philo Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 Unless you are from the same "Culture" of the person being interpreted, there is no way to know what the translation means, out of context. In one culture, 'that Bitch" or that Whore" can be a term of endearment while in another context it can be pejorative. 1
philo Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 "Ohhh Papi, Yeesss Papi" is what she said. Make no mistake about it, I was not her father. LOL 1
Deepdave Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 5 minutes ago, philo said: Unless you are from the same "Culture" of the person being interpreted, there is no way to know what the translation means, out of context. In one culture, 'that Bitch" or that Whore" can be a term of endearment while in another context it can be pejorative. Can't misinterpret what they are doing now or do you want to try.
philo Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 Alberto treats Martina live a movie version of a "whore". Or, how some script writer thinks a "whore" should be treated. Slapping her ass, putting his cum on her rather than in her, and throwing the towel at her following the act...Somewhere in his mind that's what he thinks she likes or what he thinks she is. 1
philo Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 Acting out a fantasy, I think, is different than faking it. When the slapping thing started many years ago, I decided to do a novel thing...I asked women I was fucking what they liked and didn't like. I found that most women of the women I asked, don't like to be slapped...on the ass or anywhere else. To my surprise, I did have a time with someone who did. It was her fantasy and I helped her with it. But outside of that fantasy, slapping her would have resulted in a call to law enforcement. The slapping is often allowed, said one woman to me, because some women think it helps the men to perform better. "Don't get it twisted", she cautioned, "that all women like it"..."some are just faking it".
Karrui Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 57 minutes ago, philo said: I recall that there was a "translator" war between two guys on this forum about six or seven years ago. They would correct each other and the non-native language speakers could not figure out which was accurate. Many decided to take sides anyway. (Go figure). It turned out that both versions were "accurate" but based upon the "interpretation" of what was said, we ended up with two different meanings. That's why I prefer to have someone give me the verbatim "translation" and let me figure out what it means. If they do the "interpretation" then I'm stuck with what they decided it means and that's just not something I'm willing to do. A few years ago, I wrote what I heard Martina say. (I speak Portuguese, and I understand Spanish) it was an eternal discussion about the real meaning, I was sure what was meant literally, they even hinted that I hadn't heard correctly : ) Since then I don't post anything I hear anymore. Ps: I don't know in the Spanish context, but in Portuguese we use a lot of Puta, like (puta dor) very strong pain, or something like that Being that in Portuguese the meaning is also prostitute
philo Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 7 minutes ago, Karrui said: A few years ago, I wrote what I heard Martina say. (I speak Portuguese, and I understand Spanish) it was an eternal discussion about the real meaning, I was sure what was meant literally, they even hinted that I hadn't heard correctly : ) Since then I don't post anything I hear anymore. Ps: I don't know in the Spanish context, but in Portuguese we use a lot of Puta, like (puta dor) very strong pain, or something like that Being that in Portuguese the meaning is also prostitute You give a good example of what I was attempting to convey. Thank you.
philo Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 This is not a trivial matter...the decision to rely upon words rather than up what you see. Where I live, thousands of people tried to stage a political coup based upon their reliance upon what someone said rather than upon what was observable fact. There is good science on this question about not believing your "lying eyes" but generally, people have not become knowledgable about this.
Adalbert Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 Personally, I prefer the translations and advice provided by our trustable translators, even if they are sometimes wrong. Better 80% correct information than 100% wrong and insane speculation. But everyone here is allowed to live according to his own preferences.😂 1 1
Adalbert Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 1 hour ago, Karrui said: A few years ago, I wrote what I heard Martina say. (I speak Portuguese, and I understand Spanish) it was an eternal discussion about the real meaning, I was sure what was meant literally, they even hinted that I hadn't heard correctly : ) Since then I don't post anything I hear anymore. Ps: I don't know in the Spanish context, but in Portuguese we use a lot of Puta, like (puta dor) very strong pain, or something like that Being that in Portuguese the meaning is also prostitute You should not forgett that they speak dialect which is also for our trustable translators sometimes difficult to understand. So someone easy can understand something wrong.🤷♂️ So it's always good not to turn off your mind.😁
darkman Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 3 hours ago, DWI said: Después de que Martina llegó a casa esta mañana después de una noche entera, a partir de las 08:46 estaba hablando por teléfono con otra mujer. No estoy seguro si fue Candela o no. La mayor parte de la llamada telefónica estaba en la cámara de la cocina, pero un poco estaba en el baño del fondo. Pero bueno, a eso de las 09:05 la conversación se animó y luego a eso de las 09:08 las otras mujeres comenzaron a usar la palabra "puta", que creo que significa "zorra" o "puta". A partir de ese momento, la otra mujer usó "puta" al menos 15 veces durante los siguientes 10 a 15 minutos. ¿Tenemos un traductor que pueda darnos un resumen de lo que fue esa conversación? La conversación parecía bastante seria por momentos y raro ver a Martina tan animada en una llamada telefónica y en una cámara abierta. Creo que a muchos suscriptores les gustaría una idea de lo que se habló. si era candela la recocí por la voz , estaban hablando de el pueblo de martina , que me sorprendio por que dijo el nombre , un pueblo de tan solo 6000 habitantes en invierno . hablaban de como martina ha rehecho su vida gracias a RLF , comentaban que todas las amigas la llamaron PUTA , por esto . martina dijo que su padre esta en un hotel de 5 estrellas a gastos pagados , ( carcel ) el motivo lo desconozco , tambien hablaron del hermano de martina que parece no lleva el camino correcto , candela animaba a martina diciendole que ella lo que ha conseguido no ha sido nada facil , exponer su vida intima durante 5 años no es algo facil . en otro corte despues de follar esta tarde con alberto , hablaron sobre la fiesta de anoche , no se si hablaban en serio o era en plan ironico , pero parece ser que ayer hubo un trio , alberto , martina y otra chica , alberto dice textualmente ( de las tres horas que estuvimos follando una fue por el culo , a lo que martina responde , yo de eso no me entere , y alberto le dice , estabas muy borracha , repito , no sabria decir si es en serio o estaban diciendolo de broma , pero decirlo lo ha dicho . 3
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