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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #5 (Starts 2/10/23)

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2 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Nice conspiracy theory there bud...except the US and NATO are already engaged in a war with Russia.  Only using Ukrainians and not Americans...which is the fucking point! 

And maybe the balloons would be used as a way to get American citizens fired up against Russia and make them more willing to continue giving aid to Ukraine and maybe even get the U.S. directly involved in Ukraine with American troops. Will be interesting to see what country gets blamed for the balloons. Most likely China, but lets see.

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Think about it for a minute...

The Chinks lay out a few balloons as decoys to see what the US and Canada will do after discovering them. Now, they know they will be shot down even before they reach the US/Canadian mainland. The balloons are now loaded and sent out in swarms at differing altitudes and coordinates with a chemical or germ that will be released as soon as the balloon's exterior is breached. This germ or chemical floats down over the North American continent, being carried on the air currents. It gets mixed with rainstorms and gets carried to the ground even faster. The public goes about their daily business unaware that they are breathing these chemicals in. 

Within a few short weeks, the public is dying at a fast pace and the governments are unable to keep up trying to find an antidote to the potential poisons. The populations are killed off without ever having fired a shot or destroying any city centers or farmland. They can now come in and take over a pre-assembled country.

Conspiracy theory? Yes! Can it happen? Think about it.

The ChiComs aren't as stupid as the Nazi's were. An old warrior sits back and watches and waits. The young warrior charges head-on into battle without assessing their opponent.

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10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


What do you want now? If someone doesn't decide immediately, it's not good. If someone decides, they will also be mocked.

The background to the mysterious "weather balloons" will only be available later. The USA have installed a dense network of spy satellites around the globe, with which every point on earth is spied on with high-resolution lenses. On the other hand, many could sue who see their national sovereignty violated. 😁

When is someone going to shoot down these US spy satellites???


You are so fucking dumb. I was just making a joke  about Trudeau and Stncld. Had nothing to even do with the balloons. Typical German, totally devoid of any humor.:biggrin:

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6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


This probably applies to all major cities in the world with crime. Don't be overstyled and be a target for criminals in public - then you don't need a gun to protect yourself. 😁


And if more repeat criminals were put in prison people might not need to carry guns. American citizens should be able to wear whatever they want without having to worry about criminal thugs assaulting and robbing them.

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Biden has no choice. He has to run for president in 2024, because as soon as he announces he is not running his presidency is over. He will immediately become a lame duck president and the news media will focus their attention on Biden's successor in the Democratic Party.  

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On 2/11/2023 at 2:24 AM, pulo filipe said:

Former President Donald Trump's legal team has handed over additional materials with...


one has the document at home and the other has the document in the car 

That's an old photo from the original FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. More deceptive reporting by the news media.The owner of Fox News, Murdoch, does not want Trump to run for president in 2024, so he has joined the smear campaign against Trump..  

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40 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And maybe the balloons would be used as a way to get American citizens fired up against Russia and make them more willing to continue giving aid to Ukraine and maybe even get the U.S. directly involved in Ukraine with American troops. Will be interesting to see what country gets blamed for the balloons. Most likely China, but lets see.

Your position on a Nazi regieme attempting to terrorize another country is remarkable.  The mental gymnastics required to justify not doing anything is shameful.

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21 hours ago, Freddie57 said:


If DeSantis has skeletons in his closet he had better reveal them immediately, because if Donald Trump knows about them I guarantee you the Democrat political strategists know too. But the Democrats will wait until Desantis becomes the Republican presidential nominee before they release the dirt.

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