poncherello Posted January 31, 2023 Posted January 31, 2023 2 minutes ago, northguy said: Grazie. Ponch. È successo qualcosa in bagno, anche se nessun suono o immagine, ed entrambe le ragazze erano incredibilmente ubriache. Penso (speculazione) sia stato come 7 minuti con i vestiti addosso, baci e la mano di Taylor che lavora sulla figa di Anya contro la porta. Nel libro di Taylor quello era "niente", altri lo chiamerebbero "qualcosa", ma queste sono lavoratrici del sesso, quindi la normale morale non si applica molto bene. La mattina dopo nella cucina di B4, non c'era affatto amore tra loro. In fact it's so
northguy Posted January 31, 2023 Posted January 31, 2023 Just now, poncherello said: In fact it's so Yeah, but we can't be sure, time will tell.
isidore57 Posted January 31, 2023 Posted January 31, 2023 il y a 22 minutes, northguy a dit : THX. Pochon. Quelque chose s'est passé dans la salle de bain, mais aucun son ou image, et les deux filles étaient incroyablement ivres. Je pense (spéculation) que c'était comme 7 minutes avec des vêtements, s'embrasser et la main de Taylor travaillant sur la chatte d'Anya contre la porte. Dans le livre de Taylor, ce n'était "rien", d'autres l'appelleraient "quelque chose", mais ce sont des travailleuses du sexe, donc la morale normale ne s'applique pas très bien. Le lendemain matin, dans la cuisine du B4, il n'y avait pas du tout d'amour entre eux, donc dans ce sens, ce n'était rien. Quelle démonstration !!! 😂😂😂
ashleyxyz Posted January 31, 2023 Posted January 31, 2023 2 hours ago, RdKing said: RLC should open a Gay RLC website for all the dick lovers 😒🤮 I'm a dick lover, I'm not gay Lol.. And my dick loving only extends to one man. So a gay rlc website wouldn't interest me. There are some existing men on RLC that are hotties, and I'm not in love with thier cocks, but I love how thier ladies use them for fun and pleasure!
FrankZabba Posted January 31, 2023 Posted January 31, 2023 1 hour ago, ashleyxyz said: I'm a dick lover, I'm not gay Lol.. And my dick loving only extends to one man. So a gay rlc website wouldn't interest me. There are some existing men on RLC that are hotties, and I'm not in love with thier cocks, but I love how thier ladies use them for fun and pleasure! i think you are on the wrong forum lol 2
northguy Posted January 31, 2023 Posted January 31, 2023 2 hours ago, isidore57 said: Quelle démonstration !!! 😂😂😂 Isi, it's totally speculative, complete guessing of course. Anybody can interpret it how they will.
dragi Posted February 1, 2023 Posted February 1, 2023 Je me demande avec qui va finir Anthony, voici mes pistes : -Tani ? Elle est en couple. C'est la fille la plus sociable de B4, donc Anthony va se dire que c'est possible, à voir à quel moment elle va lui mettre un stop (ou pas) -Raniya ? Elle est en couple. Et depuis qu'Ellectra est parti elle est beaucoup moins chaude -Anya ? Après quelques verres tout est possible avec elle, donc c'est une possibilité. Mais jusqu'à maintenant on a pas vraiment vu de discussion entre les deux -Alsu ? Elle est rarement à la villa, et elle est sous le contrôle de Serafima, et pour son business faudrait pas qu'une de ses "filles" soit en couple -Kimberly ? Je la trouve bizarre, et j'ai l'impression que les autres la trouve aussi bizarre, après 2 conversations les gens lui parlent plus et elle fini seul toujours seule dans sa chambre. Bon après quelques verres si elle seule avec lui en B7 tout est possible -Miron ? Lui il est là pour déboucher le vin et décapsuler les bières pour saouler les filles -Nelly ? / -Lavika ? Karina ? Lavika ? Elle ne sont jamais en B4/B7 -Taylor ? Pas besoin de développer 🙂 -Britney ? Elle aussi est sous le contrôle de Serafima, mais bon on vu de quoi elle était capable après quelques verres, un one shot est possible -Loraine ? J'ai cru comprendre que leurs rupture a été compliqué. Et je sais même pas si elle est encore sur Barcelone -Une fille de l'extérieur ? Possible 1
Pete1960 Posted February 1, 2023 Posted February 1, 2023 22 hours ago, Alladino said: Just one event followed by virtually nothing. This is more a sign that she has no problem with the cameras, but nevertheless has decided not to really participate in the project. For me, she is clearly a do nothing girl at the moment. The do nothings are one of the main issues of RLC. Currently there are 5 girls where nothing is happening or nothing can be seen. In addition, which I find particularly disappointing, there is a whole couple apartment that also goes the do nothing way. RLC really needs to work on recruting better people. I don't understand why people can still see something negative in it. The concept worked really well with both Holly&Thor and Tim&Tani. That Miron would be one of RLC's typical miscasts could be seen at first glance. I could imagine Antony having a much better chance with the girls. The problem is not the guys but the far too many do nothing girls.
fisherman Posted February 1, 2023 Posted February 1, 2023 14 hours ago, ashleyxyz said: I'm a dick lover, I'm not gay Lol.. And my dick loving only extends to one man. So a gay rlc website wouldn't interest me. There are some existing men on RLC that are hotties, and I'm not in love with thier cocks, but I love how thier ladies use them for fun and pleasure! That’s worrying 1
fisherman Posted February 1, 2023 Posted February 1, 2023 22 hours ago, JoeyNYC said: Taylor needs to find a job and stop sleeping on an available pillow I would think the money she has gained in the last year she can afford a few days off.
fisherman Posted February 1, 2023 Posted February 1, 2023 On 1/31/2023 at 4:33 AM, x192023 said: Wonder what the chances are that Anthony gets into Brits pants 😀 Her pants are so tight their is only two ways to get into them 1 lots of wine 2 can opener 1
JoeyNYC Posted February 1, 2023 Posted February 1, 2023 19 hours ago, Mark Thompson said: why do you care ???? friends help out friends ? Honestly I don't like people being disrespectful , The night Tani was having a three way with Taylor and Lilith by force (LOL Not) and Tim thing happen. Kim was tiring to get some from Lilith and Taylor but failed. Taylor was faking fun of her and saying over and over "Why nobody want to fuck me" Lilith and Taylor were having a good laugh at her expense in from of the whole RLC community. I'm not a huge Kim fan but don't hate her at all but Taylor was wrong and disrespectful, now she needs help ..."Get A Job"
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