Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 17, 2014 Author Posted August 17, 2014 Regarding stupidity: Why am I still stuck here at CamCaps? Answer: Because it's less painful than having my head smashed by concrete at high speeds. (I kinda figure if my President won't let us fight them, then we can at least ridicule them!) While I'm at it and in a pissed off mood, try these for an exhibition of humans stupidity:
ARMY SNIPER Posted August 18, 2014 Posted August 18, 2014 It may seem a little weird but i actually like reading stuff like this. it makes me feel good to be alive. i now know i am not quite as stupid as i thought i was.makes me a tiny bit smarter every time i hear or see other people being stupid.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 18, 2014 Author Posted August 18, 2014 On 8/18/2014 at 3:07 AM, HMFIC said: It may seem a little weird but i actually like reading stuff like this. it makes me feel good to be alive. i now know i am not quite as stupid as i thought i was.makes me a tiny bit smarter every time i hear or see other people being stupid. I understand what you mean, but unfortunately, we elect our town's stupid people and send them to Washington to get them off our local streets where they then become rich and tell us how to starve.
Guest BJon Posted August 18, 2014 Posted August 18, 2014 On 8/18/2014 at 7:21 AM, Foamy T. Squirrel said: Quote It may seem a little weird but i actually like reading stuff like this. it makes me feel good to be alive. i now know i am not quite as stupid as i thought i was.makes me a tiny bit smarter every time i hear or see other people being stupid. I understand what you mean, but unfortunately, we elect our town's stupid people and send them to Washington to get them off our local streets where they then become rich and tell us how to starve. My thought is Stupid people should not be allowed to vote. Everyone should have a complete understanding of how and why this country was founded before voting but the Libs have made sure that history is getting changed through our schools and colleges. Blame America for the worlds woes.
TBG 150 Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 America is blamed for the worlds woes, because we don't stand up for ourselves anymore. We're subservient. We apologize for your war 1000 years ago that we had nothing to do with. Then we send you billions in aid, because we're subservient.
woodworker Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 There it is, the mindless trash that is tearing away at the very fabric of this country. Why don't they go occupy a land fill somewhere, that would be fitting, or maybe a prison, which is where I would love to see them all occupying. Anti-American scum! And to think of all those great young men that fought and died in the past, so these imbeciles could have their little day in the sun here, sickens me.
threelols Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 Think about all the political bullshit that you consider immensely stupefying and now think of the people who believe all that crap and follow through without giving it a single thought. Now that stupidity I can not fathom.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 20, 2014 Author Posted August 20, 2014 On 8/20/2014 at 6:04 PM, woodworker said: ...Why don't they go occupy a land fill somewhere... They did -- at least it looked like that the next day to me. I was wearing flip-flops, so I didn't dare walk on the park grounds (trashed, human feces, hypodermic needles, thousands in damage to a public park.) A friend who attended complained that they wouldn't share food with a homeless man. I also attended a bigger rally at the State Capitol. Families with daughters were talking with mounted state troopers, with the little girls admiring their horses. Little girls love horses. There were enough people to wrap half way around the Capitol building. Thousands. I saw people walking homeless people to nearby shops and buying them food. I saw every color of people, even a young black Marine talking with a Korean War Navy vet about their experiences. They had become brothers that day. I was forced to go to the Capitol the next day on business. It was as if nothing had occurred. Sparkling clean. Guess which rally was arranged by Marxists, and covered in the press, and which rally was hosted by the "evil "Tea Party and had little if any press coverage?
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