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Linda & Tibor (2023) #2


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So if you guys watched today you may have seen Linda topless again (you're welcome, lol) and lightly singing along with some songs.

God, what an angel! That shit really turns me on. I only wish she would sing a little louder. Not only would I love the hell out of it, but it would be funny to watch Tibor shut the door so he can concentrate.

Another thing I noticed that I had never seen before. While she was singing the music suddenly stopped and Linda made a face that she obviously would not have done if she knew we weren't watching. I thought it was cute.

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2 minutes ago, cupid30 said:

sounds like another 'blue balls' event! Sorry for the guy lol

Well, you know, this was before the site had as much sex as it has now, so they really didn't do shit in the B apartments back then. But you are not wrong 🤣

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9 hours ago, cupid30 said:

The undisputed champion of 'blue balls'

Couldn’t say it better .. BUT , this teasing , I don’t think anyone could do it better than her , Serafima could be the next in line but she didn’t do nearly once something “ adult “ on cameras that’s why she can’t be in the list .. Irma gave some really cool masturbations and I agree with the “ undisputed champion “ term 😁

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