ddhm Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 They made a big effort to “ kick off “ / start a new RLC with more “ ALIVE “ things than the repeated quiet and boredom they had for a long time . Most of the tenants ( Barcelona speaking ) have been really ok so far , for 3 weeks in the new RLC we have seen quiet a lot . Quite frankly , even these two ( Severina and Mariam ) with that totally wrong approach showed a totally new thing that we had never seen before , obviously they had no idea what they were doing with the cameras recording but also it was a mistake from RLC that didn’t try to speak to them when the first 1-2 incidents were shown till we reached the last one when most probably the police threat made RLC to take SERIOUS actions . I agree with the post made that in such a big “ RELAUNCH “ , it can’t be that you succeed with everyone . To be honest , I think the majority is completely dissatisfied from Lara and Liza , all the rest have been very active for this short period . I get the feeling that RLC will continue with their idea of bringing new faces except if this now unexpected turn of events makes them want to reopen B1 fast or if this won’t be possible , they will be saving money with one apartment less . BIGGEST WISH ? Bring back Marlene and Tesla ( they are very close friends ) OR have the lovely and wonderful sisters back ( Esmi and Zabava ) .. but , it seems we get two new faces and let’s hope that the casting is done from whoever brought the villa tenants as it was already mentioned that these two ( Severina / Mariam ) seemed to be from someone else ( they didn’t even care to interact with any other all those 13 days ) . 1 1
misterme Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 1 hour ago, Fritzhonka said: I re subbed partly also for B1. Do not close it down now or I might have to complain. It is expensive! Sorry no refunds for B1 as that male visitor discovered (to his and our cost)!😁 I am with you B1 always been the place for me, best cams etc very sad if they kill it off because of those 2 idiotic muppets ... my old link for B1 seems to take me to some weird villa in the hills with odd blokes & swimming pool, whatever ...🤢 3
corvette08 Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 7 minutes ago, misterme said: Sorry no refunds for B1 as that male visitor discovered (to his and our cost)!😁 I am with you B1 always been the place for me, best cams etc very sad if they kill it off because of those 2 idiotic muppets ... my old link for B1 seems to take me to some weird villa in the hills with odd blokes & swimming pool, whatever ...🤢 Blokes... 1
Alladino Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 7 minutes ago, ddhm said: They made a big effort to “ kick off “ / start a new RLC with more “ ALIVE “ things than the repeated quiet and boredom they had for a long time . Most of the tenants ( Barcelona speaking ) have been really ok so far , for 3 weeks in the new RLC we have seen quiet a lot . Quite frankly , even these two ( Severina and Mariam ) with that totally wrong approach showed a totally new thing that we had never seen before , obviously they had no idea what they were doing with the cameras recording but also it was a mistake from RLC that didn’t try to speak to them when the first 1-2 incidents were shown till we reached the last one when most probably the police threat made RLC to take SERIOUS actions . I agree with the post made that in such a big “ RELAUNCH “ , it can’t be that you succeed with everyone . To be honest , I think the majority is completely dissatisfied from Lara and Liza , all the rest have been very active for this short period . I get the feeling that RLC will continue with their idea of bringing new faces except if this now unexpected turn of events makes them want to reopen B1 fast or if this won’t be possible , they will be saving money with one apartment less . BIGGEST WISH ? Bring back Marlene and Tesla ( they are very close friends ) OR have the lovely and wonderful sisters back ( Esmi and Zabava ) .. but , it seems we get two new faces and let’s hope that the casting is done from whoever brought the villa tenants as it was already mentioned that these two ( Severina / Mariam ) seemed to be from someone else ( they didn’t even care to interact with any other all those 13 days ) . WTF?!? Most of the new residents are do nothings. The few who actually have sex there seem to see RLC more like a porn set. B1 is once again the downpoint, with three do nothings, two of whom are were totally twisted prostitutes/fraudsters. There is still hope for some of the new girls that they will get used to the cameras, but if you look at the past, that is quite unlikely. RLC thought that just a lot of change equals progress and I think they failed quite miserably. 1
Fritzhonka Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 B1 is my favorite apartment, good and plenty camera placements but the 3 new tenants were so boring that I hardly watched it so maybe I shouldn’t complain 1
Nordlicht Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 Ari zieht in #B4, passt gut zu den " vernünftigen Mädchen " wird mehr Spaß hier haben. Die Lästerschwestern Aziza und Azura müssen sich das Zimmer von Azura teilen. Shantal wird in #B2 geschoben, ins "Paradies" der langweiligen Mädchen. Shantal wir überbewertet, sie wird ein farbloses Mädchen in RLC bleiben Einfach mal so Phantasien in den Raum schmeißen.
FrankZabba Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 11 minutes ago, Alladino said: WTF?!? Most of the new residents are do nothings. The few who actually have sex there seem to see RLC more like a porn set. B1 is once again the downpoint, with three do nothings, two of whom are were totally twisted prostitutes/fraudsters. There is still hope for some of the new girls that they will get used to the cameras, but if you look at the past, that is quite unlikely. RLC thought that just a lot of change equals progress and I think they failed quite miserably. amen!
FrankZabba Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 1 minute ago, Nordlicht said: Ari moves to #B4, goes well with the "reasonable girls" will have more fun here. The blasphemous sisters Aziza and Azura have to share Azura's room. Shantal is pushed into #B2, the "paradise" of boring girls. Shantal is overrated, she will remain a colorless girl in RLC Just throw fantasies into the room. the best thing would be to leave shantal in b1 and find two new girls for b1. moving someone like shantal to any other apartment is just asking for more boredom from her and or trouble. 2 1
Sergio Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 5 hours ago, BobKS said: Ich nehme an ,dass das Projekt RLC im ganzen zu 100% legal ist. Warum auch nicht ??? Und nur weil man Russe ist , Ist man längst nicht gleich ein Verbrecher ... obwohl die westlichen Medien, es gerne uns so darstellen möchten .... I don't think the girls have regular contracts, that would be a joke, normal Russian citizens are certainly good people, the powers that be and whoever runs a porn site definitely not 1
emoemily Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 B1 was what i subbed for, this is kind of sad but i watch because i work from home, it was nice to see their world while i work with this i think im out after a few years of watching, i hope im wrong and they sort it out but i can't see it happening, i will move to a new site 1
BobKS Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 14 minutes ago, Sergio said: Ich glaube nicht, dass die Mädchen feste Verträge haben, das wäre ein Witz, normale russische Bürger sind sicherlich gute Menschen, die Mächtigen und wer auch immer eine Pornoseite betreibt, definitiv nicht Ich weiß nicht wie es in Spanien läuft, aber in Deutschland hat tatsächlich jeder halbwegs seriöse Bordel , angemeldete Mitarbeiter ( Prostituierte) mit gültigen Arbeitsvertrag . Sonst drohen den Bordelbesitzer unmengen an Strafen wegen illegaler Beschäftigung. Natürlich gibt es auch hier Ausnahmen, aber fast alle halten sich an Gesetze .. Und dadurch ,das RLC so auffällig im Internet präsent ist , wäre alles ander als ordnungsgemäß das Geschäft zu betreiben, reine Selbstmord... Das ist meine Meinung..
Epikouros Posted April 28, 2023 Posted April 28, 2023 I quite liked B1 when Shantal was there on her own, before Mariam & Severina joined. I wonder why they don't just leave Shantal in B1, with the cams on. In the meantime, they can try to find housemates for her. Unless... Shantal quit because of all the drama, and they're still trying to convince her not to leave? Hence why Shantal is not indicated as having left the project, but she's not visible in any apartment either right now?... 1 1
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