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29 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

It's not a body until it reaches a certain stage.  I'm not for or against abortion but what one does with their own inards is their own decision and should not be decided by some Religeous or Political faction as to what they can or cannot do with their own body.

After a certain gestational period passes then abortion should not be recommended. Then if they choose not to keep the child then it's placed up for adoption when it's born and the birthing mother will not see the child after that point. 

But "Sleepy Joe" did not say the right to abort a fetus should be protected. He said the right to "abort a child" should be protected.

45 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


On the subject of abortion - what an ugly word. The topic was discussed in Germany 50 years ago and, despite religious zealots, was resolved in a socially acceptable way through legislation. no anarchy, "everyone does what he wants", but also no religious-state arbitrariness. 

This USA is obviously a religious-regressive state of the Middle Ages - when the dying child was snatched from pregnant women to be baptized in the name of Christ - and then both mother and child were buried in the cemetery. 

That a woman has to carry a fetus after being raped or having a hereditary disease is state violence, inhuman and criminal. Again, President Joe Biden is absolutely right - no matter how old or senile he is - the man is just very intelligent.


Since you love Joe Biden I wish Biden was the Chancellor of Germany so that he could destroy Germany instead of destroying the U.S. :tongue:

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10 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Since you love Joe Biden I wish Biden was the Chancellor of Germany so that he could destroy Germany instead of destroying the U.S. :tongue:


Wie üblich ist es erstaunlich wieviel Unsinn Du in einem einzigen Satz vortragen kannst.

Mir wird hier immer wieder vorgehalten, ich würde USA-"bashing" betreiben, das ist falsch - Recht was Recht ist. Ich liebe US-Präsident Biden nicht, doch er macht nach meiner Auffassung vieles richtig, was sein unfähiger Vorgänger durch Dummheit "vergeigt" hat - in dem er USA zu einer internationalen Lachnummer gemacht hat. 

"Make Amerika great again", ist im Rahmen von Globalisierung pure Dummheit und NAZI-Gerede !! 😁

Wir brauchen in Deutschland keine US-Politiker, wir haben genug eigene Deppen.


31 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

But "Sleepy Joe" did not say the right to abort a fetus should be protected. He said the right to "abort a child" should be protected.


"Erbsen-Zähler". Jedes ungeborenes Kind ist Fötus. Geborene "Kinder" kann man nicht mehr abtreiben.

Der Streit ist ungelöst, wann beginnt (selbständiges) Leben ??? Religions-fuzzys sagen, nach Verschmelzung von Ei und Samenzelle, Mediziner sagen, nach Geburt und Abnabelung. Religions-fuzzys sind unehrlich und zählen nur Anzahl ihrer (potentiellen) Mitglieder zum Machterhalt ihrer Organisation - diese Leute sollten sich besser für das Wohlergehen von geborenen und lebendigen Kindern kümmern. Doch gerade in religiösen Schulen und Einrichtungen ist seit 100 Jahren der Mißbrauch von Kindern unglaublich hoch. Ein Fakt, warum in Deutschland der Anteil von Mitgliedern der christlichen Kirchen unter 50% liegt. 100.000 de Kirchenaustritte jedes Jahr.



     The only reason anything was even mentioned regarding the subject of abortion is because of some so called woke fickle minded individual who decided to leak some info. related to an opinion of one justice out of nine justices that have not even made any further ruling on the matter to stir up contraversy and deflect peoples attentions away from all of the consistent failures of a puppet and his puppeteer handlers and other cronies in less than a year and a half that have directly caused soaring inflation where the prices and costs of everything has been skyrocketing and the fact that the puppet's approval ratings have been steadily going down and have been being reported at an abysmal 33%. Even many of those who were naive or ignorant enough to have believed their b.s. in 2020 have not at all liked having to spend so much more of what they make just to get by. It is why some days of reckoning are coming and the first of which will arrive 6 months from now and the wacked out fickle minded fools know it and are getting nervous enough that some will do whatever they can to divert peoples attentions away from the other wacked out fickle minded fools they supported that have caused the soaring inflation and skyrocketing costs of everything.

If course, since the leaker was more than likely employed at the supreme court, that conniving individual is likely compensated enough that the skyrocketing cost of everything has not had as much of a negative impact on that individual's well being as of yet like it has on a majority of others of the overall population. When the identity of the individual gets discovered, that conniving individual may not be employed at that place of employment much longer afterwards.

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14 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     The only reason anything was even mentioned regarding the subject of abortion is because of some so called woke fickle minded individual who decided to leak some info. related to an opinion of one justice out of nine justices that have not even made any further ruling on the matter to stir up contraversy and deflect peoples attentions away from all of the consistent failures of a puppet and his puppeteer handlers and other cronies in less than a year and a half that have directly caused soaring inflation where the prices and cost of everything has been skyrocketing and the fact that the puppet's approval ratings have been steadily going down and have been being reported at an abysmal 33%. Even many of those who were naive or ignorant enough to have believed their b.s. in 2020 have not at all liked having to spend so much more of what they make just to get by. It is why some days of reckoning are coming and the first of which will arrive 6 months from now and the wacked out fickle minded fools know it and are getting nervous enough that some will do whatever they can to divert peoples attentions away from the other wacked out fickle minded people they supported.  

Well Said , I couldn't have said it better myself. !!!

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


As usual, it's amazing how much nonsense you can come up with in a single sentence.

I'm repeatedly accused of "bashing" USA, that's wrong - what's right is right. I don't love US President Biden, but I think he's doing a lot of things right that his incompetent predecessor "fucked up" through stupidity - by making the United States an international laughing stock. 

"Make America great again" is pure stupidity and NAZI talk in the context of globalization !! 😁

We don't need US politicians in Germany, we have enough idiots of our own.


 If Joe Biden is doing so many good things why do the vast majority of Americans disapprove of his job performance? 

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

 If Joe Biden is doing so many good things why do the vast majority of Americans disapprove of his job performance? 


Als Biden am Tag seiner Amtseiführung 17 Verordnungen von seinem irren Vorgänger rückgängig machte stieß dies auf große Zustimmung in Amerika und in der Welt. Biden konnte erfolgreich Scherben seines Vorgängers zusammen fegen und zu kitten.

Inzwischen ist vieles passiert was nicht vorhersehbar war. Hinzu kommt, das Amerikaner lange über ihre Verhältnisse leben und nicht bereit sind für Klima- und Umweltschutz Geld in die Hand zu nehmen. Energie ist seit Jahrzehnten im internationalen Vergleich aller Industrieländer viel zu billig. Wenn nun in Verantwortung für die Welt Energie teurer wird beginnt das große aufheulen von unreifen großen Kindern. Alles wir Biden in die Schuhe geschoben - als Sündenbock.

Zustimmung hin oder her - alles sind Umfragedaten von hunderte Umfragefirmen. Und jedes dieser "Institute" kocht sein eigenes Süppchen. Das soll man alles nicht so ernst nehmen. Die Rechnung folgt in 2 Jahren - und nicht im Herbst 2022.


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