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Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7


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5 hours ago, chuck206 said:

one tells Martina what to do    I pay no serious attention to that. Just something posted on the forum. A statement uttered under what context?  An argument? I think we all have a streak of independence and defiance in us. 

fuck Nelly while Alberto played video games     whose value system are you using? Mine says it's wrong. BUT .... Martina and Alberto play by a different set of rules. After the sex, with Nelly asleep, Martina went to Alberto (in front of the TV, playing video games). Alberto had a big grin on his face, they talked, and they were both in a good mood and laughing.

Her basic attitude toward Alberto   when? You mean the last 4 years or longer? When Martina would jump into Alberto's arms and kiss? When they would cuddle on the sofa ..... which usually lead to a BJ or sex? Or the many times they attacked one another in the kitchen? If your talking about the last 6 months, I think Martina has been clear on their relationship .... it's ending. No more sex play. 

some have observed, she doesn't make an effort toward him either   3 observations of the same event ..... 3 different conclusions. As no one understands the language, we really don't know if this observation is true. How many times has Martina asked Alberto to join her for an outing? How many times has Alberto declined? Nothing but speculation.

if Alberto tried to stop her, it wouldn't go well.    I agree. When would it go well? If the girlfriend wanted to do X, and the boyfriend said no, would it go well? If the wife wanted to do X, and the husband said no, would it go well? Conflict is conflict. Somebody's feelings are going to get hurt. Normal. Alberto has been understanding of Martina's desires. Tolerant and accepting. That would have been something to see, if Alberto objected and laid down the law. 😲   

how she treated Taco    what does that have to do with being self centered? Taco hurt Martina and she swatted him. Molehill-Mountain. Martina has treated the dog very well over the years, one swat and now she is a horrible monster. I don't think so. Taco ate the leather couch....he lived! Taco has been hugged and cuddled. It was Martina who took the dogs for a walk at 3am, while Alberto slept on the couch, tired from a long day of video games. Taco sleeps on the couch, on the guest bed, and in the main bed with Martina or Alberto. Martina has taken Taco to B4 in the past, and to B7, where he plays with Nelly dog. Poor Taco .... he is so mistreated. Call Animal Control!

Excellent rebuttal my good friend.

I won't quibble on any of these points.  I think I have been clear that I don't want to believe she is self-centered.   So perhaps I am wrong which would be a good thing.

I am struck by how much time affects our thinking.  The very first point about Martina declaring no one  tells her what to do.  This is such a huge theme in these posts over the years, yet you dismiss it so easily.


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4 hours ago, darkman said:

I wouldn't like a Martina for my son's girlfriend, WHO WOULD LIKE IT? raise your hand .

Agree.  I want her for my girlfriend!


4 hours ago, darkman said:

I do speak Catalan, and Spanish, and it's not like you say, in conversations with Alberto in the bedroom, she told him, the relationship she had with Nelly, and that he ignored her and that it made her very angry,

3 hours ago, emnv said:

The use you make of "usted" and the slum language you use tells me that you are a sexist Latino who had a problem with a woman and now you think you are Alberto and the woman is Martina.


Am I the only one here who feels like I am on a jury and each side has presented an expert witness and both have made compelling cases but we are no further along at understanding what is really happening?   I mean this out of no disrespect to either expert BTW.


Edited by JenniferMom
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59 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

I am struck by how much time affects our thinking.  The very first point about Martina declaring no one  tells her what to do.  This is such a huge theme in these posts over the years, yet you dismiss it so easily.

Do you allow people to tell you what to do? I don't think many women allow their mates to tell them what to do. Especially modern liberated women...

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Hace 5 horas, emnv dijo:

Incluso si vives en Barcelona, dudo mucho que entiendas bien el catalán porque te equivocas cuando no habla español claro.

El uso que haces de "usted" y el lenguaje de barrio que usas me dice que eres un latino machista que tuvo un problema con una mujer y ahora crees que eres Alberto y la mujer es Martina.

Les ruego que dejen de intoxicar, confundir y molestar a la gente con sus problemas.

ni soy latino , ni uso lenguaje de barrio , hablo correcto castellano , si por latino entiende usted que hablamos idiomas que provienen del latin , si usted no es aleman o vasco creo que tambien es latino , aqui en españa un latino es un sudamericano ( sudaka ) en despectivo , yo soy español con los ojos verdes y con genes de granada , creo que soy mas moro que latino . es mas me esfuerzo en escribirlo para que se entienda en la traduccion , machista soy como la mayoria , un poco si , un poco racista tambien , y un poco xenofogo tambien , lo Que no soy hipócrita. Ni quiero una novia como martina para mi hijo, ni una negra, ni quiero que mi hijo sea gay. ¿si eso es? racista, xenofogo, machista, si lo soy en cierto grado, tiene usted razón.

si tuve una relacion con una martina, una loca del coño, casada, que despues de mi ha estado ya con varios y ninguno le habla, con todos acaba igual. y si hacia las mismas cosas que hace martina , por eso se de que hablo , lo vivi en carne propia , no estoy dolido con las mujeres no soy misogino , no odio a las mujeres , solo a las muy hijas de puta , soy bastante selectivo Ahora, aprendí mucho.

yo expongo mi opinión, esto es un foro, no insulto a nadie, ni falto al respeto, y no aplico el argumento AD HOMINEM, cuando leo algo que no me gusta, usted si.

exponga usted su teoría y lea si quiere la de los demas y viva la vida.



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14 hours ago, ddhm said:

I could never imagine that this place could get even worse than Linda and Tibor .. pff , never say never I guess .. 


¿Qué hay más que mirar? Ambos ya están bastante fuera de cámara. Incluso Alberto ha empezado a despegar los fines de semana.

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We probably just have to realize that the end is coming for this couple. As has been written here before, Alberto has been approved for the loan on his new house and will be moving in shortly. Martina is starting at the university and will work alongside her studies, several hours per day from what I understand. So we wouldn't see much of her either.

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1 hour ago, Noldus said:

We probably just have to realize that the end is coming for this couple. As has been written here before, Alberto has been approved for the loan on his new house and will be moving in shortly. Martina is starting at the university and will work alongside her studies, several hours per day from what I understand. So we wouldn't see much of her either.

Leora and Paul , Linda and Tibor , they can’t understand that everything has an expiring date and they should move on … of course , the money ( and not only )  is an irresistible excuse / benefit and i can understand that the couples are “ hurting “ their image so as to extend their stays . The time for this “ couple “ has arrived also since a long time , I hope they don’t make the same mistake and know that it is now the time to go and remember them with smiles and good feelings and not extend for any reason their on cameras presence . 

I guess as soon as we see Alberto moving things , then the end is near . It still remains a question though if Martina becomes the Masha of Barcelona .. 

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5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Leora and Paul , Linda and Tibor , they can’t understand that everything has an expiring date and they should move on … of course , the money ( and not only )  is an irresistible excuse / benefit and i can understand that the couples are “ hurting “ their image so as to extend their stays . The time for this “ couple “ has arrived also since a long time , I hope they don’t make the same mistake and know that it is now the time to go and remember them with smiles and good feelings and not extend for any reason their on cameras presence . 

I guess as soon as we see Alberto moving things , then the end is near . It still remains a question though if Martina becomes the Masha of Barcelona .. 

1.   Martina moves and RLC closes the apartment?

2.  GF4 moves in the apartment continues?

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