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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #13


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Hace 6 horas, Moosecini dijo:

Bueno, parece que la supuesta ubicación precisa de su apartamento que me dieron es incorrecta. Según el reflejo de la ventana de su cocina esta mañana, el edificio frente a ellos no coincide con lo que se puede ver en Google. Sin embargo, me parece extraño que en el último año, las vistas directas del edificio sospechoso se hayan eliminado de Google, incluida la foto de Martina parada afuera. Tengo que pensar que RLC puede haber tenido algo que ver con eso. No podia conciliar el hecho de que tenian ventanas a ambos lados del apartamento con la luz del sol. Este edificio que pensé que era no podía tener eso.

Y para aquellos que sientan la necesidad inmediata de saltar sobre mí como un acosador...

1. Es solo una curiosidad

2. Vivo a miles de kilómetros de distancia.

3. No lo encontré en primer lugar. Yo dije.

Entonces, toma una pastilla y sigue adelante. Solo haciendo una observación.😉

cierto , el trozo de manzana de el piso en esa calle  , se corta en google maps , y continua en la siguiente . curioso no ?

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7 hours ago, Adalbert said:

No need to keep this picture in head. Only an imagination of people who like to see skinny tall women with silicon fake tits..

Real is better even when tits are small as you can see when you watch Candela who is currently visiting the two. But it is a question of taste.🤷‍♂️


Candela has a very nice smile and she is very sexy, she has a lot of sex appeal.

But I think she doubts it, I hope Martina will help her to rebuild her self-confidence because Candela deserves it very much, go ahead girls!

Just by her look, her eyes, you can see that she is very intelligent...compared to the majority of the other girls in the other apartments. She has this 'human' side very developed like Martina.

She deserves to find a man who will appreciate, love and respect her or if she want, a woman....I don't know

What would be very interesting, imagine Martina and Candela having an apartment in RLC.....  


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On 4/20/2022 at 10:54 AM, Robbo56 said:

Damn, I'm glad you 'took the edge off' because I don't know where this would have gone if you didn't do that 😳. I was completely with you until we got to Alberto's 6 hours on the air guitar - leave him out and the rest of the image is awesome. As for LA - no idea, but just because your brain is shooting off fireworks in different directions doesn't mean you need to make a big life change -  make it when the brain is quieter and less emotional. 

The part of Alberto was to 'illustrate' that in certain situations, Alberto could offer himself or Martina a lot of pleasure but that he misses completely.

LA, because I work there a few years, long time ago, in the entertainment business.

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3 hours ago, darkman said:

true , the piece of the block of the flat in that street , is cut in google maps , and continues in the next one . curious right?

@Moosecini I also have big doubts about the google map story but I'm still very intrigued that RLC could have done something. To make google map 'react', it's not easy.
On the other hand, I am intrigued if Martina lives near one of the beaches, can she walk there? there are so many beaches in Barcelona...

p.s.  I follow you, if you have information one day. Keep the good work ! Kiss you !

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2 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

what happens when you have 3 people on the couch? you just have 3 people on the couch and no treesome (no bad thoughts LOL) 

I forgot to mention that Martina and Candela tend to be shirtless while Alberto always has a thick sweater so it's not necessarily hot enough to be shirtless, but who's going to complain....so they do it because of RLC cam...Candela do it automatically now, she learns fast.. RLC have you noticed....Bogdan wake up !...Stop looking inside your short....

P.S. To Martina and Candela: it's so hot that you have to be topless all the time to allow the air to circulate around you and Alberto can offer his services to take your temperature with his famous rectal touch.... 


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1 hour ago, JenniferMom said:

Where are they now?

That’s a good question. They haven’t come home to check on the dogs and they left the dining room light on. It’s not rare for Alberto to pull an all nighter, but it is rare for him to stay out until the sun comes up. 

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