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22 hours ago, van the man said:

Do you guys actually get pleasure from watching Radi? I personally find her to be sexless, false and a money making predator. Sexual tension my arse!!!

I must admit, she doesn't do anything for me.  I liked watching her masturbate in the early days, when she seemed to be exploring more.  I like watching her get the other girls off sometimes, particularly those who are less sexually open.  But I don't find Radi attractive, or particularly want to watch her on her own any more.

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Mon ikke også Holly og Tweety er kede af det. Altid trist når et venskab ryger. Især fordi både Radi og Lorraine virker intrigante. Olivia er endelig kommet ind i varmen. Radi har scoret kuvøseguf, og Lorraine endelig en veninde. Og Holly pleaser. Bare trist hun og Tweety ikke sætter sig ned og snakker sammen. Finder deres venskab på ny.


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5 minutes ago, Hornygirl said:

I think most of us have our favourites who we would quite happily see stick around for a while, though I find that even the best girls get a bit repetitive after a while given that inevitably on a site like this we only see their home life rather than the fullness of all that they do.  It's good to have new faces coming in and out, because that sparks new interactions even for those who have been around a while, and changes things up a bit.

The problem nowadays in the villa is that this current cast has no visitors  or guests , in the past , the girls would try and bring people inside , now it is like a forbidden thing to do , like they will be judged negative or whatever .. they go out and they for sure meet people but the last person I can remember is the one that Loraine brought and had a show ( with Daniela ) ..I mean come on , this is the villa , legendary things have happened here for our entertainment .. 

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5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Come dice una buona amica, il problema nella villa in questo momento è la vita disastrata di Loraine e sfortunatamente sta trascinando Holly sulla sua strada. Guarda com'è triste (Loraine), ha perso chili, nuova pettinatura per dimenticare il passato, isolata nella sua stanza con le sue cuffie, niente divertimento per festeggiare, per divertirsi, niente di niente. almeno ha offerto uno spettacolo con Daniela… Lancia/spacca persino i bicchieri sentendosi frustrata dal nulla. è quello che personalmente non mi piace.Non dico che dovrebbe masturbarsi tutti i giorni o fare spettacoli ogni due giorni, ma almeno offrire un sorriso, una bella aura per sintonizzarsi e guardare il più bello di tutti (che però sta svanendo se continua così). Se questo è troppo per lei, può sempre rassegnare le dimissioni e avere nella villa persone che rispettano il concetto di GOV..Non può essere che Harley per esempio dorma sul divano in B6 quando potrebbe fare “miracoli” nella villa e avere Loraine occupa la seconda migliore camera da letto...Non può essere che Harley per esempio dorma sul divano in B6 quando potrebbe fare “miracoli” nella villa e far occupare Loraine la seconda migliore camera da letto...Non può essere che Harley per esempio dorma sul divano in B6 quando potrebbe fare “miracoli” nella villa e far occupare Loraine la seconda migliore camera da letto...

Hey there, we're saying the same thing

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4 minutes ago, Hornygirl said:

I must admit, she doesn't do anything for me.  I liked watching her masturbate in the early days, when she seemed to be exploring more.  I like watching her get the other girls off sometimes, particularly those who are less sexually open.  But I don't find Radi attractive, or particularly want to watch her on her own any more.

Her time is long gone as an individual but she’s at least trying to offer the adult entertainment who many want to watch .. it is just a repeated thing and that’s why it was a nice change what happened with Rus …the same bla bla different day it leads nowhere ..but look who gets the most views , it is her and Leora being the exhibitionists , the problem might be the viewers overall then, the girls feed them what they want to watch …

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3 minutes ago, ddhm said:

The problem nowadays in the villa is that this current cast has no visitors  or guests , in the past , the girls would try and bring people inside , now it is like a forbidden thing to do , like they will be judged negative or whatever .. they go out and they for sure meet people but the last person I can remember is the one that Loraine brought and had a show ( with Daniela ) ..I mean come on , this is the villa , legendary things have happened here for our entertainment .. 

I haven't always found that the guests have improved things to be honest.  The best times for me has been when it has been a group of girls who all get on together and interact together in a way that is fun and playful.

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14 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Then Holly has gone completely stupid, she's not doing anything to get close to Tweety and anyway Loraine does everything to keep them away. Better, she goes out of her way to keep Holly close otherwise no one would look for her

It seems to me Holly may be playing a risky game by sticking too close to Lors as Lors is used to spending plenty of time on her own and is she ready for little sister around all the time? It may be different for girls but this man (me) needs at least some down time by himself to recharge the batteries 😏

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

Her time is long gone as an individual but she’s at least trying to offer the adult entertainment who many want to watch .. it is just a repeated thing and that’s why it was a nice change what happened with Rus …the same bla bla different day it leads nowhere ..but look who gets the most views , it is her and Leora being the exhibitionists , the problem might be the viewers overall then, the girls feed them what they want to watch …

Yes, I think there has always been a danger that the girls view the top cams and decide that's what they need to do.  I think RLC quite probably uses that to manipulate things too - I personally cannot believe that there are really more people watching Leora sit around on the sofa than some of the other interesting interactions that go on in the other places.

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1 minute ago, Hornygirl said:

I haven't always found that the guests have improved things to be honest.  The best times for me has been when it has been a group of girls who all get on together and interact together in a way that is fun and playful.

If the employer doesn’t care for the provided content and the only concern is how to keep Leora happy  and on screen with a loneliness life but because she’s is naked the whole day she attracts the eye candy , then allowing a same more or less thing happening by a continuous 15 months GoV tenant ( Radi ) , when they keep tenants who are making the most out of it in an apartment who is ridiculous for GOV ( Harley and Fiora ) away from a place that they could make so much , when they have tenants sharing beds which prevents from at least do anything in private , what is it that we try to analyze more ? The employer has allowed for the girls to see the project as sleep ,wake up , repeat and the few who do actually things , they are stormed with negative and insulting comments because they offer something ( Masha , Kylie and Rus , B6 , ) .. I think the employer ( RLC ) has allowed for the situation to derail with some unthinkable decisions and this on going stand by situation frustrates everyone ..I can’t imagine personally if it wasn’t Kylie and Rus and do things , organize parties , travel around in the apartments and at least make the rest of the girls escape lots of their boring routine …

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