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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #52

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13 hours ago, philo said:

Over the years with RLC I have noticed a pattern. Whenever RLC apartments run out of scripts or run out of talent, their default decision is to put a Russian dude on camera. This has been tried over an over with mixed results. More recently, the new villa should satisfy many of the guys who like to watch guys. Personally I don't look much at apartments where the male presence is dominant. If I wanted to see guys I would opt for another internet platform. The return of Paul is a decision that frankly, I cannot understand. I know that he has remained popular in the minds of many, just like Vanessa remains in my imagination even though she has been gone for years.  I will probably continue to watch Leora from time to time but mostly when she is doing something different...like bating on the balcony. I have already seen what Paul can do an I am not impressed. Leora likes to get herself off at the end but she let Malia get her off more times than I have seen Paula get her there. If something happens in the thumbs to distract me from my preferred apartments I will tune in. Otherwise, I will leave you guys to your own taste...which is much different than mine. Adios.

Leora is boring as a single female living alone.  Whether its Paul or someone else, how long can you watch the same person do nearly the same routine daily?  The forum was popping when that dude Dennis or that other gal was in her 'life' for a short time.  More activity this channel gets, the more subscribers.

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7 hours ago, Brokk! said:

Paul's return isn't RLC's choice, it was Leora and Paul who decided to get back together as a couple. It was Leora who wanted Paul to come and stay in Prague and Paul accepted. If it had not been Paul's will to leave for Prague, everything would have remained the same. It is very different from taking a random man and putting him in a mansion.

If L&P is fine this way there isn't much to complain about.

It is so many things that can be said about your post ...


But i will say only one ..Who guarantees that Leora and Paul and Eva will be what was from 2013-2019 … they both have moved on with their lives and for reasons that I prefer to keep for myself as I don’t want to create chaos of fire comments here , they just like this decide to live together again ..

Let’s see it first and when this happens and the way it will be happening , we can say if this was the right choice or not ..For what I can tell , this is Europe,other culture , other way of living , Leora has in a way adapted and still she’s not fully there with the European style ..who guarantees Paul’s approval of Leora’s lifestyle ? Who guarantees that Paul will accept all of her friendships and the way she has made it ? How will Leora react to his adaptation ? 

I have rarely seen second chances work , except if people here believe that Leora and Paul never got “ separated “ and were always a couple .. I will like them to succeed but in pure cold personal opinion , Leora and Paul for me is a finished story ( for the people who want to see them together but mostly for these two and whatever they think , I hope I am COMPLETELY WPONG ).


Again , money rules Leora’s life , if it was always the love of her life , the man who couldn’t leave behind , she would have stayed in Russia ..But whatever , bullshit 😂🤣😂😂

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At least you guys are more “polite “ during spring times , the bullshit GIF didn’t appear 😂🤣😂🤣


 Never forget  that this topic has the least active members in the whole forum and it is the “ nest “  of a certain group who in the process of time the forum has christened them as “ Leora’s cultists “ and “ Leora’s worshipers “ .. This , like all other topics could be a great place for opinions and a variety of thoughts to be expressed publicly but … the absence of so many respected posters across CC forums is actually confirming what I am trying to say here …


In any case , Leora is a passion and an addiction so , the reactions are totally understood . 

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