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Martina & Alberto - 2023 #6


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8 hours ago, Adalbert said:

Yes she has one and we have seen her on Martina's birthday party...but that was the only visit in the appartment. 😉

The presumption that the new girl at the party was the gf is based on two observations.  Only friends of Martina were at the party, and i believe she was the only one not seen before.  On the balcony, this new girl sat near Martina, and was seen discretely holding hands with her.

And Taco was so happy to see this new girl that he jumped up and nipped her hand.  That Taco seemed to know her may be a hint that this girl lives nearby.  And IIRC, the new girl was dressed conservatively and fashionably.

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10 hours ago, Adalbert said:

Yes she has one and we have seen her on Martina's birthday party...but that was the only visit in the appartment. 😉

That is not proof

1 hour ago, moules said:

The presumption that the new girl at the party was the gf is based on two observations.  Only friends of Martina were at the party, and i believe she was the only one not seen before.  On the balcony, this new girl sat near Martina, and was seen discretely holding hands with her.

And Taco was so happy to see this new girl that he jumped up and nipped her hand.  That Taco seemed to know her may be a hint that this girl lives nearby.  And IIRC, the new girl was dressed conservatively and fashionably.

That is an assumption, not a presumption, so as I said before, it's all just speculation, not proof.

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2 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

That is an assumption, not a presumption, so as I said before, it's all just speculation, not proof.

Of course you are correct Pete, until we see Martina fucking her girlfriend, this absolutely is speculation and not “proof”.  But as speculations go, it seems we have a lot of circumstantial evidence that Martina has a love interest beyond whatever she has with Alberto.  This is not like other speculations (eg Martina is fucking the fat guy).

I am led to believe that there is a secret private network here that includes the translators and others like @Deepdave who know what really is going on … and the only reason they don’t share here is because some of us trash them and disrespect them.  But on the existence of a girlfriend, I thought we had confirmation from the secret network although maybe I am mistaken.

To me the biggest evidence that she has a serious love interest beyond Alberto is that DeepDave has gone AWOL of late.  For over a year he has tried to convince us that Martina and Alberto are true love birds and she likes to party but never hooks up etc etc etc.  Well he’s been pretty quiet lately which tells me that the secret network KNOWS that all is not happy happy in Martina/Alberto land.


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2 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

Natuurlijk heb je gelijk Pete, totdat we Martina haar vriendin zien neuken, is dit absoluut speculatie en geen "bewijs". Maar zoals speculaties gaan, lijkt het erop dat we veel indirect bewijs hebben dat Martina een liefdesbelang heeft dat verder gaat dan wat ze met Alberto heeft. Dit is niet zoals andere speculaties (bijv. Martina neukt de dikke man).

Ik ben ertoe gebracht te geloven dat er hier een geheim privé-netwerk is dat de vertalers en anderen omvat@Deepdave die weten wat er echt aan de hand is … en de enige reden dat ze hier niet delen, is omdat sommigen van ons ze weggooien en ze niet respecteren. Maar over het bestaan van een vriendin dacht ik dat we bevestiging hadden van het geheime netwerk, hoewel ik me misschien vergis.

Voor mij is het grootste bewijs dat ze een serieuze liefdesbelang heeft naast Alberto, dat DeepDave de laatste tijd AWOL is geworden. Al meer dan een jaar probeert hij ons ervan te overtuigen dat Martina en Alberto echte tortelduifjes zijn en dat ze van feesten houdt, maar nooit afhaakt enz. enz. Nou, hij is vrij stil de laatste tijd, wat me zegt dat het geheime netwerk WEET dat niet alles gelukkig is gelukkig in Martina/Alberto-land.


En sex hebben ze ook niet meer.

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Funny to read that fucking in front of a camera seems to be the only valid proof for a relationsship. Always good to learn every day something new. 👍

Secret network  😎? You are so funny, but I agree such conspiracy theory exists since hundreds of years and are very popular. They help some people to live in their bubble. 


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9 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

That is not proof

That is an assumption, not a presumption, so as I said before, it's all just speculation, not proof.

In my lexicon, assumption means no evidence, presumption is some evidence but no proof

If one revisits the New Year's party, with the foursome in the bedroom, that was not the first time for that quartet of M&A, Marta and bf.  They were much too comfortable with the casual, pre-sex nudity.  For example, Alberto's face being several centimeters from Marta's bare pussy as he dressed her.  From that, one can presume that Martina has a private life of romance / sex that she selectively chooses to reveal to the cams

A mutual exchange of public affection at a birthday party is evidence that there may be something more to the story, but not proof.   IIRC, Martina was not similarly affectionate with anyone else at the party.

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2 minutes ago, moules said:

In my lexicon, assumption means no evidence, presumption is some evidence but no proof

If one revisits the New Year's party, with the foursome in the bedroom, that was not the first time for that quartet of M&A, Marta and bf.  They were much too comfortable with the casual, pre-sex nudity.  For example, Alberto's face being several centimeters from Marta's bare pussy as he dressed her.  From that, one can presume that Martina has a private life of romance / sex that she selectively chooses to reveal to the cams

A mutual exchange of public affection at a birthday party is evidence that there may be something more to the story, but not proof.   IIRC, Martina was not similarly affectionate with anyone else at the party.

So do you want to add Martina showering chatting to her brother, perhaps that could be a presumption of incest or shows of affection to her big gay friend, perhaps the gay bit is to throw everyone of track

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6 minutes ago, Pete1960 said:

So do you want to add Martina showering chatting to her brother, perhaps that could be a presumption of incest or shows of affection to her big gay friend, perhaps the gay bit is to throw everyone of track

There is ample documentary proof that Martina is bisexual, so her showing affection to a gay friend would not be evidence of anything further;  for example, Martina participating in a MMF threesome with two bisexual guys.

And is not her brother gay?  If her brother got into the shower with her, and they began to wash each other ALL over, then one could presume there was more to the story.

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4 hours ago, Adalbert said:

Grappig om te lezen dat neuken voor een camera het enige geldige bewijs lijkt te zijn voor een relatie. Altijd goed om elke dag iets nieuws te leren. 👍

Geheim netwerk  😎 ? Je bent zo grappig, maar ik ben het ermee eens dat dergelijke complottheorieën al honderden jaren bestaan en erg populair zijn. Ze helpen sommige mensen om in hun bubbel te leven. 


Er is hier misschien geen netwerk, maar er wordt hier wel veel informatie via pm verspreid.

Heb jij de laatste maanden iets waargenomen dat op een relatie lijkt?

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4 hours ago, Adalbert said:

Funny to read that fucking in front of a camera seems to be the only valid proof for a relationsship. Always good to learn every day something new. 👍

Don’t take me out of context Dalbert.  I think you know what I meant.  It seems you too are in agreement that Martina has an outside love interest.  All I am saying to Pete is that he is correct we don’t have 100% evidence but it seems very likely to me.  We wouldn’t have to her fucking on cam … but that does seem to be what everyone wants to see in order to be satisfied that Martina has another lover.

4 hours ago, Adalbert said:

Secret network  😎? You are so funny, but I agree such conspiracy theory exists since hundreds of years and are very popular. They help some people to live in their bubble. 

Give me a break.  You know what I mean.  Information is shared here via PM’s that is much different than what we talk about here.  I myself have been privy to some of that.  I do not begrudge the private network because I understand how it works.  Only a few people know Catalan and what this couple talk about and within the confines of CC … this gives them a lot of power here.  

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3 hours ago, daerjohn2015 said:

Er is hier misschien geen netwerk, maar er wordt hier wel veel informatie via pm verspreid.

Heb jij de laatste maanden iets waargenomen dat op een relatie lijkt?

Hello daerjohn,

you are right, except that they live together, talk to each other and hug each other from time to time it wasn't that much. But many have already expected that they leave RLC. We can see how long this can take when we look at Tibor and Linda. I think it is like always a question of money.


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3 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

Don’t take me out of context Dalbert.  I think you know what I meant.  It seems you too are in agreement that Martina has an outside love interest.  All I am saying to Pete is that he is correct we don’t have 100% evidence but it seems very likely to me.  We wouldn’t have to her fucking on cam … but that does seem to be what everyone wants to see in order to be satisfied that Martina has another lover.

Give me a break.  You know what I mean.  Information is shared here via PM’s that is much different than what we talk about here.  I myself have been privy to some of that.  I do not begrudge the private network because I understand how it works.  Only a few people know Catalan and what this couple talk about and within the confines of CC … this gives them a lot of power here.  

Hi JenMom,

We both know how it works here 😉

I don't care what others belive or not. Everybody here is free to have his own small world and can believe things which are posted here or not.

I personally believe that she is in a new relationship with another woman, otherwise the current behavior of her and Alberto makes no sense to me but if anyone needs other proofs then good luck that she or he gets them.🤞

Yes some additional Infos are shared only via PM since the credible translator here are often treated like shit by some forum members.

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