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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2022) #7

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como han cambiado las cosas, desde que ha llegado Eva, el estado de animo de la Reina, ha cambiado, su aptitud hacia las cámaras ha cambiado, su predisposición, es diferente; en definitiva, estamos encantados con los cambios.

Bienvenida sea Eva

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1 minute ago, pulo filipe said:

Now that the movie on the tablet is over 

Leora and Paul are already sleeping 



And they cry & whine about their sleep patterns being out of sync. 

They're their own worst enemy when it comes to sleep deprivation.

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Good Morning  

great friday everyone

good work

08/07/2022 08/July /2022

Good morning Beautiful girls 

Leora and sexy girl

👸 👯 

Good Morning 

Paul and Eva


🐨👯 🌟🐈 😉🐎🦝🐿️🦍🗼💀🐊😁🦜 😈🐶 🦨 🔭 ✈️ 🕵️👨‍🍳🌶️🏍️ patou gag-her brokk! nenemoh7 hard on chris gregg scutus moos54 tikayou Masterchef marco 6742 taxio miraguy spying1 Pete1960 ste

Sesame Street Friday GIF by GoPop

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