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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #17


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30 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

From what I gather from your statement, the IR night vision for the living room cameras would still be broken, so when they turn off the lights in the living room, you can't see anything.  That's the same as turning off/blocking the cameras or hiding in blind spots.

RLC needs to:

- Fix those 3 cameras

- Update ALL of them in that apartment to 1080p

- Ditch the worthless bathroom cam

- Add a cam on the balcony

OR move them to an apartment worthy of Martina!

"OR move them to an apartment worthy of Martina!"

You're right. This matter has already been addressed.
The difference between B6/B7 is so significant:
Size and condition of the apartment, location, pool, terrace and balcony, interior design and much more.
It looks like RLC differentiates between Russians/Ukrainians and Spaniards. In any case, there was once a connection to Russia and Ukraine. That might explain why Bogdan is involved.
I have been to Russia several times and was surprised by the poor conditions many people live there. Even in big cities like St-Petersburg.
However, Leora's apartment in Siberia was spacious and modern.

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4 hours ago, berty_47 said:

Why isn't the forum better followed, even back in time? There are already answers to many questions and discussions.


Martina brought a friendship bracelet for Alberto. At 10:57 p.m., she unpacked it and put it on Alberto's arm. She had already worn hers upon arrival.


However, I see this with mixed feelings. There could be a very obvious reason.


I couldn't see that Nelly did this for Bogdan too.




Martina came home at 10:44 p.m. Nelly was picked up by Bogdan and Dog. They got to the apartment at 11:41 p.m.


When Martina goes to Nelly, it always takes about an hour. Nelly probably accompanied Martina home. Martina is said to live in the Gràcia district. B7 seems to be more inland on hills. You can see beautiful forests from the house and there is usually a light wind.




On the family: According to various reports, her father screwed up pretty badly and is (or was) in prison. The family lives in a small town where everyone knows each other (Martina even mentioned the name in a phone call), so not in Valencia.


When Martina's parents were visiting her in Barcelona, her father openly showed his dislike for Alberto (was reported).




Martina's brother also has a very questionable past. He is unemployed and lives from his family, who don't have much to live on themselves.


From my point of view, it is not important whether the brother is gay or not, but why he does not contribute to the family's upkeep.


I am aware of several cases where there were two daughters and one son. The daughters took care of their parents for years, the son not at all. After the parents died, the son inherited most of it. The daughters went almost empty-handed.


When I now observe how committed Martina is to her studies and her future plans and how reliably Alberto goes about his difficult work, then a tragedy is imminent.


I wish them both all the best for the future.


Hello berty, excellent summary of the situation without  speculations. Everything you wrote together can be read in the forum, my respect. 👏👏 I don't quite see the tragedy yet, but let's hope for the best that it doesn't come.🤞

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39 minutes ago, berty_47 said:

"OR move them to an apartment worthy of Martina!"

You're right. This matter has already been addressed.
The difference between B6/B7 is so significant:
Size and condition of the apartment, location, pool, terrace and balcony, interior design and much more.
It looks like RLC differentiates between Russians/Ukrainians and Spaniards. In any case, there was once a connection to Russia and Ukraine. That might explain why Bogdan is involved.
I have been to Russia several times and was surprised by the poor conditions many people live there. Even in big cities like St-Petersburg.
However, Leora's apartment in Siberia was spacious and modern.

I think with the luxury in the other apartments they attract the Russian/Ukrainian girls to spend time in the "project". What we have also seen a lot of the girls who are not longer in the "project" are still in Barcelona and we can see them sometimes at celebrations/partys. Think it might be easier for them to stay now longer because of the war. The situation in the Ukraine or Russia makes it a bit easier for RLC to get new "meat".

Die Situation in der Ukraine oder Russland macht es RLC etwas leichter, an neues „Fleisch“ zu kommen.

Martina and Alberto are a bit "exotic" at RLC because they are locals and want/have to live there and since both are comming out of non-wealthy families, the appartment seems to be o.k. for them.

But I agree it would be nice if they move in a better apartment or if they at least got a new sofa. 😂


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52 minutes ago, Adalbert said:
52 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

Мисля, че с лукса в другите апартаменти привличат руските/украинските момичета да прекарват времето си в "проекта". Това, което също видяхме, много от момичетата, които вече не са в "проекта", все още са в Барселона и можем да ги видим понякога на тържества/партита. Помислете, че може да им е по-лесно да останат сега по-дълго заради войната. Ситуацията в Украйна или Русия улеснява RLC да получи ново "месо".

Ситуацията в Украйна или Русия улеснява RLC да получи ново "месо".

Мартина и Алберто са малко „екзотични“ в RLC, защото са местни жители и искат/трябва да живеят там и тъй като и двамата идват от небогати семейства, апартаментът изглежда е добре за тях.

Но съм съгласен, че би било хубаво да се преместят в по-добър апартамент или поне да си вземат нов диван. 😂



I think ,that the repair and inventory in the apartments should be take care of by  the projekt  itself!

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1 hour ago, Adalbert said:

Hello berty, excellent summary of the situation without  speculations. Everything you wrote together can be read in the forum, my respect. 👏👏 I don't quite see the tragedy yet, but let's hope for the best that it doesn't come.🤞

Thank you Adalbert. A small (now long) note regarding
Tragedy: Daughters usually have a more intense relationship with their father than with their mothers. I have two adult daughters. 👩🧖‍♂️

I can imagine that Martina is very concerned about how this is going to continue. Finding a way to live without a guilty conscience while getting your siblings to support their parents will not be easy.
And one more thing: daughters often look for a man who has similar qualities to their father. Who praises them, who loves them, whom they can adore. Do you see the connection?

My personal impression is that Martina is aware of the whole situation and she is looking for a way to lead a completely different life.
As soon as she gets into a different living environment, where she meets completely different men (e.g. succesful, good job, without financial problems), she might find a man that a woman like Martina deserves.
Do you know the movie "Pretty Woman" with the charming Julia Roberts. If not, watch the movie. And send a copy to Martina.

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5 hours ago, berty_47 said:

Why isn't the forum better followed, even back in time? There are already answers to many questions and discussions.


Martina brought a friendship bracelet for Alberto. At 10:57 p.m., she unpacked it and put it on Alberto's arm. She had already worn hers upon arrival.


However, I see this with mixed feelings. There could be a very obvious reason.


I couldn't see that Nelly did this for Bogdan too.




Martina came home at 10:44 p.m. Nelly was picked up by Bogdan and Dog. They got to the apartment at 11:41 p.m.


When Martina goes to Nelly, it always takes about an hour. Nelly probably accompanied Martina home. Martina is said to live in the Gràcia district. B7 seems to be more inland on hills. You can see beautiful forests from the house and there is usually a light wind.




On the family: According to various reports, her father screwed up pretty badly and is (or was) in prison. The family lives in a small town where everyone knows each other (Martina even mentioned the name in a phone call), so not in Valencia.


When Martina's parents were visiting her in Barcelona, her father openly showed his dislike for Alberto (was reported).




Martina's brother also has a very questionable past. He is unemployed and lives from his family, who don't have much to live on themselves.


From my point of view, it is not important whether the brother is gay or not, but why he does not contribute to the family's upkeep.


I am aware of several cases where there were two daughters and one son. The daughters took care of their parents for years, the son not at all. After the parents died, the son inherited most of it. The daughters went almost empty-handed.


When I now observe how committed Martina is to her studies and her future plans and how reliably Alberto goes about his difficult work, then a tragedy is imminent.


I wish them both all the best for the future.


If Martina lives in the district you mentioned, it is significantly less than an hour if one travels by taxi, Uber to  B-7.

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1 hour ago, Adalbert said:

I think with the luxury in the other apartments they attract the Russian/Ukrainian girls to spend time in the "project". What we have also seen a lot of the girls who are not longer in the "project" are still in Barcelona and we can see them sometimes at celebrations/partys. Think it might be easier for them to stay now longer because of the war. The situation in the Ukraine or Russia makes it a bit easier for RLC to get new "meat".

Die Situation in der Ukraine oder Russland macht es RLC etwas leichter, an neues „Fleisch“ zu kommen.

Martina and Alberto are a bit "exotic" at RLC because they are locals and want/have to live there and since both are comming out of non-wealthy families, the appartment seems to be o.k. for them.

But I agree it would be nice if they move in a better apartment or if they at least got a new sofa. 😂


which is not good for rlc as a whole.  now current girls can stay off camera for days if they choose to and nobody is the wiser.  it allows the current girls way to much freedom in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, Adalbert said:

Creo que con el lujo en los otros apartamentos atraen a las chicas rusas/ucranianas para pasar tiempo en el "proyecto". Lo que también hemos visto muchas de las chicas que ya no están en el "proyecto" todavía están en Barcelona y podemos verlas a veces en celebraciones/fiestas. Creo que podría ser más fácil para ellos quedarse ahora más tiempo debido a la guerra. La situación en Ucrania o Rusia hace que sea un poco más fácil para RLC obtener nueva "carne".

La situación en Ucrania o Rusia hace que sea un poco más fácil para RLC obtener nueva "carne".

Martina y Alberto son un poco "exóticos" en RLC porque son locales y quieren/tienen que vivir allí y dado que ambos provienen de familias no adineradas, el apartamento parece estar bien para ellos.

Pero estoy de acuerdo en que sería bueno que se mudaran a un apartamento mejor o que al menos tuvieran un sofá nuevo. 😂


The apartment belongs to the neighbor upstairs, Martina has wanted to change the sofa several times but the owner has not wanted...

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1 hour ago, omedo said:

The apartment belongs to the neighbor upstairs, Martina has wanted to change the sofa several times but the owner has not wanted...

Too bad, it must be a special sofa...😁

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3 hours ago, berty_47 said:

Thank you Adalbert. A small (now long) note regarding
Tragedy: Daughters usually have a more intense relationship with their father than with their mothers. I have two adult daughters. 👩🧖‍♂️

I can imagine that Martina is very concerned about how this is going to continue. Finding a way to live without a guilty conscience while getting your siblings to support their parents will not be easy.
And one more thing: daughters often look for a man who has similar qualities to their father. Who praises them, who loves them, whom they can adore. Do you see the connection?

My personal impression is that Martina is aware of the whole situation and she is looking for a way to lead a completely different life.
As soon as she gets into a different living environment, where she meets completely different men (e.g. succesful, good job, without financial problems), she might find a man that a woman like Martina deserves.
Do you know the movie "Pretty Woman" with the charming Julia Roberts. If not, watch the movie. And send a copy to Martina.

Well, Pretty woman is a modern fairy tale. Unfortunately, the reality is a little less romantic. I'm sure Martina knows the movie.😉

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