vláknu řekl vše. V případě , že by si někdo chtěl poslechnout Smithův příběh , jelikož byl navázán kontakt s Kitty , je velmi snadné ho také kontaktovat a jelikož jsem zde četl o přátelství a tak dále , mohl by si " ahoj Smith " začít chatovat .. Ale já hádám, protože za všechno může Smith, nikdo nikdy nebude poslouchat jeho příběh, nikdo se nikdy nedozví, co si myslí, že ho jeho přítelkyně šíleně nazývala sociopatem a psychopatem, nikdo se nikdy nedozví, jak se cítil, když videotelefonovala „cukru“ tatínkové " řekl jim , že ji mohou kdykoli navštívit a že přítel není problém .. Smith mohl být jakýkoli a přestože jeho jednání způsobilo ztrátu jakéhokoli práva , které mohl mít , 

Jako poslední komentář je škoda myslet si, že lidé chtějí vidět Kitty zpět, někdy je čas nechat tyto lidi jít a konečně čelit skutečnému životu a výzvám/obtížím spíše než světu RLC kamer pokrývající všechny jejich osobní obavy. a nejistoty. Myslím, že příklad Leory, která přišla o život, se nestává lekcí, připadá mi smutné, že tyto lidi vidíme pouze jako sexuální pracovnice a nedáváme jim šanci vrátit se znovu do skutečného světa (což je samozřejmě jejich vlastní chyba, že nevěří v sebe, že to dokážou, což má za následek nepřetržité doufání v podporu RLC). RLC přivést Kitty zpět by ukázalo , že se nepoučili o své chybě , když se vrátili na obrazovku úžasně krásné ženy , ale zároveň ženě , ze které tento svět udělal bez skutečných životních přátel , 


Omg 😄 you really don't want peace! they should block you here. you're lame!! nobody cares about your long stories, everyone here loves kitty, not smith 😄 you don't like leora you don't like kitty, you don't like coming back kitty, you don't like staying smith with kitty, you don't like when someone likes kitty ....... you are like a broken machine 😄 take break maybe 

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4 hours ago, Milkshake1999 said:

Omg 😄 you really don't want peace! they should block you here. you're lame!! nobody cares about your long stories, everyone here loves kitty, not smith 😄 you don't like leora you don't like kitty, you don't like coming back kitty, you don't like staying smith with kitty, you don't like when someone likes kitty ....... you are like a broken machine 😄 take break maybe 

Hello Kitty 😋

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fierce amy poehler GIF

On 3/28/2022 at 2:36 AM, Milkshake1999 said:

Omg 😄 you really don't want peace! they should block you here. you're lame!! nobody cares about your long stories, everyone here loves kitty, not smith 😄 you don't like leora you don't like kitty, you don't like coming back kitty, you don't like staying smith with kitty, you don't like when someone likes kitty ....... you are like a broken machine 😄 take break maybe 

You go!

On 3/20/2022 at 11:32 PM, ddhm said:

Instead of allowing both these two  people to find a bit of peace away for cameras exposure , I read that Kitty is thinking to rejoin and get an apartment ..Excuse me , an apartment to do what ? Watch a Leora number two , no friends , isolation and 4-5 hours per day portable devices using ? What life is expected with Kitty returning ? Another financial support that she actually she isn’t in such a big need according to her real life job things ? 

As per the comments about how kitty feels and what’s going and what happened , moos54 post at the previous thread said it all . In case anyone wants to listen to Smith’s story , as contact  was established  with Kitty , it is very easy to contact  him also and since I read here about friendships and so on , a “ hello Smith “ could maybe start a chat ..But I guess since Smith is all to be blamed , nobody will ever listen to his story , nobody will ever know what he thinks that his girlfriend was insanely calling him sociopath and psychopath , nobody will ever know how he was feeling any time she was videocalling “ sugar daddies “ telling them thst they can visit her anytime and that the boyfriend isn’t a problem ..Smith might have been whatever and although his actions  made him lose any right he might had , imagine any of us being in his situation , knowing that he is responsible losing the apartment during the previous stay and trying to keep himself calm and not break into violent actions .. ok , the guy broke , he didn’t manage , but honestly , how much anyone can take into similar continuous Kitty’s behaviors ? 

It is a pity as a final comment to think that people want to see Kitty back , sometimes it is time to let these people go and finally face the real life and the challenges / difficulties rather than the RLC cameras world covering all of their personal fears and insecurities . I think Leora’s example who has lost her life isn’t becoming a lesson , I find it sad that we see these people only as sexual workers and not giving them the chance to be back again  in the real world ( which of course it is their own fault that they don’t believe in themselves that they can make it resulting on keep on hoping for RLC’s support ) . RLC bringing Kitty back would show that they don’t learn of their mistake having back on screen an amazing beautiful woman but at the same time a woman that this world has made her being without real life friends , continuing a toxic relationship and ultimately without real life aims in such a young and productive age ..Of course in the end , for everyone , money rules , so , it won’t be surprising a return .. 


" Live and let live " As a matter of interest does anyone ever tell or instruct you how to live your life? 

The reason I ask is because you seem to derive great joy out of firstly trying to instruct Leora on what she should or shouldn't do to lead a fuller and more productive life, and then not satisfied with that you then start on Kitty. I don't know Kitty and never watched her at all when I was a member of RLC but I would imagine she would welcome your unwanted advise just as much as Leora does......Absolutely unwanted and unwarranted I would imagine they would be thinking. 

It's their lives to do with exactly as they please!!


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18 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

" Live and let live " As a matter of interest does anyone ever tell or instruct you how to live your life? 

The reason I ask is because you seem to derive great joy out of firstly trying to instruct Leora on what she should or shouldn't do to lead a fuller and more productive life, and then not satisfied with that you then start on Kitty. I don't know Kitty and never watched her at all when I was a member of RLC but I would imagine she would welcome your unwanted advise just as much as Leora does......Absolutely unwanted and unwarranted I would imagine they would be thinking. 

It's their lives to do with exactly as they please!!


We are just commenting on what we think according to the things we see  , it is always their decision to live as they want and the posts made are simply personal  opinions . Kitty failed 3 times so far , the posts made and the opinions expressed show possibilities in a different way that a tenant chose , who says that they should listen to any of us ? But where’s the mistake to express an opinion of what maybe it is better ? Kitty’s life and the way she was / is living it proved to be a complete failure , you don’t have a bigger image and I can only tell you that it was a sad image to watch. .In the end , i believe the coincidence with the incident causing  her been removed one more time will be the best thing that happened to her .


The same with Leora , I think it comes the time that a person should know when she should move on . I only express a personal opinion and it is never a suggestion of what a tenant should do , I don’t understand where’s the meaning of discussing if we don’t put our thoughts in public exposure of what we think about a tenant .In my opinion , Leora’s life is in a complete mess and the posts and opinions expressed by me have to do exactly with that .There are others that believe differently , that Leora’s life is wonderful and ideal , why should I agree with these opinions when i have mine and a different one ? And when it is wrong saying what I personally believe it is better BUT IN AN ABSOLUTE NO WAY what Leora should do ? These are two completely different things .It is the famous “ were I Leora , I would ….” , obviously I am not and I post about her and her actions according to what I see and the things that I see on cameras happening and simply not agreeing . If this is a mistake doing , then I don’t know what the purpose of the forum is and what does it serve if we can’t express a personal opinion ..An opinion is NEVER an indication for someone’s else life and how to live it .But the results sometimes are the better judge of actions..

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