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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2022) #6


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2 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

Jimbo, I for one have said my offensive piece in the past and have not chosen my words or dialogue properly. Made a conscious effort to not be derogatory and hope it's worked.  Even stopped drinking due to medical requirements which has to have helped.  Not dwelling in my past mud, now that the shoes are clean. Upward and onward.

The new version of the old version of the Queen is great.

Nice one max you are now one of jimbos deciples like me 

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5 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

Leora is RLC's number one and she loves being on cam. She might only leave when the brass drags her out of the apartment kicking and screaming.  Unlike others who come and go, Leora is a fixture and wants to keep things going as along as she can.  As long as she does RLC will $$$.

After what's been said for the past 9 years she's a tough cookie. The positives out weigh the negatives.

I'm encouraged that she's trying new things. I got down on her after Malia left but in retrospect feel she was lonely, maybe a bit depressed. Once Paul and Eva came she chippered up.

Reminds me, time to pay the $45.00  Wonder what her cut is out of it? Should we petition RLC for her to get a raise?

She'll be lucky if she get $2 for each $45 collected.  

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3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

If that is true then I am left with nobody to banter and “ argue “ with….I will therefor do likewise and post no more.😉

I will reconsider when it is determined that making a derisive post, followed by an😁, does not  make it humorous. One reaps, what one sows.  If that is what is wanted in this Leora & Paul- Home Activities. So be it. Until such time I will post only using emojis !

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3 hours ago, scutus said:

Should everyone pay as you suggest that you do, and if Leora is the primary reason for your RLC subscription. That being the case for myself, and I suspect many others. Which amounts to $546.90 per annum. There is no need for a petition to get her a raise. My annual contribution to RLC for the same Premium Membership is $ 364.90.

Leora, says thank you !😉

When one makes a payment for a RLC Account their monies paid go towards all of the tenants regardless off whether they get watched or not. Where else can a tenant get a free apartment with all utilities paid and fully furnished and get paid a stipend of 2,500 or more Euro a Month. Rest assured no Tenant will ever become a millionaire being on RLC or any other site of similarity.  

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16 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

As a friend and not to argue but the facts are, both Secrete Service Agents mentioned said it never happened. Both asked to testify under oath. Doubt they will be allowed to testify.

Just saying. The chick testifying wasn't a witness and heresay is inadmissible and can't be used as testimony. Also no cross examination allowed. Dog and pony show.

Hate to discuss politics here. All was meant as a joke ofc.

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6 hours ago, scutus said:

Yes, some of us are tired of the continual, cynical, insinuating, sick, sense of humor, aimed at Leora, that seems to be the only type of posts, certain posters are capable of making. 

They do not contribute to humorous bantering of yore, or peace and quiet in the thread. But instead are an open invitation for others to " stir the pot " !! 😞

 She will be part of RLC as long as she wants to be. Deriding posts will not make her leave. But they will continue to fuel ongoing turmoil in the forum.

ps. if one does not like what I have posted. Feel free to use the ignore button !

Scutus, if you refer to Stoney well, I believe he is just having some fun. And honestly, if Leora cannot handle a bit of laughter perhaps she is in the wrong business. That being said, personally, I choose to support her as you do.


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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

When one makes a payment for a RLC Account their monies paid go towards all of the tenants regardless off whether they get watched or not. Where else can a tenant get a free apartment with all utilities paid and fully furnished and get paid a stipend of 2,500 or more Euro a Month. Rest assured no Tenant will ever become a millionaire being on RLC or any other site of similarity.  

        I believe I realize that you meant if the benefits of having bills paid residence's to reside in are factored in along with periodic cost of living compensations, but I disagree to an extent because of the fact that if all of subscriber currencies went to the overheads to support the participants and no profits had been made, they would have never been able to continue covering overhead costs such as property leases and utility bills during the times of lesser participant and/or subscriber participations. The participants only receive a percentage of what the business receives in subscription currencies because of such matters, otherwise, the business would have never lasted very long at all and certainly not as long as it has.

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

        I believe I realize what you meant if the benefits of having blls free residences to reside in are factored in along with a periodic supposedly cost of living compensations, but I disagree to an extent because of the fact that if all of subscriber currencies went to the overheads to support the participants and no profits had been made, they would have never been able to continue covering overhead costs such as property leases and utility bills during the times of lesser participant and/or subscriber participations. The participants only receive a percentage of what they receive in subscription currencies because of such, otherwise, the business would have never lasted very long at all and certainly not as long as it has.

With RLC when you have a subscriber base of 100,000+, the tenants only get a stipend and once all the Utilities and rent payments are made there is still a large slice of the pie that's pure profit. They used to pay bonus's at one time for extra activity above and beyond but don't know if it still is or whether that part was removed.   100,000 subscriber @$44.95= $4,495,000.  Even after all stipends and everything is covered there is still a large chunk of pie each month which makes RLC and the shareholders smile from ear to ear. 

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5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

With RLC when you have a subscriber base of 100,000+, the tenants only get a stipend and once all the Utilities and rent payments are made there is still a large slice of the pie that's pure profit. They used to pay bonus's at one time for extra activity above and beyond but don't know if it still is or whether that part was removed.   100,000 subscriber @$44.95= $4,495,000.  Even after all stipends and everything is covered there is still a large chunk of pie each month which makes RLC and the shareholders smile from ear to ear. 

        That explanation is more detailed and seems more understandable and is an explanation of which I agree with.

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