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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #26


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3 minutes ago, Anode said:

Mon avis est que Leora est dominée et cela s'accentue de jour en jour !

We'll talk about it again when Leora want to bate and sends Paul to the park near the house. That can be today or tomorrow.

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il y a 8 minutes, Brokk! a dit :

On en reparlera quand Leora voudra s'en prendre et enverra Paul au parc près de la maison. Cela peut être aujourd'hui ou demain.

Bonjour Brokk ;

Il est quelque part obligé , comment pourrait il faire autrement qui subviendrait a son confort et caprices

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42 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Not for us but apparently for her yes, 

I am not interested in whether she enjoyed it or not, I am though interested in what I can see clearly. He who pays the fiddler calls the tune….Normally!

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3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

I don’t often agree with you, but, I get the impression Paul is not as stupid as people think.

He is on a free ride with Leora no matter how he behaves or whatever he contributes.

Its fair to say and only the sad acolytes will disagree as is expected and predictable, that since his return they have between them snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Prior to his arrival whether with Malia or on her own Leora was ( with occasional exceptions) good value for money the majority of times, dancing, singing, occasional drink, experimenting and always in good lighting. Yes she went missing a couple of night each week and hid in the toilet on the phone but usually made up for it with lengthy enjoyable sessions compensating the audience for her absence.      

Since his return she has become apathetic and spends very little time in the apartment, whilst allowing Paul to impose his will on proceedings that earns the money for them both, we now have interrupted teasing sessions that may have born fruit and his surly demeanour dominating the usually happy Leora.

Sadly he is a one man wave of distraction and destruction, killing any passion Leora might have and any hope for anything better for the viewing audience.

Leora is who the audience pay to see, she should impose her will on the proceedings and inform him that the apartment would still be one of the top sites without him, but not without her.

Last night’s exhibition was pitiful and embarrassing…. He’s a child in a man’s body and she is weak.




Very well said. This apartment is way too predictable now and having to watch and put up with Paul is too sickening to watch. He has even caused me to be pissed off at Leora (as evident by my latest posts) for choosing someone like Paul. Basically, she has NO taste in men. To me, Paul has made Leora look bad and gives the appearance that Paul is a true all-star and prize catch of a man. Leora does indeed have bad eyesight and next to no self worth. Happy trails Leora with deadbeat Paul.

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3 hours ago, Anode said:

Bonjour Ramé ;

J'ai souvent lu que c'était Leora qui gouvernait et porter la culotte , en réalité c'est Paul qui donne les ordres , pour manger ,regarder un film , ce faire sucer ,cette appartement devient routinier et pitoyable Leora n'a plus la main elle est devenue un objet pour Paul !


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